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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:101 题号:19593884

Chemicals taken from sawdust (锯屑) and water can knock out more than 99 percent of some disease-causing microbes (微生物). That makes the sawdust mix a potential alternative to current microbe-killing chemicals.

Many disinfectants (消毒剂) used today can harm the environment. They form poisonous by-products when they get washed. Some potentially greener disinfectants exist. They rely on a chemical called “phenol (苯酚)”. But these cleaners can be costly and take a lot of energy to make.

Shicheng Zhang went searching for a better option. He’s an environmental engineer at Fudan University in Shanghai, China. Wood contains many molecules (分子) that look like phenol. So Zhang wondered if microbe-killing chemicals could be obtained from sawdust through a low-cost and low-energy process.

He and his fellow researchers cooked mixtures of water and sawdust for one hour. They heated this sawdust soup under pressure, and then filtered it. Later, they tested how well the liquid killed off microbes. This liquid wiped out E.coli bacteria—microbes that can cause food poisoning. The liquid also killed anthrax bacteria. These microbes cause dangerous infections. What’s more, the disinfectant stopped flu viruses from being infectious.

The researchers also added different amounts of water to the sawdust soup. That let them test how concentrated it had to be to knock out microbes. Depending on its concentration, the mix could kill more than 99 percent of the microbes.

Looking at killed microbes under a microscope revealed some of the ways the sawdust mix kills. The disinfectant damaged the microbes’ cell walls. It also may have messed with the microbes’ proteins and DNA.

Zhang and his fellow researchers didn’t stop at a sawdust disinfectant. They made disinfectants from other plant materials, too. Some of these started as bamboo powder. Others were made using rice plant. Plant materials that are richer in molecules that release phenol-like compounds are best at killing microbes. One example is corn straw.

1. What may be an advantage of Zhang’s sawdust disinfectant over existing ones?
A.Being safer and more effective.
B.Being environment-friendly and less expensive.
C.Being less expensive and having more lasting effect.
D.Being more effective and having more lasting effect.
2. What gave Zhang the idea of the sawdust disinfectant?
A.The absence of microbes in sawdust.B.The phenol-like molecules in wood.
C.The existence of a greener disinfectant.D.The possibility of being food poisoned.
3. How was Zhang’s research further carried out?
A.By analyzing data from previous studies.
B.By identifying the ways different disinfectants kill.
C.By improving the process of dealing with by-products.
D.By comparing the effects of different concentrations of the mix.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.A Public Drive Aims to Greener Disinfectants
B.A Chinese University Grows Microbe-killing Plants
C.A Disinfectant Made from Sawdust Knocks out Microbes
D.A Chinese Team Made Breakthroughs in Disease Research
【知识点】 发明与创造 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to develop the software. Now most people can't tell the difference between music by the famous German composer J.S.Bach(1685-1750)and the Bach-like compositions from Cope's computer.

It all started in 1980 in the United States, when Cope was trying to write an opera. He was having trouble thinking of new melodies, so he wrote a computer program to create the melodies. At first this music was not easy to listen to. What did Cope do? He began to rethink how human beings compose music. He realized that composers' brains work like big databases. First, they take in all the music that they have ever heard. Then they take out the music that they dislike. Finally, they make new music from what is left. According to Cope, only the great composers are able to create the database accurately, remember it, and form new musical patterns from it.

Cope built a huge database of existing music. He began with hundreds of works by Bach. The software analyzed the data: it broke it down into smaller pieces and looked for patterns. It then combined the pieces into new patterns; Before long, the program could compose short Bach-like works. They weren't good, but it was a start.

Cope knew he had more work to do---he had a whole opera to write. He continued to improve the software. Soon it could analyze more.complex music. He also added many other composers, including his own work, to the database. A few years later, Cope's computer program, called “Emmy”, was ready to help him with his opera. The process required a lot of collaboration(合作) between the composer and Emmy. Cope listened to the computer's musical ideas and used the ones that he liked. With Emmy, the opera took only two weeks to finish. It was called Cradle Falling, and it was a great success! Cope received some of the best reviews of his career, but no one knew exactly how he had composed the work.

Since that first opera, Emmy has written thousands of compositions. Cope still gives Emmy feedback(反馈) on what he likes and doesn't like of her music, but she is doing most of the hard work of composing these days!

1. What led David Cope to invent software?
A.He had difficulties in writing an opera.
B.He dreamed of developing software.
C.He wanted to help composers.
D.He was fond of classical music.
2. What do we know about David Cope?
A.His Cradle Falling wasn’t popular.
B.He had kept on improving his software.
C.He composed Bach-like works well at the beginning.
D.He has shifted his attention to invent different software.
3. It can be learnt from the text that _______.
A.Cope’s database includes Bach’s works only.
B.Bach’s music helped Cope a lot.
C.Cope is a computer programmer.
D.Emmy did much more work than Cope in composing.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.The Invention of a Software for Creating Music
B.Ways to Create a Music Database
C.David Cope--a Music Genius
D.How to Start Creating Music
2018-04-08更新 | 82次组卷
阅读理解-六选四(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Entrepreneurs in New Zealand are working with American designers to develop robotic dolphins that look almost exactly the same as real dolphins.    1    A robotic dolphin that can nod an answer to a child. It might not sound attractive or may even sound worrying, but as marine parks around the world are under pressure to stop using real whales and dolphins, the creatures are an attractive alternative. their creators say.

“Marine parks have been making less money for more than ten years because many people think the parks are cruel and because of the cost of live animals, but people still really want to learn about and experience these animals,” said Roger Holzberg, a Californian designer of the life-size robot bottlenose dolphins.    2    

“We have to persuade marine park owners that these dolphins can make them money, even more money than live animals,” Holzberg said.     3    On average, bottlenose dolphins live for less than 20 years in captivity but 30 to 50 years in the wild.

Melanie Langlotz, one of the entrepreneurs behind the project, has a background in reality games. “It became clear that any large aquarium, in order to compete with any other aquarium, would need to have all the big animals on display, such as dolphins and sharks,” she said. “The bigger, the better.”    4    Finally, the group decided to use robotic animals instead of live ones. The sample robotic dolphin, Langlotz said, weighs more than 270Kg. A test audience was unable to guess the dolphin was not real, she added. Animal rights supporters also welcomed the change, hoping robotic dolphins would replace real ones in marine parks worldwide.

A.The arguments among her New Zealand-based suppliers about the use of live animals became heated.
B.They can respond to questions, swim happily in tanks and are not harmed by close contact with visitors.
C.He added that the robots did not cost anything to keep and didn’t need temperature-controlled water.
D.A robotic bottlenose dolphin cost four times more than normal dolphins but would last much longer.
E.In nature, dolphins live in close family groups, but in captivity, they’re forced to interact with strangers.
F.He believed it’s time to change marine parks to be more humane and to make more money at the same time.
2020-12-25更新 | 135次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了Kenton Lee看到非洲贫困地区的孩子买不起合脚的鞋子,因而设计出了能调节大小的鞋子,帮助解决他们的实际需求。

【推荐3】Most of us probably believe how easy it is to simply walk into a shoe store, get an accurate measurement of our foot size, and leave with a perfectly fitting pair of shoes. That’s not, however, . a luxury (奢侈品) afforded to many in the developing world.

It’s something Idaho native Kenton Lee noticed in 2008 while on business in Africa. There he observed some poor kids wearing ill-fitting, broken, and entirely insufficient footwear, exposing the children to dangerous infections.

Having identified the problem, Lee set out to create a solution. The result is “The Shoe That Grows”. The unique piece of footwear is covered in snaps (摁扣) and button-holes which allow the shoe’s straps (鞋带) to be adjusted to fit an estimated five years’ worth of growth on the part of the wearer. As the Shoe That Grows website points out, each shoe is made using materials that are easy to clean and difficult to break.

The shoes were created through a partnership between Because International, the nonprofit founded by Lee upon his return to Idaho, and Proof of Concept, a footwear product development company. An initial order of 3,000 shoes was filled in late fall of 2014, with The Washington Post reporting that a second shipment of 5,000 shoes was sold in July of the following year, due to a successful crowdfunding campaign to expand the aid operation.

At the core of Because International is a guiding principle of “Practical Compassion”. It’s a phrase seen all over the Shoe That Grows website. As Lee explains, “We believe in creating innovative products that can help people living in extreme poverty around the world and help them in really simple, practical ways.”

1. What problem did Kenton Lee discover in Africa?
A.The lack of shoe stores.
B.Children wearing unsuitable shoes.
C.The high production cost of footwear.
D.The difficulty of accurate foot measurements.
2. How does “The Shoe That Grows” fit the growth of the wearer?
A.By using adjustable straps.B.By changing the size of snaps.
C.By providing different shoe sizes.D.By employing a stretchable material.
3. What does the underlined phrase “Practical Compassion” refer to in paragraph 5?
A.Offering emotional support to people in trouble.
B.Advocating practical policies to reduce global poverty.
C.Giving simple and practical solutions to help those in need.
D.Encouraging individuals to contribute through practical donations.
4. In which section of a website can we probably read this text?
A.Sports and fitness.B.Innovation and design.
C.Culture and society.D.Finance and investment.
2024-04-15更新 | 44次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般