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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:246 题号:19307331

If you’re in the market for a new food or water dish for your cat, you might want to check out Free the Ocean’s Bamboo Cat Bowls. These are made of bamboo fibers and rice husks (稻壳) and are more eco-friendly than traditional plastic.

The presence of bamboo-used as a renewable filler—is part of what makes the bowl greener. Bamboo, which is technically a grass, grows 30% faster than trees and as much as 1.5 inches per hour! Not surprisingly, it produces 30% more oxygen and absorbs 35% more carbon dioxide than trees, according to Mimi Ausland, founder of Free the Ocean. “It’s a cut-and-come-again plant, which means it can be cropped without disrupting the root ball, reducing carbon giving off when it’s harvested.”

Rice husk is a byproduct of rice production that is a challenge to farmers because it is hard to break down and of no great value. Its use as a filler provides a purpose for an otherwise useless material and, along with the bamboo.

Ausland said, “Plastic cat dishes harbor bacteria (细菌), which can put your cat’s health at risk. Even if pet owners clean them regularly, they cannot be fully sanitized. Plastic bowls are the main cause of cat diseases.”

However, the bamboo cat bowl will not leach (渗入) harmful chemicals into your pet’s water the way that traditional plastic can and it is naturally free of bacteria.

Cats will like the bowls, as they have low edges. With an easy-to-pick-up handle, they come in four colors.

One customer commented, “My cats prefer these cat food bowls just like me. The cats like the low lip that makes it easy to eat out of. And the fact that they’re made of bamboo and that buying them makes a difference to the environment is amazing! And it is easy to wash in the dishwasher.”

1. What is mainly talked about in paragraph 2?
A.The importance of bamboo in nature.B.The advantages of bamboo over grass.
C.The benefits of using bamboo as material.D.The role of bamboo in reducing pollution.
2. What does the underlined word “sanitized” in paragraph 4 most probably mean?
3. What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To promote a new product.B.To give pet owners some advice.
C.To introduce the functions of bamboo.D.To point out the link between material and health.
4. What can we infer from the customer’s words?
A.Cats have low lips.B.Cats are easy to satisfy.
C.He is fond of the new bowl.D.He doesn’t like doing housework.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Household chores might seem a drag, but researchers have suggested tasks like dusting, scrubbing floors and washing the windows might help adults to stay healthy into old age.

Writing in the journal BMJ Open, a Singapore-based team of researchers said regular physical activity “improves physical and mental health, mitigates the risks and effects of chronic diseases, and reduces falls, immobility, dependency and mortality (死亡率) among older adults”. The team randomly recruited (征召) adults from the town of Yishun in Singapore, and asked them to complete cognitive function tests as well as activities to assess their physical capabilities, such as standing up from a chair as quickly as they could. Participants were also quizzed on their levels of physical activity, including the amount of light housework (such as dusting) and heavy housework (such as floor-scrubbing) they did, and were assessed for their risk of having a fall based on measures such as knee extension strength.

The study involved 249 participants aged 21-64 and 240 participants aged 65-90. Most of those who reported doing high levels of heavy or light housework were women. After taking into account factors including age and sex, the team found cognitive scores and attention scores were 8% and 14% higher respectively for older adults doing high amounts of heavy housework—on average 131 minutes a week compared with low levels, which appeared to amount to none at all.

Sit-to-stand times were lower for older adults reporting high amounts of heavy housework compared with low amounts, while they were also assessed asbeing at lower risk of having a fall. The team also found cognitive scores were 5% higher for older adults who reported high levels of light housework — on average doing 902 minutes a week — and memory scores were also higher, comparedwiththoseundertakinglowlevelsofsuchtasks,averaging89minutesaweek.

Gill Livingston, professor of psychiatry of older people at University College London, who was not involved in the work, said the study was interesting but had little meaning as people who are not so well may be expected to do less housework. “I think the advice would be that housework can be good exercise, which is good for your heart and brain. We cannot draw any conclusions from this study that it is specifically protective,” she said.

Charlie Foster, professor of physical activity and public health at the University of Bristol, also urged caution, noting the study relied on self-reported levels of household chores, which may be inaccurate, and did not fully take into account other factors which may influence the results.

1. What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To tell people the more housework the better.
B.To stress the importance of health.
C.To propose a way to reduce mortality among older people.
D.To show us the benefits of doing housework for the old.
2. What can we infer from the third paragraph?
A.Women are more diligent than men.
B.Cognitive and attention scores were 8%and 14% higher for old adults doing more heavy housework.
C.The study is reasonable to some extent.
D.No other factors influence the result of the research.
3. What can we know from the passage?
A.The study was carried out among old people.
C.Housework is good exercise specifically protective for older adults.
D.Levels of high housework have an influence on cognitive and memory scores.
4. What is Gill Livingston’s attitude to the result of the study?
2021-12-25更新 | 53次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】An analysis in nearly 2.3 million Europeans has found harmful associations between cold weather and deaths from heart disease, particularly in poor neighborhoods. The late-breaking research is presented at ESC Congress 2022.

Climate change is leading to a rise in the average global temperature but also extreme cold in some regions. More than 70, 000 extra deaths occurred across Europe during the summer of 2003 due to vehement heatwaves. Cold weather also accounts for extra deaths and hospital admissions.

Previous studies on the cardiovascular (心血管的) effects of heat and cold mainly used collective data, such as daily deaths in a city. The analysis used individual data, enabling us to identify weak groups for protective measures, therefore increasing adaptation for future weather events.

The analysis found increased risks of death from cardiovascular disease overall. With an approximately 10℃ temperature drop, from 5℃ to-5℃, there was a 19% greater risk of death from cardiovascular disease. There was a 4% higher risk of heart disease associated with an approximately 11℃ temperature drop. from 2℃ to-9℃.

Study author Professor Stefan Agewall of the University of Oslo, Norway said, “The relationships between cold temperatures and deaths were more pronounced in men and people living in neighborhoods with a low social and economic status. The links between cold and heart disease were stronger among women and people older than 65 years.”

Professor Agewall added, “Doctors can use this information to provide tailored advice for those most at risk of bad health outcomes during hot and cold days. We can all check the news for extreme heat and cold alerts and follow safety tips from local authorities.”

1. Which may best replace the underlined word “vehement” in paragraph 2?
2. Why did the analysis use individual data?
A.To make sure individuals get ready for extreme weather.
B.To determine the effect of extra deaths from extreme weather.
C.To identify specific groups easily affected by extreme weather.
D.To analyze the links between individuals and extreme weather.
3. What did Professor Agewall express in the last paragraph?
A.What tailored advice is made up of.
B.How his findings may benefit people.
C.What weather report can do for patients.
D.Why bad health outcomes occur in extreme weather.
4. What may be a suitable title for the text?
A.Protective measures for extreme weather events
B.The constantly increasing average global temperature
C.The links between climate change and extreme weather
D.Potential threat to heart health from extreme weather
2023-01-11更新 | 88次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】What color is a tennis ball? Ask your classmates, and they might give you some surprising answers.

US magazine The Atlantic recently asked 30,000 people this question. Among them, 52 percent said tennis balls are green, 42 percent said they are yellow, and 6 percent went with other colors. According to the International Tennis Federation, tennis balls are yellow.     1    

Scientists call this color constancy (色彩恒常性). For example, we know that China's flag is red. When we see it during sunset or under purple light, we still know that it is red, even if it looks like a different color.     2     Even if the object is seen in different kinds of light later, our brain can still tell its true color.

    3     It appears to be a combination of yellow, a ''warm'' color and green, a ''cool'' color.

According to The Atlantic, when our brains try to figure out what color the ball is, some people ignore ''cool'' colors, such as green, blue and purple. So they see the ball as being yellow.    4     They see the ball as being green.

    5     In 2015, a girl posted a picture of a dress online. Some people believed the dress was black and blue—but others thought it was gold and white. They had different opinions based on whether they ignored ''cold'' or ''warm'' colors.

A.It is not just tennis balls that have such a confusing color.
B.But others ignore ''warm'' colors, such as red, yellow and orange.
C.However, the color of a tennis ball is not as pure as the flag.
D.It is difficult for some people to distinguish yellow from green.
E.So why did so many people say that they're green?
F.Certain parts of our brain are in charge of recognizing colors.
G.When we first see an object in natural light, our brains recognize its true color.
2020-03-24更新 | 122次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般