组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:31 题号:20473982

Once there was a king who had given his daughter a beautiful diamond necklace. However, the necklace was stolen. Some said a bird might have taken it. The king then asked all his people to search for it. And he put up a reward of£50,000 for anyone who found it.

One day, a man was walking along a river. Suddenly, he saw something shiny in the river. He thought that it might be the diamond necklace. So he decided to get it so that he could get the reward. He put his hand into the dirty river and tried to grab the necklace, but somehow he missed it. Having taken his hand out, he saw that the necklace was still there. Then he walked into the river and put his arm in to grab the necklace. He still missed it!

He came out and decided to walk away. Just when he was about to leave, he saw the necklace again. This time, he jumped into the river and searched everywhere, yet he failed to find the necklace. He came out, puzzled.

Then a wise man saw him and asked him what had happened. The man told him nothing, thinking he might take the necklace for himself. Nevertheless, the wise man could see that he was in search of something. He asked him again, and promised that he wouldn’t tell anyone. After hearing this, the man told the wise man about the necklace and how he had tried to grab it, but kept failing. The wise man then told him that perhaps he should look up, towards the branches of a tree. The man raised his head, only to see the necklace on a branch of the tree. What he had been trying to get was just a reflection of the necklace all the time.

1. Why did the man try many times to get the necklace?
A.He liked diamonds very much.
B.He really wanted the reward.
C.He was very curious about it.
D.He was forced to do so by the king.
2. The man didn’t want to tell the wise man about the necklace because .
A.he didn’t think the wise man would be able to help him
B.he knew that it didn’t belong to the wise men
C.he was afraid that the wise man would take it
D.he didn’t think the wise man was interested in it
3. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.The man found the necklace with the help of the wise man.
B.The wise man had put the necklace on the branch.
C.There was no hope of the man finding the necklace.
D.The man regretted jumping into the river.
4. What does the author want to show in the text ?
A.A wise manB.A greedy man
C.A different way of thinking.D.A diamond necklace


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】My neighbor Orlando is a paramedic (急救医士). He and his wife are some of the nicest people I have ever met. A few years back we started this sort of “favor war”, where one of us would do something for the other, such as shoveling (铲) their driveway or helping them build a shed, and next time the other would try to top it with another favor.

Yesterday morning there was maybe 2 or 3 feet of snow on the ground and I remembered he shoveled my driveway for me last snowfall. So I took out my shovel and took care of both our sidewalks and driveways because it was my turn to do a favor back. It took a while but I finished and got into my car for work. What I didn’t realize was that Orlando had to work that day too.

Fast forward to this morning I got a knock on my door. It was him. He immediately shook my hand and informed me that because I shoveled his driveway and sidewalk for him, he was able to get to work earlier. As soon as he started his shift, a call came through that a young boy was in a medical emergency. Luckily he and his partner were only about 2 minutes away, but the next closest ambulance was in 10 minutes. This kid did not have 10 minutes. He barely had 2 minutes. Because my neighbor got to work sooner, the young boy got to live his life.

This isn’t a humble brag (吹牛). This is to inform others that even the smallest favors can have the biggest impacts. It wasn’t too much of trouble to shovel his driveway for him, but because I did, the young kid got to see his family again, go back to school again, talk to his friends again and live his life.

1. What can we know about the writer and Orlando?
A.They once had a conflict.
B.They signed a favorable agreement.
C.They favor shoveling snow together.
D.They are always ready to help each other.
2. Who saved the boy before it was too late?
A.The writer.B.The boy’s parents.
C.Orlando and his wife.D.Orlando and his partner.
3. What does the writer intend to tell us?
A.Never ask for trouble.B.No favor is too small.
C.One cannot always be lucky.D.Don’t lose heart in an emergency.
2019-04-12更新 | 120次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Our non­profit organization had just received a large donation of clothing. As three of us walked home for dinner, we saw a woman begging by the bridge. She was old and had no legs. She shivered in her thin sari(纱巾), which offered little protection from the cold wind. Her hunger forced her to beg. My friends and I looked at each other:here was a perfect opportunity, but first it was necessary to do a little bit of research.

We went up to the woman to hear her story. She spoke very little due to her poor health and fear, but we learned enough. She lived alone in her small home. She had no one to look after her and ate whatever people gave her. The desire to help her grew stronger. After speaking to her, we headed back to get something to keep her warm. Finding the perfect sweater, we set out again to see the woman. This time, the fear was replaced by distrust as we presented her with the sweater.

“Are you robbers?” she asked. “You came here before and are back so suddenly with clothes.” I was surprised by her principles.Even in her state, she did not want to wear anything that was stolen and gained through ill means.

“No, we are out doing service work.” Her shoulders relaxed a bit. I then helped her put the sweater on and said, “Please don't sell the sweater.” “I swear, I won't,” she said.

A week later, I was out walking with my mother to get some food when I saw the woman again. This time the picture was a little different. She was still begging, but with the gray sweater wrapped around her body and a smile on her face when she saw us. I guarantee that the smile on my face was bigger.

1. What can we learn from the first paragraph?
A.The organization had too many clothes.
B.The writer offered help without hesitation.
C.The woman wanted to make a fortune by begging.
D.The writer was careful before offering help to the beggar.
2. What do the underlined words “her principles” in the third paragraph refer to?
A.She never trusted strangers.
B.She never accepted donations from the poor.
C.She wouldn't accept anything gained illegally.
D.She wouldn't take advantage of others' kindness.
3. What contributed to their smiles at last?
A.Kindness and trust.B.Caution and fear.
C.Doubt and distrust.D.Optimism and generosity.
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A.Trusting the BeggarsB.A Beggar’s Morality
C.The Sweater to a BeggarD.Learning to Judge a Real Beggar
2018-08-11更新 | 32次组卷
阅读理解-阅读表达(约410词) | 较易 (0.85)

I am a member at the Blue Ridge Mountains Writers Conference. This is the conference where I got my start about 15 years ago, so it feels special whenever I go back there.

I usually teach multiple sessions, host a table at meals where I can talk with conferees, and often have about 40-50 private appointments with attendees. I take great pleasure in giving my personal advice on the beginners' writing journey after listening to their puzzlement.

And then I realized something, as I looked across the room and saw Al Gansky and Eva Marie Everson whom I'd had private appointments with many years ago when I was one of the conferees. The only reason I am a member there now is because countless people like them have invested in me. As a new writer, I once expressed my book ideas to Al and Eva, and they encouraged me a lot. Award-winning authors Yvonne Lehman and Steven James welcomed me to their group and shared their knowledge. And Edie, Vonda, Linda, Lynette, Michelle and so many others became my writing friends, offering encouragement and support along the way. I'd never have made it on this journey without them.

Last week, I was invited to experience the life in the countryside with some writer friends. I refused the invitation at first. I was away from home a lot because of the numerous book releases and conferences. I felt so exhausted that I just wanted to stay at home. However, my sweet husband said, "Honey, why don't you go? It will be good for you. It can be a great source of inspiration for you."I'd never have made it without the support of this precious man who's been my chief encourager. It moves me to tears to think about all the times he's cleaned the kitchen, folded the laundry, taken care of our children and lugged my suitcases to the car so I can chase my dreams.

I wouldn't be where I am today without all the supportive people and I want to give them a much-deserved shout-out today.

1. What does the author enjoy doing at the Blue Ridge Mountains Writers Conference?(No more than 9 words)
2. How do you understand the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 ? (No more than 10 words)
3. Why did the author refuse the invitation ? ( No more than 7 words )
4. What did the author's husband do to support her ? ( No more than 10 words )
5. Is there anyone who helps you to follow your dream? What does he/ she do? (No more than 20 words)
2019-05-16更新 | 46次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般