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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:55 题号:17727699

Facial images can be used to identify signs of disease in diagnosis (诊断). For example, abnormal changes in eye movement can indicate poor visual function and visual developmental problems. However, facial images also record other information about the patients, including their race, sex, age and mood. Due to privacy concerns, people often hesitate to share their facial images for public medical research or electronic health records, blocking the development of digital medical care.

The researchers now develop a digital mask, which inputs an original video of a patient’s face and outputs a video based on the use of a deep learning algorithm (算法)and 3D reconstruction. At the same time, the digital mask can remove as much of the patient’s personal biometric (生物统计的)information as possible.

Next, the researchers tested how useful the masks were in clinical practice and found that diagnosis through the digital masks agrees with that carried out through the original videos. This suggested that the technology was accurate enough in clinical practice. The team also confirmed that the digital masks can also avoid artificial intelligence-powered facial recognition.

The team surveyed randomly (随机地)selected patients attending clinics to test their attitudes towards digital masks. Over 80% of patients believed the digital masks would ease their privacy concerns and they expressed an increased willingness to share their personal information if such a measure was carried out.

Professor Patrick from the University of Cambridge said, “Digital masks offer a practical approach to protecting information from facial images, while still allowing the information to be useful to clinicians.” This could make telemedicine-phone and video consultations, much more practicable, making healthcare delivery more efficient especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. If tele-medicine is to be widely adopted, then we need to overcome the barriers and concerns related to privacy protection. The digital mask is an important step in this direction.

1. What is the problem with the facial images in diagnosis?
A.Its result may be inaccurate.
B.Its process is too complicated.
C.It may reveal patients’ privacy.
D.It fails to observe eye movement.
2. What can we learn about the digital mask?
A.It preserves biometric information of patients.
B.It can prevent the individual being identified.
C.It has high requirements for the original videos.
D.It helps doctors diagnose disease more accurately.
3. What is Professor Patrick’s attitude towards the digital mask?
4. What does the last paragraph focus on?
A.The significance of the digital mask.
B.The future development of telemedicine.
C.The barriers to protecting patients’ privacy.
D.The practical ways to protect patients’ privacy.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The Australian Antarctic Division is ready to lead one of the most ambitious and challenging scientific projects yet undertaken in Antarctica-the quest to drill an ice core containing a million-year record of Earth’s climate and atmospheric history.

This record will help solve a long-standing mystery about the timing of past ice ages-why, almost one million years ago, the cycle of ice ages shifted from a regular 41,000-year cycle to an ice age every 100,000 years.

The Antarctic ice cap is formed by layers of snowfall, which are compressed at depth into ice. Trace chemicals and particles trapped in the ice layers provide data on how the climate and atmosphere has changed over time. Past temperature, the frequency and power of volcanic eruptions, sea ice coverage, dustiness and wind patterns are all recorded.

Air pockets in the snow become trapped as bubbles(气泡) in the ice. Each bubble is an original sample of the atmosphere, from the time the snow was transformed to ice. Carbon dioxide, methane, oxygen and other gases can be extracted from the bubbles to reveal their past atmospheric concentrations.

The 41,000-year ice age cycle matches a known periodicity in the tilt(倾斜) of Earth’s axis. The 100,000-year cycle matches a periodicity in the shape of the Earth’s orbit. Why the ice age cycles shifted from being paced by one parameter (参数) to the other is unresolved. The Antarctic ice sheet witnessed these changes and the answer to the puzzle may lie in the ancient ice.

A leading theory is that declining atmospheric CO2 levels were the cause of the longer, colder ice ages. The million-year ice core record will provide the essential CO2 record to test this theory. By greatly extending the detailed record of Earth’s climate history, the million-year ice core will also place current changes in climate and greenhouse gas concentrations into a deeper context.

1. What happened to the earth about one million years ago?
A.The cycle of ice ages changed.
B.The cycle of ice ages disappeared.
C.The Antarctic ice cap came into being.
D.The CO2 levels in the atmosphere increased.
2. What information does an ice core probably include?
A.The movements of sea ice.
B.The level of volcanic activities.
C.The cause of volcanic eruptions.
D.The cause of the tilt of Earth’s axis.
3. What’s the message conveyed in the fifth paragraph?
A.The tilt of Earth’s axis may have affected the ice ages.
B.The ice age cycles aren’t related to the Earth’s orbit.
C.The Earth’s orbit became stable about 100,000 years ago.
D.The orbital parameters are the key to studying the ancient ice.
4. What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?
A.The evolution of the earth’s environment.
B.The periodicity of atmospheric CO2 levels.
C.The trend of climate change in recent years.
D.The potential value of the million-year ice core.
2023-05-14更新 | 116次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Your brain isn't necessarily the same age as the rest of you. Now, it may be possible to predict how quickly a person's brain will age throughout life based on tests taken when he or she is three years old.

A person's biological age may be a better indicator of their health than their real age. Brain age can be measured using brain scans and machine﹣learning to determine if a person's brain looks older or younger than the average healthy brain for people of the same age.

To find out if brain age might reveal anything about a person's health in midlife, Max Elliott at Duke University in North Carolina and his colleagues assessed the brains of 869 adults in New Zealand who have undergone regular medical and cognitive (认知的) testing since they were 3 years old.

When the volunteers, all aged between 43 and 46, underwent MRI brain scans, the team found that their brain ages ranged from 23 to 71. Those with older brain ages performed worse on tests of cognition, memory and IQ. The researchers also found that some people have a very advanced brain age but their bodies seem to be ageing slowly, and vice versa (反之亦然). However, the team found that those who had the highest scores on cognitive tests when they were 3 years old went on to have the youngest﹣looking brains.

This suggests we might be able to tell who is at risk of accelerated brain ageing early in life. Researchers hope that predicting brain ageing earlier in life could allow treatments for conditions like dementia (痴呆) to be started sooner. This means treatments might have a better chance of working.

We don't yet have a way to treat brain ageing, but given the known benefits to the brain of healthy eating and exercise, these aren't a bad place to start.

1. What helps predict the speed of one's brain ageing?
A.One's health condition.
B.A test result at the age of 3.
C.The actual age of one's brain.
D.A machine for medical check.
2. What is the purpose of Elliott's research?
A.To find out why people look older or younger.
B.To measure people's brain age at different stages.
C.To discover whether brain age can be measured by machines.
D.To explore the relationship between brain age and future health.
3. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.The influence of cognitive tests.
B.The procedure of Elliott's study.
C.The information about volunteers.
D.The findings of the brain research.
4. What do the findings of the research imply?
A.We should test our brain age earliest possible.
B.People suffering dementia can go on working.
C.Brain ageing could be predicted at an early age.
D.Healthy eating and exercise can cure brain ageing.
2020-02-10更新 | 320次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A group of German Scientists have discovered that the lotus plant is truly spotless. It does not allow any dirt to remain on its surface. And there is a clear reason for it.

Lotus leaves are round and large and it is almost impossible to get them wet. You may splash as much water as you want on a lotus leaf, but the droplets immediately roll off. What makes this water plant’s leaves water repellent (防水剂)?

Scientists have always known that aquatic (水生的) leaves secrete or give out wax crystals (蜡质结晶). These crystals help prevent the leaves from getting flooded with the water around the leaves. They also help the leaves gain the required amount of moisture. The leaves are able to do this because wax resists water.

Now the scientists have discovered that these leaf surfaces have an amazing ability to clean themselves. Scientists at the University of Bonn carried out extensive research to show that the water droplets rolling off a lotus leaf carry away dirt particles, leaving the surface perfectly clean. This phenomenon has been named the “Lotus Effect” and works best on rough surfaces. A report on the scientists’ study was published in the journal “Planta”.

Contrary to popular belief, lotus leaves are not smooth at all. When examined under a powerful microscope, the leaf cells show a bumpy surface. That makes the surface rough. As a result, dirt particles rest only on the tips of wax crystals coating the leaf surface. The roughness reduces the contact area between the particles (颗粒) and the leaf surface.

A rough surface structure with wax crystals makes it impossible for water to stick. Due to the friction, the water contracts at once. It forms spherical droplets to minimise the contact area with the rough, waxy leaf surface and runs off the leaf very quickly. Since the dirt particles only rest on the tips of the wax crystals, they stick more strongly to the water droplets than to the leaf surfaces. They are washed away when the water falls on the leaves.

1. What is one significance of wax crystals on leaves?
A.Maintaince of heat.B.Resistance of water.
C.Protection from insects.D.Protection of the surface.
2. What does paragraph 4 mainly tell us?
A.Lotus Effect.B.The leaves’ size.
C.The leaves’ shape.D.The leaves’ surfaces.
3. What can we know from the last paragraph?
A.The leaves’ surface makes water stay.B.Water droplets can absorb wax crystals.
C.Waterdrops carry off the dirt on leaves.D.Wax crystals don’t allow dirt to rest on leaves.
4. What’s a suitable title for the text?
A.How the Lotus Leaf Cleans ItselfB.What the Function of Wax Crystals
C.Why the Lotus Has a Rough SurfaceD.Scientists’ Research about Wax Crystals
2022-07-03更新 | 125次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般