组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 人与动植物
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:47 题号:21062841

When I was a kid, my godparents, Uncle Nell and Aunt Frances, brought me a four-month-old puppy. She was half German shepherd, half collie. As her pink tongue touched my face with wet licks, it was love at first hug.

My family named the puppy Dusty. Although I wanted to lay my only claim to her affections, in a family of seven kids, no one lays permanent claim to the family pet.

Dusty was our dog, not “my” dog. We soon realized that she had the patience of Buddha. My baby sister often transformed Dusty’s warm fur into a nap-time pillow -- falling asleep on the rug. Like a protective mother, Dusty waited -- without moving -- until my sister woke.

Dusty doubled as a school crossing guard, too. Monday through Friday she’d walk us kids two blocks to St. Patrick’s Parochial, looking both ways to check for traffic before allowing us to cross the street. We’d wave good-bye as we entered the door, knowing Dusty would be waiting at the school door to greet us at the close of the school day.

Of all the contributions Dusty made to our family, one incident stands out far and above all others.

Late one night, Dusty rushed to my parents’ bedroom. She barked and barked. When she got no response, Dusty raced upstairs to my bedroom and my brothers’ bedroom and barked again and again. When she failed to fully wake us, she flew back down the steps and returned to my parents’ room. Finally, she got Mom’s attention.

“What are you doing, Dusty?” Mom snapped, still halfway in dreamland. Dusty persisted. Finally my mother gave in.

“Okay, what is it?”

Dusty whined and rushed out of Mom’s room. Thinking the dog needed to be let out to relieve herself, my mother followed Dusty to the front door.

Para. 1:

When Mom opened the door, she discovered the house across the street -- where my best friend, Marianne, lived -- was on fire.

Para. 2:

My mother refused to take the credit.

【知识点】 人与动植物 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

On his way home, Tommy saw a gray, long-haired cat sitting on the sidewalk. As he stopped to pet her, he noticed that she was not wearing a collar(项圈). She rubbed her head against his hand. She reminded Tommy of Smoky, the cat he had when he was younger. Smoky’s fur had been long and gray too. Tommy petted the cat for a while. Then he said, “I have to go,” and continued to go home. To his surprise, the cat followed him on the way.

When Tommy was home, he walked up the porch(门廊)steps and went into the kitchen. The cat followed him up the steps and sat quietly outside the door, watching him closely. Tommy made a sandwich. The cat continued to stare at him. Tommy sighed. “I know it’s not a good idea to feed a stray cat(流浪猫),” he said, “but you look so hungry! I can’t sit here and eat without feeding you!”

Tommy put some turkey on a plate for the cat. As Tommy watched, she ate every piece of the turkey and then began to clean her face. “Wow!” Tommy said, “You must have been starving. I wonder how long it has been since someone fed you.”

Tommy finished his sandwich and looked at the cat. Her long fur was matted(缠结), Tommy remembered that Smoky’s brush and toys were in the storeroom. “I’m going to clean you up a little,” Tommy said to the cat. He found Smoky’s brush and got to work. As the dirt came out, the cat’s fur began to get lighter. “Hey!” Tommy said, realizing the truth. “You’re not gray—you’re white!”

After the brush, the cat climbed onto Tommy’s lap. “You’re so friendly. You probably belong to someone,” Tommy said. “I bet you’re just lost.” When Tommy’s father came home, Tommy showed him the lovely cat. “Why don’t you make some notices to put up in the neighborhood?” his father suggested.


Tommy nodded his head and said, “That is a fantastic idea!”


Staring at the lovely cat, Tommy thought he was sure to have the chance.

2023-03-15更新 | 122次组卷
书面表达-概要写作 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Where are the bees?

Bees are essential to the production of food we eat. Bees make honey, but they also pollinate large areas of crops, such as straw berries, apples and onions. About a third of the food we eat is a result of pollination of the bees. Unfortunately, bees have been disappearing at an alarming rate.

In 2006, bee keepers started reporting about something called Colony Collapse Disaster (CCD).The main sign of CCD is the loss of adult honey bees from a hive. In October of 2006, some beekeepers reported that they had lost between 30 and 90 percent of their hives.

There were many theories for the disappearance of the bees. But the most convincing one has to do with pesticides and lifestyles of bees today. Nowadays, beekeeper get most of their income not from producing honey but from renting bees to pollinate plants. This means that the life of the typical bee now consists of travelling all around the country to pollinate crops as the seasons change. That means a lot of traveling on trucks, which is very stressful to bees. It is not unusual for up to 30% of the hive to die during transport due to stress. In addition, bees that spend most of their time locked up on trucks are not exposed to what they usually live on. Instead, they live on a sweet liquid from corn, usually polluted with pesticides.

The exact reason for the disappearance of bees is not sure, but losing bees is very costly to the economy. The bee pollination services are worth over $8 billion a year. With no bees, pollination will have to be done by hand, which would have effects on the quality of food and increased food priced. We hear a lot about big environmental disasters almost every day. But one of the biggest may just be the less of that tiny flying insect.

2019-04-12更新 | 182次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

John’s uncle Tom and his wife had a dog called Oliver with a white spot on his neck. When John stayed with them, he realized that Oliver was unhappy. He was not given his meals on time, nor was he taken for a walk. Oliver was shouted and abused all day.

“Your uncle bought Oliver so that the dog could protect his house from thieves, but actually neither he nor his wife loves him,” the gardener told John one day. John felt sad. At night, he could hear Oliver sobbing in the cold.“ Why don’t you make a coat for Oliver?” John paused and said,“ He feels cold.” His aunt snorted, “I have much better things to do.”

One day, John went out for a walk with Oliver, when the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds and a fierce storm started raging. People ran here and there for protection, as the rain started falling. John ran to take shelter in a candy shop. It was only after a few minutes that he realized that Oliver was not with him. John searched the entire place after the storm but he couldn’t find him. John’s uncle put an advertisement in the paper. After all, he had spent lots of money buying Oliver and did not want to lose him.

It was a half-hour ride by bus. The house was a beautiful brick-colored structure. The middle-aged lady who greeted Oliver was a kind woman; She and her husband had answered John’s uncle’s advertisement in the paper. Since John’s uncle was out on an official tour, John had been sent to check on the dog

“He is asleep,” the lady said. “Come and have a look.” The small bed on which Oliver slept was covered with a warm quilt. A pot of milk stood in a corner of the room possibly for Oliver’s next feed. “I found him on the back seat of the car. He must have crept in during the storm. The poor dear was shaking with cold when I first noticed him,” the lady said.

Paral: John looked at the dog carefully.
Para2: John smiled and said, “I am sorry to have bothered you, but this is not our Oliver.”
2023-05-29更新 | 72次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般