组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 方法/策略
题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:95 题号:20026885

As you get older, it is important to continue caring properly for your teeth. So you need to pay attention to your dental (牙齿的) health at home.     1    Generally, keeping healthy teeth as you age needs continued care and willingness to change your habits.

Brush your teeth twice a day. As you age, it is important to keep up with good dental health. The important part of good dental health is brushing your teeth twice a day. This removes food and bacteria (细菌) in your teeth.    2    Your teeth may get hurt easily as you age, so you’d better use a soft toothbrush.

Avoid smoking. Smoking can cause serious damage to your teeth over time.     3    Talk to your doctor about the programs of giving up smoking. It is never too late to stop smoking.

    4     In order to keep your teeth healthy for a long time, it is important to treat them well. In order to have good dental health, you should avoid eating hard food, for example, ice. Eating hard food can break your teeth, creating damage that needs to be fixed by a doctor.

Avoid drinks that can damage your teeth. Some drinks, such as soda pop and juice, can damage your teeth. If you are concerned about the health of your teeth, you should avoid these things whenever possible. If you really want to drink things that will damage your teeth, drink them through a straw (吸管).     5    

A.Treat your teeth well.
B.Eat some healthy food.
C.Both of them cause weak teeth.
D.Change your toothbrush regularly.
E.It is also important to change your dental care habits as you age.
F.This will prevent the drinks being on your front teeth and avoid the damage.
G.If you are a smoker, you have a higher chance of getting tooth disease.
【知识点】 方法/策略 个人保健


阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】When it comes to relationships, conflict(冲突)is unavoidable. Couples can disagree and even fight while still showing respect for each other.     1    

·Be curious about your fights

    2     A common cause of“the 5:30 fight” is one partner wanting to tell the other about their day, and the other partner avoiding it --needing a minute to reduce the pressure after getting home from work. Psychologists encourage couples to find out what causes this fight again and again, and try out ways to compromise (妥协)instead of allowing the conflict to erupt.

·Schedule a time for conflict

    3     And when they do, it’s helpful to choose a time to talk through problems. Setting aside time to work out disagreements allows both partners to think about the best way to communicate their feelings in a calmer, more reasonable way.

·Make requests instead of complaints

Fights often start with the same two words“You always.” It’s easier for people to ask their partner why they never do something than it is to simply request that they do it. Saying, “I’m not feeling happy about the way the house looks. Would you mind picking some stuff up?”is more direct and respectful than putting your loved one down.     4    

·Learn the right way to apologize to your partner

Just as people have different love languages, we have different apology languages, too. It’s not enough to recognise that you’ve hurt your loved one and you owe them an apology.     5     Some people want big gestures and some people just want a simple promise. The process is figuring out what’s meaningful for your partner.

A.Apologies should be made to them face to face.
B.It’s also more likely to result in your partner completing the task.
C.Married couples often don’t have the skills to talk about their conflicts properly.
D.However, you can deal with conflicts with your partner in a healthier way.
E.You have to know them enough to make your apology right for their needs.
F.Couples often have the same fight over and over without solving anything.
G.Though they even have the most open lines of communication, conflicts still happen.
2023-02-10更新 | 113次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Some children sail through exams with very little stress. For others even small tests cause real anxiety.     1    


Revision needs to be active. Reading through notes will not make them stick in your memory. Make notes, highlight (突出) key points and words and go over each topic several times.     2     These will be useful for last minute revision the night before each exam.

Get organised

Work out a revision timetable early on so that you allow enough time to cover all the topics you need to revise.    3     Make sure you are setting yourself realistic targets. Trying to cram (塞满) in too much creates stress and prevents learning. Organise your clothes, food and pens the night before each exam. Feeling organised about the little things will help to cut down on stress.

Sleep and rest

    4     Remind that your brain will work better if it’s rested. Trying to cram in last minute revision the night before an exam is generally a bad idea. It will make you panic and might even affect your performance the following day. It’s much better to have a relaxing evening the night before each exam so you can do your best the following day. Exercise, even a walk to the shops, will help you to concentrate when you get back to work.    5     Make sure you have your alarm set for the next morning! Waking up in a panic or even arriving late for an exam only makes things more stressful.

A.It can also help you to sleep better.
B.Here are some tips for you to sleep and rest better.
C.There are some ways to help you deal with exam stress.
D.At the end of each topic, make a short list of the main points.
E.Get plenty of sleep and take regular breaks while you’re revising.
F.Make sure you get everything ready well in advance of the exam.
G.Ticking off each topic as it’s done can help revision seem more manageable.
2020-07-21更新 | 317次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】In this day and age, digital devices (数码产品) have become a significant part of our daily lives.     1    

But while these devices do make people’s lives easier, there are things to look out for in using these technologies. One is how digital devices seem to be taking over people’s social relationships.

You might have noticed how everyone is engaged in their devices during family gatherings or get-togethers with friends. While they were constantly clicking on their portable devices, real conversations are becoming rare.     2    

So if you want to spend quality time with each other, you and your friends and family need to sacrifice screen time.

    3     When you’re hanging out with your friends, make it a policy that all devices should be turned off. Of course, everyone should agree on this ahead of time to avoid any misunderstanding.     4     This could also be a house rule when you have dinner with your family or during any other event with relatives.

Another option could be to turn devices on silent mode (模式), just in case someone is expecting an urgent call or important text. It sounds simple, but turning our eyes away from the screen may be more difficult than you think.     5     And while we may be able to carry on a conversation while playing a game, this is definitely going to cause a loss to the quality of the time we spend with others.

By removing digital devices in the background, you and your friends can concentrate on what’s really important—spending time with each other.

A.Turning off your digital devices is a good first step.
B.They’re also driving us away from people around us.
C.People can therefore concentrate on what they are doing.
D.Thus, the opportunity to strengthen connections might be disappearing.
E.It seems so natural to reach for your phone or device before doing anything.
F.They are used for a variety of tasks, whether it’s ordering food or booking a flight.
G.And everyone must be willing to obey the rule or else the purpose would be defeated.
2023-04-23更新 | 72次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般