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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:70 题号:20398753

Several days of unusual warm weather in northern Greenland have caused rapid melting(融化). “Temperatures have been running around -12.2 ℃-15.5 ℃. It is warmer than normal for this time of year,” scientists said. The amount of ice that melted in Greenland between July 15 and July 17 alone-6 billion tons of water per day-would be enough to fill 7.2 million Olympic-sized swimming pools, according to the report from the National Snow and Ice Data Center. Put another way, it was enough to cover the whole state of West Virginia with a foot of water.

For the scientists out on the ice sheet(冰盖), the warmth has been alarming. “It really makes me anxious,” said Kutalmis Saylam, a scientist who is now working in Greenland. “Yesterday, we could hang. about in our T-shirts, which was not really expected. Since Greenland holds enough ice, sea level would rise by 7.5 meters around the world if ice all melted.”

In 2020, scientists found that Greenland’s ice sheet had melted beyond the point of no return. “No efforts to prevent global warming can stop it from finally breaking into small parts,” said researchers.

Aslak Grinsted, a climate scientist, said that they were trying to get flights into the camp so they can ship out the ice cores(冰芯)they had recently collected. But the warmth is destabilizing the landing site. “The weather we are seeing right now is too hot for the ski-equipped planes to land,” Grinsted said. “So we store the ice cores in large caves we have made into the snow to protect it from the heat of the summer.” Scientists made use of the abnormal warmth while they were waiting, playing volleyball in their shorts on an ice sheet at the top of the world.

Grinsted referred to the temperatures as a heat wave, and noted that the possibility of temperatures getting this hot was clearly connected to global warming.

1. How does the author support the topic of paragraph 1?
A.By exploring reasons.B.By drawing conclusions.
C.By making comparisons.D.By doing some experiments.
2. What did Kutalmis mean in paragraph 2?
A.He disliked wearing a T-shirt.
B.He worried about the warmth.
C.He was deeply impressed by the ice.
D.He was thirsty for enjoying the sea view.
3. What does the underlined word “destabilizing" mean in paragraph 4?
4. What will the author probably do in the following paragraph?
A.Recommend visiting Greenland.
B.Call on people to protect the environment.
C.Describe how to ship out the ice core.
D.Plan to organize a sports meeting on ice.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】“We all know that exercise is good for us, but can you get the benefits without actually doing the exercise?” asks Michael Mosley.

Having a hot bath or a sauna is a good way to soothe your limbs after exercise, but what happens if you do it instead of exercise? Dr. Steve Faulkner of Loughborough University asked me to take part in an experiment comparing the relative benefits of having a long, hot bath versus an hour of hard pedalling.

For this study I join a group of volunteers who have all been fitted with monitors which continuously record blood sugar levels. Keeping your blood sugar levels within the normal range is an important measure of your “metabolic” fitness.

The first part of the experiment is very relaxing, consisting of having a long, hot bath. While I sit in the bath, which they keep at 40℃, Steve closely monitors my core temperature. Once it has risen and stayed there, I am allowed out.

A couple of hours after my bath I have a light meal. Since we want to see how having a hot bath compares with exercise we repeat the experiment.

So what’s the result?

“One of the first things that we were looking at,” Steve says, “is the energy expenditure while you’re in the bath and what we found was an 80% increase in energy expenditure just as a result of sitting in the bath for the course of an hour.”

This is nothing like as many calories as cycling for an hour (which comes out at an average of 630 calories) but we do burn 140 calories, the equivalent of a brisk 30-minute walk.

1. What is the meaning of the underlined word in Paragraph 2?
A.exerciseB.strengthenC.relaxD.build up
2. What is the purpose of the experiment?
A.To compare energy expenditure of hot bath and pedalling
B.To tell people how to lose weight.
C.To show the benefit of hot bath.
D.To encourage people to have a hot bath instead of pedalling.
3. What does normal sugar level mean?
A.It means you are healthy.B.It means your temperature is normal.
C.It means you don't need exercise.D.It means your metabolic system is normal.
4. If you want to burn 600 calories, what can you do?
A.Have a hot bath for one hour.B.Cycle for one hour.
C.Have a brisk 60-minute walk.D.Have a brisk 30-minute walk.
2018-11-28更新 | 59次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】For more than 140 years, fishers in Laguna, Brazil have formed an unusual partnership with local dolphins. As soon as the fishers spot a dolphin waving its tail, lifting its head, and diving deeply, they race into the water with their nets. Now, a new study suggests the dolphins are willing partners in this cooperation and that the animals may be guiding the people. They pay close attention to the humans, timing their actions to maximize their catch. Over the years, dolphins have been showing the fishers “where to stand and when to get ready to throw their nets” in the dark waters. It’s almost as if the dolphins are training the humans.

As much as the fishers were watching the dolphins, the dolphins were also watching the fishers, the study found. Both species must time their actions correctly to catch fish. The people wait with their nets at the ready for a dolphin to approach closely. When a dolphin sees a ready fisher, the animal will give a tip, usually that deep dive, which tells the fisher the mullet (鲻鱼)are right there and it’s time to cast their net. Sometimes, either dolphin or fisher will respond incorrectly, and neither catches fish. Yet, the scientists reported that of nearly 3000 recorded fishing attempts, nearly 46% were successful. To ensure this accuracy, fishers must understand the dolphins’ tips, learning them over time, even it can say. “The dolphins are almost like teachers.”

Other populations of dolphins have also been known to cooperate with human fishers, rushing fish toward shore or into nets off eastern Australia, Mauritania, and Southeast Asia. But these practices have either disappeared or are in decline.

The same fate likely faces the Laguna dolphins if the mullet numbers, which have dropped over the past decade because of overfishing, continue to decline. The practice may escape such a fate, if Brazil regards this dolphin-fisher relationship a cultural heritage, as the scientists propose. “Without mullet,” the expert says, “this partnership will end.”

1. How do the dolphins guide the fishers to catch the fish?
A.By constantly attacking fish.
B.By making strange voices.
C.By pulling the nets.
D.By using body languages.
2. What does the author intend to do in paragraph 3?
A.Introduce a new topic for discussion.
B.Provide suggestions for the readers.
C.Add some background information.
D.Conclude the previous paragraphs.
3. What can we learn about the dolphin-fisher relationship in Laguna?
A.It has disappeared.
B.It develops friendly.
C.It needs to be protected.
D.It becomes a cultural heritage.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Humans live harmonious with dolphins.
B.Humans and dolphins team up to catch fish.
C.Humans were taught to catch fish by dolphins.
D.Humans in Brazil rely on the dolphins for fishing.
2023-03-18更新 | 91次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】    1     But science may have just proved them right – because beautiful women are more likely(可能的) to have daughters than those who are ordinary-looking, according to a study.

As parents often pass on genes(基因) that determine(决定) looks, this could result in fewer handsome men on the ground.     2     For example, Yasmin Le Bon is signed to the same modelling company as daughter Amber, and Jerry Hall’s daughters Elizabeth and Georgia Jagger have both taken to the catwalk.

Dr Satoshi Kanazawa, of the London School of Economics, surveyed( 调查 ) 17,000 babies born in Britain in March 1967 and followed them throughout their lives.     3     When they reached 45, they were asked about the gender(性别) of any children they had.

Those considered to be attractive have the same chance to have a son or daughter as their first child –but the unattractive ones were more likely to have a son.     4    

A previous study of 2,000 Americans suggested that women are becoming more beautiful over the generations because attractive women have more children than unattractive ones – and a higher percentage of their children are girls.

Dr Kanazawa believes that parents are more likely to produce children who benefit( 得益) from their own features.     5     So it pays for attractive women to have daughters. But couples with strength and aggression rather than looks are better off having boys, as these characteristics are of more use to males.

A.Famously good-looking parents like Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are more likely to have girls than uglier couples.
B.Single girls have always complained that good-looking men are difficult to find.
C.Beauty is of more benefit to a woman than a man.
D.At the age of seven, their attractiveness was rated(评估) by their teachers.
E.In other words, beautiful women were more likely to have daughters than unattractive ones.
F.And it may also explain why many models have daughters who follow them.
G.Women are becoming more beautiful over the generations because attractive women have more children than plain ones.
2018-12-15更新 | 83次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般