组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 日常活动 > 学校生活
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:73 题号:20254275

Recently, a video story has spread among people.

James Anthony has cleaned the halls of Hickerson Primary School for 15 years. Although he is deaf, he never complains. Instead, he greets every child and teacher with a smile. Teachers and children love him very much and call him Mr. James.

On the day Anthony turned 60, the school wanted to give him a very special surprise. That day when Anthony walked into a classroom a group of children start to sign and sing “Happy Birthday” to him. Anthony stated smiling as usual. Then his jaw dropped open and he laughed for joy as he realized what was going on. A few teachers sled the kids through the whole song as Anthony watched. A wide smile was on his face. As they finished, tears came out from his eyes.

Scott, secretary of the school said, “The children love and respect Mr. James. They give him high fives in the halls, and he even teaches them sign language. Today he has put smiles on faces all around the world.”

1. James Anthony is ____.
A.a cleanerB.a studentC.a secretaryD.a guard
2. When did James Anthony get a special surprise?
A.On his fifteenth birthday.B.On his fiftieth birthday.
C.On his sixtieth birthday.D.On his sixteenth birthday.
3. Why did James Anthony cry as the kids and teachers finished singing the song?
A.Because he lost his job.B.Because he was deeply moved.
C.Because the kids didn’t like him.D.Because he couldn’t hear the kids.
4. According to Scott, we can learn that____.
A.Anthony used to be a good teacher.
B.the kids love and respect Mr. James.
C.the kids often help Anthony clean the halls.
D.Anthony always greets the kids and teachers by singing songs.
5. Which may be the best title for the passage?
A.A Famous TeacherB.Lovely Kids
C.A Special Birthday GiftD.An American School


阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】How to deal with stress at school

Stress is part of students’ life. While some stress can help inspire them to get work done, too much stress can cause problems with health, sleep and brain function. Now when you feel your stress building up inside, how can you manage it?     1    .

Work out your own learning ways

Students learn in different ways and have different learning styles. Some do homework all at once, while others need to take some breaks.     2    . However, other students remember well in the evening. So work out your best learning ways and you’ll feel relaxed.

Stay healthy and get enough sleep

    3    . As a result, their performance in school and work can suffer. Exercising, eating a healthy diet and getting enough sleep do good to school performance. When you take care of yourself, you just feel better!


Share your problems and how you are feeling and dealing with a parent, friend, teacher, or doctor. When you talk your stress out with some friends, chances are that some of them are going through the same thing and they might have some ideas to share. Besides, it helps to know you’re not alone.

Give yourself a break

You should feel good about taking break.     5     Some people find that quiet activities like reading a book or watching TV are the best way to relax. Others prefer more active breaks: working on personal projects, exercising like yoga or Tai Chi, Listening to music or spending time outdoors.

A.Talk to others.
B.Share your happiness.
C.Some students remember well in the morning.
D.Try one or more of the following.
E.Sometimes you feel tired.
F.And only you can say which activities work best for letting you relax.
G.Many students don’t focus on their health
2022-06-01更新 | 670次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约150词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Welcome to Our After-school Activities

Music Lesson

Want to become happy in life? Want to enjoy beautiful songs?

Music lessons( guitar, violin, piano and drums)

Place: Training Room 304, School Gym

Time: 8:30 a. m. — 10:30 a. m. every Saturday

Come to www. mclub. com to learn more!

Food Festival

Want to enjoy various food? Want to join in our food festival?

Delicious food(pizza, sushi, curries, fired rice)

Place: School Dining Hall

Time:11:00 a. m. — 5:00 p. m.

Sunday, November 19th

PE Club

Please come and join us!

Make your school life colorful!

Place: School Playground

Day: Saturday ~ Sunday

Time: 5:00 p. m. — 6:00 p. m.

Outdoor Activities( basketball, football, volleyball, running...)

Movie Night

Want to spend a wonderful evening? Please come and watch it.

Place: School Hall

Day: Saturday evening


(Wolf Warriors I 6:00 p. m.— 8:10 p. m.)

1. Where can we learn more information about music lessons?
A.In the school dining hall.B.In a website.
C.On the school playground.D.In school hall.
2. If Mary is fond of delicious food, which activity is advised for her to join?
A.Music Lesson.B.PE Club.C.Food Festival.D.Movie Night.
3. When can you see a film named Wolf Warriors I?
A.8: 30 a. m.— 10: 30 a. m., every Saturday.
B.11: 00 a. m. — 5: 00 p. m., Sunday.
C.5: 00 p. m.— 6: 00 p. m., every Saturday.
D.6: 00 p. m. — 8: 10 p. m., Saturday.
2023-12-17更新 | 50次组卷
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约240词) | 较易 (0.85)
Now I’d like to tell you ____ I learn English. I often
1. .           
read English aloud and try my best to l something important
2. .           
by heart, which helps me remember it       (轻易地)and form
3. .          
the good h      of thinking in English. I listen a lot and
4. .           
often talk with others in English.       this way, I have improved
5. .           
my spoken English. I k a diary in English every day and
6. .           
my written English is becoming better       better. I also try
7. .           
my best to master the        (必要的) grammar. By this means,
8. .           
I can (表达) myself in English correctly. That’s the way I
9. .           
have been learning English. I hope it will be h to you.
10. .         
2016-11-26更新 | 974次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般