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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:22 题号:21010820

Spending time in the great outdoors is a full-on sensory experience with nature’s views, endless skies, grand forests, the sounds of the wind and wildlife, and the warm feeling of sun-beams (阳光) resting on your face.

In fact, a recent study, published in the journal Ambio, found that nature doesn’t just smell good, and its fragrances make people feel good as well. The researchers from the University of Kent in the UK sent 194 participants to woodlands throughout the four seasons. The participants reported feeling relaxed and refreshed when they smelled what they described as “fresh air” or “earthy smells”. According to Earth. com, these smells awakened pleasant memories from their childhoods.

While it is well known that being in nature makes people feel good, this study was the first to focus on the olfactory (嗅觉的) aspect of the outdoors. The results showed that there may be more to smell than people give it credit for. The researchers wrote in the study, “We found smells affected multiple aspects of well-being with physical well-being discussed most frequently.”

The same study uncovered the relaxing effect of lack of smells, according to CBS News. People feel more settled in a smell-free zone, with this result possibly linked to the absence of bad-smelling urban smells, like pollution, that interfere (干扰、阻碍) with well-being. The study found that even the absence of pollution and unwanted smells that are associated with urban life was noticed by the participants to improve their physical well-being.

Dr Jessica Fisher, study co-author and postdoctoral research associate at Kent’s Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology, said, “The study provides findings that can inform the work of practitioners, public health specialists, policy-makers and landscape planners looking to improve well-being outcomes through nature. Small interventions (干预) could lead to public health benefits. So, when it comes to enjoying a hike in the woods, a pienic under the open skies, or a day at the beach, it pays to keep one’s eyes and ears, but also one’s nose, open.”

1. Why is the study mentioned in paragraph 2 different from other similar ones?
A.It adopted innovative research methods.B.It involved a number of participants.
C.It was supported officially.D.It was the first to turn to studying the sense of smell.
2. What can be inferred from paragraph 4?
A.Different smells have different functions.
B.No smell is better than a bad one.
C.Nature smells are necessary to people’s life.
D.Pleasant smells can improve people’s sense of smell.
3. What are people advised to do in the last paragraph?
A.To enjoy nature by their sense of smell as well
B.To participate in outdoor activities frequently.
C.To be exposed to natural smells as much as possible.
D.To be away from places with bad smells.
4. What can be the best title for the passage?
A.The Sounds of the Wind and Wildlife
B.A Scientific Study Applied to Our Real Life.
C.Smell of Nature Improves Well-being.
D.Pollution and Bad Smell are Associated with Urban Life.
【知识点】 科普知识 新闻报道


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】When children complain "It’s not fair!" they’re not just doing it to be annoying—their brains prefer equality in the doling out of everything from candy to money.

Researchers at California Institute of Technology used an MRI to look at how the brain processes rewards. They were looking at how the brain reacts to "inequality aversion", or not liking it when things aren’t fair.

What they found was that the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and ventral striatum-both associated with reward in the brain-reacted strongly to inequality even when the inequality was in their favor.

"It could have worked out in the opposite way, such that these reward processing regions might only have responded in a self-interested way and the reason that people showed inequality aversion in the lab is because they wanted to appear fair but in reality they only cared about themselves," says Tricomi, a professor of psychology.

The researchers gave some participants $50 while others began with nothing. Then, while they were in the MRI, they were presented with a series of possible money transfers. Sometimes they would be given more money; sometimes another person would get more. As the subjects thought about this money transfer, the researchers looked to see how their brains reacted.

As they’d expected, people who started out "poor" in the experiment had the strongest brain reaction when they were given money, and didn’t really react when money went to the "rich" person.

But in a surprise finding, the "rich" participants reacted just as strongly to the "poor" person getting money as they did when they themselves got money.

"Their brains weren’t simply wired for self-interest, but for fairness all around," says Tricomi.

1. How do people with inequality aversion react?
A.They dislike rewards.B.They prefer equality.
C.They prefer inequality.D.They hope to get rewards.
2. What was the purpose of the money transfers in the experiment?
A.To increase inequality.B.To reduce inequality.
C.To create a fair situation.D.To create an unfair situation.
3. What do we know about the people who started out "poor" in the experiment?
A.They were given no money at first.B.They were given little money at first.
C.They were given no money all the time.D.They were given little money all the time.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Our Brains Dislike InequalityB.Our Brains Prefer Having Less
C.Our Brains Respond Strongly to MoneyD.Our Brains Respond Differently to Money
2021-12-07更新 | 72次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Cerebral palsy(脑瘫)is the most common motor disability in children. The condition,which affects about 1 in 345 children, can make daily activities like walking, eating, or even lifting a cup difficult. A team of researchers from the University of California, Riverside (UCR) hopes to reduce the daily struggles with robotic clothing that will allow kids with cerebral palsy to better control their arm movements.

Wearable robotic units to help people with mobility issues have been around for many years. However, they are rigid and uncomfortable to wear. The UCR team plans to use light-weight materials to create a robotic sleeve that is cheap, durable, and, most importantly, comfortable to wear on a daily basis.

“Hard materials don’t interact well with humans,” said Jonathan Realmuto, UCR assistant professor of mechanical engineering and project lead. “What we’re going for by using materials like nylon and elastic are essentially robotic clothing.”

The scientists envision the robotic sleeves to have sealed areas that can be inflated. When filled with air,they would become temporarily rigid and provide the force needed for movement. The clothing will be fitted with sensors to detect small muscle contractions and anticipate what the wearer wants to do. The inflated bladders(气囊) will then help move the arm to complete the intended action.

“If we can help kids brush their own teeth, pour water or open doors, actions that others take for granted, it’s a huge win for them,” Realmuto said. “And it’s also a huge win for their families and caretakers.”

The UCR engineers are not the only ones working on soft robotic clothing to help those with motor disabilities. San Francisco-based startup CIONIC is on a similar mission. The company’s first product, the CIONIC Neural Sleeve, is designed to improve mobility for people with conditions like cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, and stroke. Jeremiah Robison, the founder of CIONIC, was inspired to develop the product after seeing his daughter struggle with cerebral palsy.

1. What is the disadvantage of previous robotic clothing?
A.They are uncomfortable to wear.
B.They are not easy to carry around.
C.They aren’t environmentally friendly.
D.They aren’t affordable for most families.
2. What improvement is being made to the existing robotic clothing?
A.Easy operation.B.Adjustable design.
C.Soft material.D.Simple structure.
3. What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A.Why bladders are needed in the new unit.
B.How the improved robotic clothing works.
C.What material is used in the robotic sleeves.
D.What difficulty cerebral palsy patients have.
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.The UCR is teaming up with the CIONIC.
B.Soft robotic clothing is an emerging industry.
C.The CIONIC Neural Sleeve is quite popular.
D.Robison made robotic clothing for his family first.
2023-05-18更新 | 89次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】A sure way to destroy your chances of learning how to write skillfully is to believe that writing is a “natural gift” rather than a learned skill. People with such an attitude think that they are the only ones for whom writing is unbearably difficult. They feel that everyone else finds writing easy or at least tolerable. Such people often say, “I’m not any good at writing” or “English was not one of my good subjects.” They imply that they simply do not have a talent for writing while others do. The result of this attitude is that these people try to avoid writing, and when they do write, they don’t try their best. Their writing fails chiefly because they believe that they don’t have the “natural talent” needed to write. Unless their attitude changes, they probably will not learn how to write effectively.
A realistic attitude about writing must build on the idea that writing is a skill. It is a skill like driving, typing, or cooking; and, like any skill, it can be learned. If you have the determination to learn, you will develop your writing skills by practicing extensively.
Many people find it difficult to do the active thinking that clear writing demands. It is frustrating to discover how much of a challenge it is to transfer thoughts and feelings from one’s head onto a sheet of paper. But writing is not an automatic process: We will not get something for nothing — and we should not expect to. For almost everyone, skillful writing comes from hard work — from determination and sweat. The good news is that the skill of writing can be mastered, and if you are ready to work, you will learn what you need to know.
1. Why do some people think writing is difficult?
A.They have no time to practice writing.
B.They believe few people can write well.
C.They have no good teachers to help them.
D.They don’t think writing can be learned.
2. It can be inferred from Para. 1 that ______.
A.“natural gift” is the determining factor in one’s success
B.diligence can result in success
C.a person without “natural gift” is sure to fail in writing
D.attitude determines what one will be
3. What is the topic of the passage?
A.Why writing is important.
B.Whether writing is a born gift.
C.Benefits of essay writing.
D.How to improve writing skills.
2016-12-12更新 | 122次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般