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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:202 题号:19017382

Ever been hungry enough to eat a house? Now, you actually could.

Food waste is a big problem in Japan and globally. Japan produced around 5.7 million tons of food waste in 2019. The government plans to reduce that by around 2.7 million tons by 2030. Tokyo University researchers Kota Machida and Yuya Sakai have developed a way to transform food waste into cement (水泥) for construction use and more. This is the first-ever process created for making cement entirely from food waste. The researchers say their product is four times as strong as traditional concrete. This particular cement can be used to make things like tea cups or chairs as well. However, there’s one additional feature — it’s also eatable.

Kota and Yuya are the intelligence behind the formation of Fabula Inc., a company with purposes of reducing food waste, and helping fight global warming. As expected, something this unique took years to develop. It took a few attempts to find just the right process. Kota and Yuya created the unique technology while researching possible environment-friendly materials to replace cement-based concrete. Cement production accounts for 8% of the world’s carbon dioxide release.

After a few failures, they realized they could get the cement to bind (黏合) by adjusting the temperatures. “The most challenging part was that each type of food waste requires different temperatures,” Yuya said. So the researchers had to observe them and respond in time. In the experiments, Kota and Yuya have successfully made cement using tea leaves, coffee grounds, cabbage and even lunchbox leftovers.

Fabula Inc. is currently working to make tea cups and furniture, but Yuya is thinking a little bit bigger. Their product could provide relief in the form of eatable emergency shelters in disaster ones. “For example, if food cannot be delivered to the people, they could eat makeshift beds made out of food cement,” he said. To eat the material, a person needs to break it apart and boil it.

1. What’s mainly talked about in paragraph 1 and 2?
A.The functions of this particular cement.
B.The effects of food waste in the whole world.
C.The characteristics of the newly made cement.
D.The process of transforming food waste to cement.
2. Which is one of Kota and Yuya’s purposes in making use of food waste?
A.To handle global climate change.
B.To extend concrete’s service life.
C.To offer Fabula Inc. more cement.
D.To warn how serious food waste is.
3. What made the experiment of making cement out of food waste harder?
A.Making sure to make cement tasty.
B.Selecting correct food waste timely.
C.Getting cement broken apart easily.
D.Adjusting the temperatures constantly.
4. What does the underlined word “makeshift” in the last paragraph mean?


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】In 2050, dining at your favourite restaurant is likely to be a different experience.

For your starter, you’ll tuck into a Caesar salad containing protein-rich mealworms instead of chicken. Next, your android waiter 2.0 will bring over the mouth-watering main course; a meaty burger that has been grown in a Petri dish (有盖培养皿). Then, if you still have room for dessert, you’ll choose from a range of sweet treats that have been designed on a computer and printed directly onto the plate.

These unconventional dishes may seem stomach-churning to us now, but in the future they could help to solve a global food crisis. Over the next 35 years, the world’s population is expected to exceed nine billion, meaning an extra two billion hungry mouths to feed. To fulfill this demand, the amount of food we grow will need to increase by 70 percent, but with billions of its inhabitants already undernourished, this is going to be a major challenge.

Today’s global food industry is already unsustainable, so scientists will need to step in more to help. By genetically modifying the plants we grow, not only can the more vulnerable species be made able to withstand harsher environment, but the hardier species that can survive could also be made more nutritious to ensure we all get enough vitamins and minerals.

Although growing fruit and vegetables generates a great deal of greenhouse gas, it is livestock production that is the biggest contributor to global emissions. Demand for meat brings negative consequences for our planet, so something needs to be done very soon. One simple solution to the problem is to eat less meat, but for a mostly carnivorous (食肉的) global population, this idea is unlikely to catch on. Therefore, tasty alternatives need to be found.

Instead of packets and tins, your local supermarket will sell ingredients in cartridges that you can load into your 3D printer at home. Then, with a press of a button, you can sit back and relax while the machine builds a delicious dish—layer by layer—that is sure to impress your dinner party guests.

1. What might be served in the future restaurant according to the passage?
A.Beef burgers without calories.B.Delicious vegetarian dishes.
C.Popular hand-made cakes.D.Bread made using insect flour.
2. Which is the reason why we may adopt unconventional dishes?
A.To provide nutrition for people around the world.
B.To decrease the farmlands being used in the planet.
C.To balance food supply and demand.
D.To feed the extra two billion hungry mouths.
3. Which of the following is correct regarding the relationship between food and climate?
A.Drops cultivation—gas emission—climate changes—more crops.
B.Genetical modification—better adaptation—more nutrition.
C.Livestock—minor influence—less consequence—remain unchanged.
D.Less meat lovers—more tasty choices—more food changes.
4. What might be discussed in the paragraphs following the last one?
A.Hi-tech farms.B.Lab-grown meat.
C.Genetically modified food.D.3D-printed meals.
2022-06-16更新 | 146次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Every year around the world some 2. 2 million books are published. For most of these authors the writing process has relatively been unchanged since Mark Twain’s day in the late 19th century. Plot outlines and ideas are written down to be deciphered (解读), developed and refined over time.

These days, however, technology is increasingly making the life of an author a little easier. For Michael Green, a novelist, the need to use technology to simplify and streamline the writing process came when he was in the middle of writing his first book.

“I had all these documents on the deeper aspects of the world I was creating. I was worried about being able to keep track of it all. That’s when I switched into my more data science-minded approach to solving a complex problem with a lot of different pieces.” The end result was that Mr. Green created Lynit, a digital platform that helps authors visualize, plan and weave (编织) together the various elements—such as characters, plots, themes and key events. Mr. Green says that many novelists begin their work with merely a general idea of a plot or a particular character. With Lynit he says that the process of adding to this initial idea is simplified.

Experts, however, still caution against being overdependent on technologies aimed at helping writers.

“Technology can also be distracting (令人分心的), particularly if you’re one step away from social media, or jumping down a research hole,” says Melissa Haveman, a writer and author coach. “A quick five minutes can sometimes lead to hours of lost writing time. Authors can sometimes fall into the trap of trying everything in the hope that it will be the magic piece, which really just turns into another distraction.”

Yet Michael Green says he believes technology will become even more outstanding as a new generation of writers becomes more outstanding. “What I'm finding with the Generation Z and even younger writers is that they’re looking for technology to give them guidance,” he says, “They see it as a tool to learn and grow with, rather than extra work.”

1. What does the underlined word “refined” in the first paragraph mean?
2. What inspired Michael Green to create Lynit?
A.Helping authors develop ideas.B.Solving complicated problems.
C.Recording all his documents.D.Simplifying authors’ initial ideas.
3. What does Melissa Haveman think of “technology”?
A.It helps one become more social.B.It is necessary for researches.
C.It is time-and-attention consuming.D.It leads to the authors’ disappointment.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Lynit—a New Platform for Writers.
B.Michael Green—A Pioneer in Technology.
C.Technology—Wherever It Leads the World.
D.Technology—A New Tool for Generation Z.
2021-11-22更新 | 363次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A Japanese candy company has been   making national news headlines for its idea to produce gummy candy that tastes like an “imaginary fruit” called Kiraspika.

Last year was a great one for gummy candy producers, and the market continued to expand throughout 2023, with fruit-flavored gummies being the most popular. While there are plenty of fruit flavors to choose from, companies arc still limited to the fruits available in our world. But what if someone broke down barriers and started making candy that tastes like imaginary fruits? That was the genius idea that Japanese sweats maker Kanro recently came up with. Two months ago, the company launched a new type of gummy candy that tastes like “Kiraspika”, a made-up fruit with an original flavor, design, and even an origin story.

According to the Kanro official website, the star-shaped Kiraspika only grows in the mountainous region of Blue Knife, where temperatures drop to -50 degrees Celsius in winter.   It is very difficult to obtain, as when the fruit ripens, on a full-moon night around the winter solstice (冬至), the fruit explodes as a mechanism to spread its seeds. Pieces of the fruit fly at a speed of 300 meters per second, and a direct hit can be fatal.

Everything about Kiraspika was invented in Kanro’s fruit lab where its flavor experts combined various existing flavors to create an entirely original one that tastes like nothing you’ve ever eaten. To some, the Kiraspika flavor can be compared to that of an energy drink, others say it tastes a bit like a spicy apple, while some compare its sweetness to that of cherry gummies, combined with a tongue-numbing spiciness.

It is the mystery of the flavor and the personal interpretations that make Kanro’s product so popular. Having been launched in September in the 7-Eleven convenience store chain,   Kiraspika gummies have been selling out like hotcakes, and the Japanese company is already working on new creations in its Fantasy Fruit Lab.

1. Why did Kanro put the Kiraspika-flavored gummy candy on the market?
A.To make news headlines nationally.
B.To cope with the declining market.
C.To break the limit of fruit flavors.
D.To make candy taste like Kiraspika.
2. What does the author want to say by mentioning the Kanro official website?
A.The star-shaped Kiraspika grows in severe environment.
B.The new fruit flavor originates from an existing fruit.
C.It’s very challenging and dangerous to gather Kiraspika.
D.Kanro’s fruit lab made up everything about Kiraspika.
3. Which of the following best describes the flavor of the Kiraspika gummy?
4. What result does the author describe at the end of the text?
A.7-Eleven has exclusive sales rights with the candy.
B.Kiraspika gummies have already become a hot potato.
C.More flavors are being created in Kanro`s fruit lab.
D.The company plans to mass-produce Kiraspika   gummies.
2024-01-22更新 | 50次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般