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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:105 题号:20054217

My legs don’t do much because I have a serious disease. They just sit there and look pretty. When people look at me, they only see the chair — my wheelchair. I’ve been in one since I was 3 years old. And it doesn’t matter if I graduate at the top of my class and go to law school. To some people, I’ll always be the girl in the chair.

But I don’t think of myself as the kid who can’t walk. Most of my friends don’t even notice the chair anymore. I’m just the girl they’ve been friends with. My friends are good at lifting me in and out of my small car when we go to the movies. We even took the car to the dance. One of the boys helped me out of the car and all the girls helped me to fix my dress. Even in the crowded school elevator (电梯), there’s always someone around to carry me.

There are a lot of things I can’t do for myself, such as lifting my arms, dressing myself, and feeding myself. Even so, I do very well at school and I always tell myself that I’m just like any other kid in my school.

The truth is that my parents raised me to be proud of my disability (残疾). There are plenty of things I wish I could do differently. I wanted to be a doctor. But that’s not going to work out. So I’ll be a lawyer instead. I also wanted to dance and play soccer. My parents taught me that I’m like this for a reason — to educate people and show them that this disease affects my bones — not my brain. My friend Erica once said to me, “Kennedy, you’re not disabled. You just can’t walk.”

1. What does the underlined word “They” in the first paragraph refer to?
A.The author’s legs.B.The author’s chairs.
C.The author’s friends.D.The author’s diseases.
2. We can learn from the second paragraph that the author __________.
A.is the dancing queen of her schoolB.is afraid of taking the school elevator
C.often gets lots of help from her friendsD.can’t be understood by her schoolmates
3. What will the author probably be in the future?
A.A doctor.B.A lawyer.C.A dancer.D.An actor.
4. Which of the following can best describe the author?
A.Strange and unhappy.B.Honest and polite.
C.Brave and strong.D.Lazy and useless.
5. Kennedy’s story mainly tells us that we should _________.
A.work hardB.smile at life
C.have dreamsD.thank our parents
【知识点】 记叙文 励志故事


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The annual marathon in my town occurred as scheduled. My job was to follow behind the runners in an ambulance in case any of them needed medical attention. As the athletes began to pace themselves, the front runners started to disappear. It was then that my eyes were drawn to the woman in blue running shorts and a baggy white T-shirt.

I knew we were already watching our “last runner”. Her feet were turned in, yet her left knee was turned out. Her legs were so crippled ( 跛足的 ) and bent that it seemed impossible for her to walk, let alone run a marathon.

The driver and I watched in silence as she slowly moved forward. We would move forward a little bit, then stop and wait for her to gain some distance. Then we’d slowly move forward a little bit more. As I watched her struggle to put one foot in front of the other, I found myself breathing for her and urging her forward. I wanted her to stop, and at the same time, I prayed that she wouldn’t.

Finally, she was the only runner left in sight. I sat on the edge of my seat and watched with respect and amazement as she pushed forward with sheer determination through the last miles. When the finish line came into sight, the cheering crowds had long gone home. Yet, standing straight and proud waited a man. He was holding one end of a ribbon tied to a post. She slowly crossed through, leaving both ends of the ribbon fluttering (飘动) behind her.

I don’t know this woman’s name, but that day she became a part of my life — a part I often depend on.

For her, it wasn’t about beating the other runners or winning a prize. It was about finishing what she had set out to do. When I think things are too difficult or I get those “I-just-can’t-do-it,” I think of the last runner. Then I realize how easy the task before me really is.

1. What words can best describe the woman?
A.Proud and determined.B.Strong-willed and honorable.
C.Modest and courageous.D.Diligent and considerate.
2. What has the author learnt from the woman?
A.Don’t depend on others when facing hardships.
B.Nothing is too tough to accomplish if one is brave enough.
C.The disabled can also run a marathon despite their walking difficulty.
D.It’s not winning but holding on straight to the end that really matters.
3. What could be the best title for the text?
A.A Crippled Woman.B.An Unforgettable Job.
C.The Last Runner.D.The Annual Marathon.
2020-05-10更新 | 195次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】I had stopped while on my way book to London. I spotted a man with a backpack and his thumb out.

“I’m going back to London. Which way are you heading?” I asked. “Ah, that would be grand,” came his immediate reply. He got on my car. “I’m Brendan.” he said, “I was getting a bit desperate. Nobody seems to stop these days.”

As we headed east, Brendan told me how the two recent family tragedies had devastated him and pushed him out of his old life and on to the road. “But,” he said, “I don’t feel sorry for myself. I’ll always know what it feels like to be truly loved.”

Brendan laughed a lot and enjoyed his old lifestyle, until last week, when he’d been robbed. “These three young people took my other backpack and it had all my money and paperwork in it. I haven’t eaten for days. I’m hoping to get some casual work in London, so I can then get myself home to Ireland.”

It must have been the idea of going home that got me, “Why don’t I just drop you at the airport now?” I said, “I’ll buy you a ticket and you can fly home. And how much is the ticket?”

“It’s £192,”he said. “Well, I’ll get you £200.” “Grand.” he replied, without a think. Then, after a pause, he said, “Please don’t worry. I’ll definitely wire you the money when I get home.” In that moment, I honestly believed he would.

After getting home, I told my wife the whole tale. £200 made her gasp (叹气). Feeling surprised at my trusting, she laughed and said, “Well, I hope Brendan gets home.” That was eight weeks ago and you won’t be surprised to hear that I’ve heard nothing.

I now feel happier thinking about Brendan. He asked for help, and in good faith I gave it to him. That’s got to be a good thing. Isn’t that the whole point of unselfishness? It is an act to help someone else at some cost to oneself. It wasn’t a loan: I gave the money to Brendan. The cost to myself was £200. Maybe the real question should be: did I give him enough?

1. Why did Brendan start his trip?
A.He encountered family sufferings.
B.He was tired of his old lifestyle.
C.He quarreled with his family members.
D.He desired to make a fortune.
2. What made the author think of helping Brendan?
A.Brendan’s optimism toward life.B.Brendan’s waiting for a pickup.
C.Brendan’s desire to go home.D.Brendan’s experience of being robbed.
3. What may the author’s wife consider Brendan to be?
A.A beggar.B.A liar.
C.A gentleman.D.A homeless man.
4. What did the author learn from his experience?
A.The cost of being cheated.B.The faith of doing a good thing.
C.The meaning of true unselfishness.D.The condition of giving a loan.
2024-07-10更新 | 39次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】I woke at 4 a.m. in a black hostel room, my eight roommates all still sound asleep at the early hour. I stepped outside without being noticed, forced a cheese roll into my mouth, and headed to the Kaikoura dolphin-watching tour office.

With more adrenaline (肾上腺素) than I had experienced when jumping out of a plane, I put on my flippers (脚蹼) quickly and got ready for the adventure. The moment I dove off the water, I was shocked awake. No amount of coffee, tea, or sugar has ever given me such a strong wake-up. It turns out that the ocean is freezing at 5 a.m. before the sunrise. Don’t be scared off by the temperature, though, because 5 a.m. is when the dolphins are most playful!

After a little while, I was face to face with a wild dusky dolphin! At one moment, it jumped up high into the air while the next it dove deep into the water. It made strange whale noises to draw the attention of more members of the group, including a tiny baby dolphin no bigger than a cat. What impressed me most was that the baby dolphin came close up, swam around playfully and kept looking at me with those black glassy eyes, seeming most interested in this strange fish-like creature that kept getting twisted (缠绕) in her own flippers.

The sun rose, warming my back as I continued to struggle with my flippers among the most graceful animals in the ocean. It was the most beautiful sight, as the dark blue of the ocean turned light greenish-blue, brightening our swimming companions for the early hours of the morning.

The practice of swimming with wild dolphins is banned in the North Island, where the species of Hector’s dolphins are in decline. But in Kaikoura, the practice is quite common and actually helping to increase the dolphin populations.

By supporting this adventurous experience, you’re supporting dolphin protection.

1. Why was I shocked awake when diving off the water?
A.The water was freezing cold.B.Adrenaline went up.
C.I had drunk a lot of strong coffee.D.I was surprised by the playful dolphins.
2. What problem did I have under the water?
A.A wild dolphin kept jumping beside me.
B.I had difficulty handling my flippers.
C.My strange appearance scared dolphins.
D.The baby dolphin swam around playfully.
3. How did I find my dolphin-watching?
A.Dangerous but exciting.B.Adventurous and tiring.
C.Scary but unforgettable.D.Impressive and meaningful.
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A.Swimming with Wild Dolphins in Kaikoura.
B.Dolphins—My Playful Companions.
C.Supporting Dolphin Protection
D.A Deep Dive into the Ocean.
2023-05-22更新 | 45次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般