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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:448 题号:19839407

What makes a work of architecture great? Most people would argue that aesthetics (美感) are the most important.    1     However, Roman architect Marcus Vitruvius Pollio believed that we should also consider durability and function when assessing a structure. The Rostonville Library in my city is a great example of Vitruvius’s principles.

Constructed entirely of granite—a hard and tough stone, the library is durable. It can withstand environmental pollution. For example, it is resistant to acid rain. Moreover, its granite structure is stable so it’s more likely to survive an earthquake.    2     It uses solar energy for heating and a rooftop garden for cooling.

    3     Providing free access to print and digital information, it conveys a feeling of openness and accessibility. Furthermore, the entire library is on one level, and it has an open design—there are no inner walls or dividers. In addition, large windows let in plenty of natural light, so it’s easy to see and get to each department within the library.

Finally, the library is beautiful, with aesthetically pleasing details both inside and out. The large windows are copper-framed (铜框的). The copper color provides an interesting contrast against the color of the granite structure and it will remain as the copper ages. Growth from the rooftop garden, which reaches down the sides of the building, adds to the aesthetics of the building.     4    

Durability, functionality and beauty make the Rostonville Library a great structure. Architects who follow Vitruvius’s principles help to make the city more pleasant to live in.     5    

A.The library is also sustainable.
B.It is true that beauty is critical.
C.This is not the only concern of the architects.
D.The library was designed with functionality in mind.
E.It softens the lines of the structure and helps it to fit into its natural surroundings.
F.Plusthe library was built on the edge of the city parksurrounded by native plants.
G.Buildings that fulfill these criteria offer both peace of mind and beauty for their users.
【知识点】 科普知识 建筑


阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Wetlands, making up about 6% of Earth’s land surface, are found on every continent except for Antarctica.     1    .

Protecting against floods. Wetlands play a crucial role in protecting against floods. The plants and soil in wetlands act as natural sponges (海绵), storing excess water during heavy rainfall or storms.     2    .

Purifying (净化) water. Wetlands have exceptional abilities to purify water. Acting as natural filters, the plants, soil and micro creatures in wetlands remove sediments, excess nutrients and pollutants from water sources.     3    . And the water can be suitable for various uses such as drinking, irrigation and supporting aquatic life. Wetlands are particularly effective in removing harmful chemicals, heavy metals and excessive nitrogen and phosphorus (磷), which can otherwise cause water pollution.

    4    . Wetlands are incredibly productive ecosystems, providing habitats for a diverse range of plant and animal species. The complex and dynamic wetland environments support a lot of amphibians, birds, fish, mammals, reptiles and invertebrates. Many of these species are dependent on wetlands for survival, using them as breeding grounds, feeding areas and nurseries. Wetlands also serve as important stopover sites for migratory birds, offering them crucial resting and feeding areas during their long journeys.

Fighting climate change. Aside from these vital functions, wetlands also play a significant role in fighting climate change.     5    . They act as carbon (碳) sinks, absorbing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, thus mitigating the greenhouse effect and reducing the impacts of climate change. Moreover, wetlands help regulate local and regional climates by influencing the temperature, humidity and rainfall patterns. 1hey act as natural cooling systems, reducing heat island effects and moderating the local temperature.

However, the world’s wetlands are being lost at an alarming rate. Restoration and conservation projects offer hope that these ecosystems can be saved.

A.Supporting life
B.Protecting birds
C.This process helps to improve water quality
D.The water stored in wetlands can be drunk
E.Wetlands play an important role despite their small coverage
F.Wetland plants have remarkable carbon storage capabilities
G.Thus, wetlands can reduce the risk of flooding in surrounding areas
2023-10-15更新 | 119次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Dogs can’t speak, but their brains respond to spoken words. Every dog owner knows that saying “Good dog!” in a happy, high voice will make their pet joyfully wag its tail. That made scientists curious: What exactly happens in your dog’s brain when it hears praise, and is it similar to the way our own brain processes such information?

When a person gets others’ compliment, the more primitive, subcortical auditory regions (皮层下听觉区) first reacts to the intonation — the emotional force of spoken words. Next, the brain taps the more recently evolved auditory cortex (听觉皮层) to figure out the meaning of the words, which is learned.

In 2016, a team of scientists discovered that dogs’ brains, like those of humans, compute the intonation and meaning of a word separately — although dogs use their right brain to do so, whereas we use our left one. Still, a puzzle remained: Do their brains go through the same steps to process approval?

It’s an important question, because dogs are a speechless species, yet they respond correctly to our words. For instance, some dogs are capable of recognising thousands of names of individual objects, and can link each name to a specific object.

When the scientists studied scans of the brains of pet dogs, they found that theirs, like ours, process the sounds of spoken words in this manner — analyzing first the emotional component with the older region of the brain, the subcortical regions, and then the words’ meaning with the newer part, the cortex.

See why dogs are so successful at partnering with us? Dogs and humans last shared a common ancestor some 100 million years ago, so it’s likely that our brains respond to sounds in a similar way. As domesticated animals that have evolved alongside humans for the past 10,000 years, dogs make special use of it to process human emotions. You know, what we say really matters to dogs!

1. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “compliment”?
2. What is the first step a dog’s brain goes through to process approval?
A.Linking it to an object.B.Analyzing the emotion.
C.Working out its meaning.D.Tapping the auditory cortex.
3. How does the writer develop the text?
A.By comparing opinions.B.By raising examples.
C.By providing answers to questions.D.By analyzing causes and effects.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Dogs—good listeners
B.Dogs—perfect partners
C.Dogs and humans share a common ancestor actually
D.Dogs understand spoken words the same way we do
2021-03-14更新 | 200次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】In the long dispute over whether dogs are smarter than cats, a recent study published in the journal Learning & Behavior suggests that dogs are no more exceptional than other animals when it comes to smartness and intelligence.

The news is sure to cause the debate among dog owners and scientists who study dog behaviors. The authors reviewed existing studies and data on animal cognition (认知) and found that while dogs are smart and trainable, they are not “super smart”, despite what most dog owners will tell you. Dog research was quite popular in the 1990s and continues to be so. When it came to other animals, though, scientific studies on intelligence were barely involved in, despite evidence to suggest that horses, chimpanzees ( 黑猩猩 ) and cats had tricks of their own. Almost everything a dog claimed to do, other animals could do too.

Researchers set out to test the supposition (假设,猜想). They compared dog cognition with members of three similar groups: meat-eating animals, social hunters and farm animals. Among the animals they studied were wolves, cats, chimpanzees, dolphins, horses and pigeons. What they found was that “dog cognition does not look exceptional”. Dogs can not use tools, unlike dolphins, New Caledonian crows and chimpanzees, which have been observed using plant stems to hunt for termites (白蚁). Homing pigeons are trained to fly home, sometimes crossing hundreds of miles of unfamiliar area. At the same time, farm animals share similar characters with their dog partners. Horses, like dogs, perform complex tasks. And cats? They have more in common with dogs than one might think. Still it is much easier to show intelligence in dogs because they like to be trained. Dogs are not smarter than they are supposed to be, given what they are.

1. What opinion does the recent study hold about dogs?
A.They can be trained to do many things.
B.They don’t have any intelligent advantage.
C.They’re lazy compared with chimpanzees.
D.They show exceptional smartness when trained.
2. How did the researchers conduct the study?
A.By referring to existing studies and data.
B.By comparing animals’ cognition ability.
C.By questionnaire surveys on dog owners.
D.By observing different animals’ behaviors.
3. What do we infer about cats from the last paragraph?
A.Cats can use tools to fish.
B.Cats can go home from far away.
C.Cats can learn to do complex tasks.
D.Cats are more unwilling to be trained.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Cats are smarter than they were.
B.Dogs aren’t so clever as we think.
C.Any animal is smart and trainable.
D.All animals should be treated equally.
2020-06-18更新 | 53次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般