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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:54 题号:18397592

Habitat loss, pesticides (农药) and climate change are threatening insect populations worldwide. In 2019, Biological Conservation reported that 40% of all insects species are declining (减少) globally and that a third of them are endangered.

And while it may sound nice to live in a world with fewer bad insects, environmental writer Oliver Milman says that human beings would be in big trouble without insects. That’s because insects play important roles in pollinating (给……授粉) plants we eat, breaking down waste in forest soil and forming the base of a food chain that other larger animals-including humans-rely upon.

“It would be an extremely terrible place to live in-and certainly not something we should ever aim for,” Milman says of an insect-free existence. “You would certainly have mass starvation and social unrest...It’d be a place where there would be smelly waste and dead bodies everywhere because insects that break down those materials would be gone.”

Milman charts the troubling decline of insects in his new book, The Insect Crisis: The Fall of the Tiny Empires That Run the World. He says that while it’s impossible to know exactly what’s happening with every insect species in the world, the overall trends are not good: The butterfly population in North America has declined quickly in the past 40 years, for example, and a U.N. assessment done in 2019 found that half a million insect species are under threat of extinction, some in the coming decades.

“The world, our surroundings, would be far quieter, far duller without insects,” he, says. “When you start kind of digging down into these figures looking at the research, it’s clear that there’s something seriously wrong...There is a straight decline in most insect populations, and that spells major trouble for them but also for us.”

1. What should be the proper opinion about the insects according to the passage?
A.They can benefit the growth of plants.B.They can prevent plants from harvesting.
C.They are harmful to humans.D.They can produce a lot of waste.
2. What does Milman probably agree with?
A.The insects might make the world a terrible place to live in.
B.The insects might make much trouble to the dead bodies.
C.People would certainly have mass starvation with an insect-free existence.
D.The insects might produce too much smelly waste.
3. How did Milman prove the serious situation of the insects?
A.By comparing two insects.B.By giving some examples.
C.By analyzing the data.D.By using his research.
4. What Milman’s attitude to the future of insects?


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】My day is never complete without being outdoors and taking photos of wildlife, no matter the season. My husband, Mick and I took early retirement. Upon retirement, we moved from the Niagara region to the small town of Dwight, Ont. Our home was on a small private lake in the country. Luckily , there was lots of wildlife to keep it interesting.

One of our neighbours, George, introduced me to the wonderful world of bird watching. George had many feeders in his yard and I quickly learned the names of the many local birds that visited them often. My favourite was the ruby-throated hummingbird. These tiny , super fast little birds were both interesting and amazing to watch.

I remember one summer day going over to George’s house and standing on a ladder beside the feeder, trying to get a closeup of the tiny-winged bird, when it started to rain. I was sheltered as I stood on the second-to-top rung of the ladder so my camera and I didn’t get drenched. Then came the most amazing experience of my life. There must have been two dozen hummingbirds flying around me and the feeder for an hour or so, I enjoyed feeling the air across my face created by their hardworking wings and watching some of them come right up to within inches of my face looking at me. I was able to get a few good closeup shots but what was most memorable was the feeling of being part of the hummingbird community if only for that hour.

When the rain cleared, I remember walking back to my lake house still hearing the hum of two dozen little wings. That’s when I decided I needed to put up my own hummingbird feeder to study and learn from these little birds.

I bought a small feeder, filled it with sugar water and placed it in the tree outside my kitchen window. Within a short time I got my first little visitor. I’ll never forget how excited I was and how excited I am today, even after six years, every time I see one.

1. Which of the following best describes the author?
A.She has a generous spirit.B.She is a specialist in wildlife.
C.She loves to connect with nature.D.She finds it hard to get used to city life.
2. What does the underlined word “drenched” mean in Paragraph 3?
A.Suddenly lost.B.Easily noticed.C.Deeply attracted.D.Completely wet.
3. What was the author’s most unforgettable experience?
A.Taking photos of hummingbirds.B.Getting really close to hummingbirds.
C.Going bird watching with her husband.D.Setting up feeders with the help of George.
4. What happened after the author set up her own feeder?
A.Her quiet life came to an end.B.A group of birds flew around her.
C.A hummingbird soon paid a visit.D.Sugar water in it was left untouched.
2022-07-11更新 | 76次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】To make room for agriculture, trees and other plants are often cleared away so that farmers have space to grow crops. The clearing of forests forces many animals from their homes. They often flee the area in search of a new place to live. There is a big downside to that. Some of those animals are natural predators. They control pest populations. They can help to clear the fields of rats, mice, and other rodents that eat and damage crops.

This happened at one small farming village in Indonesia. After land was cleared for farming, rats and mice began appearing in large numbers. Villagers tried to target the animals by smoking them out and hunting them. But the villagers were unsuccessful.

So, one farmer decided to try another method- a natural one.

Pujo Arto brought owls to his farm. Owls, after all, are experts at hunting rodents. It is what they do. And it worked! However, Pujo Arto didn't stop with his own field. He set up a Natural Predator Program. Now, owls are busy catching rats and mice in the fields around the village of Tlogoweru. There is a huge upside: no need for chemical pesticides which can harm not only rodents, but other creatures.

In 2011, the Indonesian man began setting up boxes where the owls live. He is also raising owlets in the village. After about four months, the young birds are released. These facilities have raised more than owls. They have also raised awareness in the community about the importance of owls. They raised awareness within their community by building homes for those owls. At the same time, government officials helped to create laws to protect those owls.

In addition to controlling pests naturally, there is another upside to the program. His village is now a popular stop for eco-tourists. People interested in learning more about owls, wildlife protection and natural pest control come to his village to learn more.

1. Why did the owls get away from the land around the village?
A.There was no food to eat.
B.There were too many rats and mice.
C.They were smoked away.
D.They had no place to live.
2. Natural Predator Program is         .
A.to use owls to catch the crop-damaging rodents
B.to attract eco-tourists to the village
C.to raise awareness of protecting forests
D.to control pests by using chemical pesticides
3. Which of the following is the right order according to the passage?
a. introducing owls
b. pests being controlled naturally
c. rodents appearing in large numbers.
d. clearing forests
4. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.The importance of protecting owls.
B.Indonesian village uses owls to protect crops.
C.The advantages of using natural predators in agriculture.
D.The government's role in using owls to control pests.
2018-03-31更新 | 95次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Over the past 25 years, dozens of cats have appeared in my yard, silently begging for food. Most cats come and go, but Minnie stayed for 11 years.

When I first spotted her, Minnie was young and weak. She would creep up to eat the leftovers after I fed my cats. Pretty soon, she was regularly appearing at dinnertime. I would provide cat’s food just for her, but she would hide behind until I went back inside. Then, with no human near, she would wolf down her meals.

Minnie stuck around our house, and she was scrawny no more. Actually, she kept gaining weight —especially around her middle. Yes, she was pregnant. We prepared a small shelter in the garage, where Minnie would give birth and care for her kittens.

Once the kittens had been adopted, I began to spend hours in the yard, sitting as still as possible with a bowl of cat food next to me. She would sit a few feet from me, examining my every move. I, in turn, ignored her, reading my book, silently begging for her to come closer. She never did. I finally accepted that she was never going to let me pet her, but she still became my constant companion. Whenever I’d go outside, she’d meow hello then follow me around the house. This went on for three years.

Then one morning, Minnie just wasn’t there. I searched and searched around the neighborhood, but no Minnie. It always hurts to lose an animal you love. But I wouldn’t give anything in the world for the time we had with our Minnie. Untouchable as she was, she taught me friendship and love can be shared just by being present and accepting. No physical or verbal interaction needed. Just be there.

1. What can we learn about Minnie from paragraph 2?
A.She was eager for human affection.B.She was afraid of human presence.
C.She was attracted by the author’s cat.D.She preferred leftovers to cat’s food.
2. What does the underlined word “scrawny” mean in paragraph 3?
3. Why did the author sit in the yard for hours in paragraph 4?
A.To befriend Minnie.B.To enjoy reading.
C.To chock on Minnie’s safety.D.To look after Minnie’s kittens.
4. What does the author think of Minnie’s company?
A.Mentally irreplaceable.B.Emotionally distant.
C.Physically beneficial.D.Behaviorally unpredictable.
2023-05-30更新 | 145次组卷
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