组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 动物
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:181 题号:21055848

I’m retired and not responsible for much these days. I don’t have school-age children who require help with their homework. I sleep in when I choose, do a little writing and repair a few things around the house. My wife’s work, on the other hand, is never-ending. Diana takes care of her parents in their mid-nineties, tends to home and garden, volunteers for various community organizations, and is a gold-star grandmother. She is also a dedicated cat lover, and cats have always been her pet of choice.

All that changed when two small black-and-brown dogs scampered into our yard and melted Diana’s heart. It happened not long ago. The dogs appeared unannounced and had been seen by hikers on numerous occasions, roaming the woods like tiny lost souls. They were homeless dogs, as wild as the wind. No one could get within 100 yards of them. In their struggle for survival, the two had figured out a way to avoid people and find food and shelter in the wilderness.

They were undeniably cute and appealing. Many of our neighbors tried to lure them in with treats, but the tiny dogs remained unapproachable. My wife began leaving tasty food out, slowly moving the food bowl closer with each feeding. As days passed, they ventured closer and closer. Diana made a conscious effort not to frighten them. She called them to dinner with a comforting voice, letting them know they were safe. It was important that they trusted her. Why? She was looking for something to mother. For Diana, love is the medicine to everything, and nothing tugged at her heartstrings more than a hungry and homeless animal.

Diana named them “Emma” and “Daisy” and she called the dogs her “little wolves.” Initially, they would not let her touch them. As days turned into weeks, their bond slowly grew. Soon, Diana was petting them. Next, they were eating from her hand. Before long, she had them sitting in her lap and following her around the yard. And poof! My wife was instantly transformed from cat lady to dog lady.

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Paragraph 1:

It wasn’t long before the dogs were sleeping in the house and assuming their role as “watchdogs”.

Paragraph 2:

Time in the yard feels like a second childhood with Daisy and Emma playing about our feet.

2023·浙江绍兴·一模 查看更多[2]


书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Teddy was a bear of habit. Every morning he woke up at the same time, stretched, scratched, and yawned(打哈欠). Every morning the bees in his yard delivered three jars of honey so that Teddy ate the same breakfast he’d eaten since he was a hairy baby: toast a honey and tea with extra honey.

Next came his daily routine: practicing the rolling skill and running errands(做杂事). At night he’d read, and then have one last cup of honey tea before bed.

Life was sweet. Until one morning ...

One morning something abnormal had happened. There was no honey. The bees had gone on strike!

Teddy’s breakfast wasn’t the same without honey. Without his honey tea, he couldn’t practice rolling, or run errands, or read at night. Teddy became deeply discouraged.

Just then he heard someone say, “Hey, you! In the fur coat! ” It was a very small bee with a very loud voice. “We need to talk! ” said the bee.

“Talk? Hmmph! ” complained Teddy. “I let you all live in my yard. All I ask for is a few jars of honey. You should be grateful rather than strike! ”

“A few jars? ” said the bee. “Buddy, we deliver three jars of honey to you every day, every month, every year! Do the maths, Einstein. ”

“The hive(蜂巢)is in ruins! ” the bee continued. “It’s all we can do to keep the walls from falling in! The roof leaks! Wind blows through the holes! ”

The bee showed Teddy the garden. “Look! ”the bee said. “Weeds everywhere. We have to fly miles away to find enough flowers to make our honey. So we voted to strike. ”

“You are taking us for granted. ” the bee declared. “You want honey? We won’t come back unless things have changed. It’s up to you, bear. ” And with that, the very small bee flew off.

The thought of losing his honey upset Teddy greatly. He sat down to think about the situation. “Maybe I’ve been too selfish. ” Teddy said to himself. “I’ve never thought about what the bees need. How can I make this right? ”

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Soon Teddy had an idea of what to do.


Spring came and Teddy was expecting the bees.

2021-11-19更新 | 128次组卷
书面表达-概要写作 | 较难 (0.4)

The Theobroma Cacao tree, to use its scientific name, provides us with one of the world's most delicious foods—chocolate! Theobroma is a Greek word meaning 4food of the gods. The tree originally comes from the Amazon region of South America. Hand-sized pods that grow on the tree contain cacao seeds—often called ‘cocoa beans’. These seeds,or beans,are used to make chocolate.

The earliest use and consumption of cacao beans dates back to around 1000 B.C. Later, the Mayan and Aztec civilizations consumed cacao as a drink. They often flavored it with ingredients such as chili peppers, and other spices. It is believed that drinking cups of chocolate was important in Mayan rituals such as wedding ceremonies. Consuming cacao was also believed to have positive effects on health. In Peru, eating or drinking a mixture of chocolate and chili was said to be good for the stomach. The Aztecs thought it could even cure sicknesses!

Christopher Columbus, along with Spanish explorers, made his fourth voyage across the Atlantic in the early 1500s, and arrived on the coast of Honduras. It was at this time that he first discovered the value of cocoa beans,which were used as currency in many parts of Central America.

In the sixteenth century, chocolate was taken back to Spain by Hernando Cortez, another explorer. The Spanish people added ingredients such as sugar and vanilla to make it sweet. It later spread to France in the seventeenth century. The popularity of chocolate continued to spread further across Europe and the Americas. The only Asian country to adopt it at that time, though, was the Philippines, which the Spanish invaded in the sixteenth century.

As chocolate became more popular, the demand for people to work on the cocoa plantations increased. Slaves were brought to the Americas from Africa to farm the cocoa. Eventually, the cacao tree was taken to

Africa and cultivation(m) began there. Today, the African plantations provide almost seventy percent of the world's cacao, compared with one and a half percent from Mexico.


2020-09-15更新 | 85次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)


Our family has two dogs, Cady and Casey. We took in both the mixed breed dogs after they were abandoned in the country. We live in an area between city and country. This area is rich with farmland, woods and various animals. Both of our dogs constantly want to run and will do so at any given opportunity. I have to keep them chained, even though my yard is fenced, so that I do not have to pay any fines for recovering them from the city pound (流浪狗收留所).

This morning I made the silly mistake of waiting until the last possible minute to put the dogs out. As I was walking the first one out, the second ran past me in a surprisingly fast move and she was gone. I called for her to return, but she chose to ignore my commands and headed off for a day of joy. Having a disobedient dog really upset me. I said goodbye to the dog and went about my business. Anyway, when I picked my daughter up from school, I just happened to mention that Cady might be missing. “I’ll tell you this! If she has been caught by the K9 cops (警察), I will not be paying her fines this time,” I said.

I noticed that my daughter had her head turned away from me and was silent for over 5 minutes. I asked, “Are you mad at me?” “Yes, I am,” she replied, now looking at me calmly. “Why does this upset you so much?” I wondered out loud. “Cady obviously does not care for her living arrangements here, or she would not runoff every time she has a chance, would she?” I cleverly remarked.

I have never noticed my daughter spending much time with this dog, so I could not imagine that the thought of losing her would be so painful. In my mind I have given Cady a nice home. If she is silly enough to leave all that behind to chase some neighbor’s cows, then “goodbye” is my attitude.



I saw tear swelling up in my daughter’s eyes.


After along and stressful night, we finally got a call from the city pound.


2024-03-26更新 | 78次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般