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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:45 题号:21128536

Recently Google has announced a series of new artificial intelligence(AI) (人工智能) tools designed to help users in organizing emails and creating business writings and meetings. These tools display important AI development progress in recent years. The tools are built by putting a great deal of data (数据) into machine learning computer systems. The data trains the AI systems to develop skills and produce human-like results.

The technology received wide attention last year after a company called OpenAI announced a free writing tool called ChatGPT. That tool can quickly produce human-quality writings. Experts say such systems may bring great changes to many different industries and jobs. Now some companies are able to test Google’s new tools in their development and business activities.

Like ChatGPT, Google’s AI tools are designed to create completely written texts for many different purposes. For example, an office worker could enter some keywords of a kind of text they want. The tools could then create a full marketing email, training materials or a business plan in a while. Google sees the system being able to offer an “AI Helper” to help human workers in real time. Google wants to have its AI change the work of lawyers, scientists, teachers and more.

However, Google says it keeps developing AI products of high quality. That is why the company is inviting groups of “trusted testers” to use its AI tools rather than widely selling its new products. Google’s new AI tools are the company’s latest move to fight for business. Companies like Microsoft and Meta are also working on products about AI.

Technology experts have warned that while the new AI tools can produce human-like writings, the systems can also make mistakes.

Last month, Bard, Google’s new AI tool designed to give a better online search, made a mistake and caused a $100-billion drop. Microsoft users said the company’s new AI tools produced unfriendly and rude results.

1. Which company offers an AI tool producing human-quality writings for free?
2. Google’s new AI tools can help users ________.
A.develop skills and produce human-like robots
B.create a complete business plan in a very short time
C.put a lot of data into any company’s computer system
D.send and receive emails at different business meetings
3. Google keeps developing AI products of high quality by ________.
A.asking experts from all industries for help
B.working together with Microsoft and Meta
C.allowing trusted testers to use new products first
D.widely selling its new products as soon as possible
4. In which section of a magazine can you read the passage?
A.Art and Life.B.Sport and Health.
C.Culture and Society.D.Science and Technology.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文为一篇新闻报道。讲述了Jason Allen利用人工智能图片生成工具创作的画作在一次美术比赛中得了第一名。人们对此发表了不同的看法。

【推荐1】Jason Allen was almost too nervous to enter his first art competition. Now, his award-winning image has caused controversy (争议).

In August, Allen, a game designer from Pueblo West, won first place in the Colorado State Fair Fine Arts Competition. His winning image was made with Midjourney—an artificial system that can produce detailed images when fed written prompts (提示符).

Allen’s winning image is one of three such images he entered in the competition. The definition for the category in which Allen competed states that digital art refers to works that use digital technology as part of the creative or presentation process. Allen used Midjourney to create his image.

Midjourney is one of a growing number of AI image generators. Others include Google Research’s Imagen and OpenAI’s DALL-E 2. Anyone can use Midjourney, while DALL-E 2 requires an invitation, and Imagen has not been opened up to users outside Google.

Whether these tools can truly make art or assist humans in making art came into sharp focus not long after Allen’s win. Some artists were angered by his win because of his use of AI to create the image. “This is really bad for the exact same reason we don’t let robots participate in the Olympics.” one artist wrote.

Cal Duran, an artist and art teacher who was one of the judges for the competition, said that while Allen’s piece included a mention of Midjourney, he didn’t realize that it was generated by AI when judging it. Still, he stuck by his decision to award it first place in its category, calling it a beautiful piece. “There’s a lot involved in this piece and I think AI technology may give more opportunities to people who may not find themselves artists in the conventional way.” he said.

Allen won’t yet say what the text prompt was behind his winning image—he’s planning to keep it a secret until he publishes a larger related work that he hopes will be finished later this year.

1. Which of the following is most accessible to common users to create images?
A.Imagen.B.Google.C.Midjourney.D.DALL-E 2.
2. Which of the following can replace the underlined phrase “came into sharp focus”?
A.Went viral.B.Be in a dilemma.
C.Made people surprised.D.Come under the spotlight.
3. What is Cal Duran’s attitude toward using AI to create artworks?
4. What might be the best title for the text?
A.AI Defeated Human Artists in the Art Field
B.AI Won an Art Contest and Artists Were Angry
C.An Artist Won State Fair Art Contest and Laughed
D.An Artist from Pueblo West Was Defending His Work
2024-06-04更新 | 35次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】NASA’s Mars detector (探测器), Opportunity, succeeded in finding signs that water once existed on the planet. Opportunity landed on Mars in January. Scientists now believe that the planet could once have supported life.
This discovery was chosen by Science, one of the world’s leading magazines, as the most important scientific achievement of 2004 last Friday.
“This little, wheeled, one-armed box went around another planet and has done something no human has ever managed,” according to Science. “It has discovered another place in the universe where life could once have existed.”
“Although we still can’t say that life could have existed in this environment, it is now certain that there was water on Mars,” said Steve Squyres, one of the scientists working on the Mars mission. The evidence comes from pictures and chemical readings taken by Opportunity. It includes marks on rocks like those caused by flowing water on Earth and salty chemicals like those found in dried-out sea-beds. Scientists said the new evidence proved beyond doubt that water has existed on Mars. But it is still unknown whether the water on Mars was like an ocean or justice.
While Opportunity has not found any signs of life, the presence of water means life is possible. “In everything we know about life on Earth, there is no example without liquid water,” Squyres said. “So water is important for the search for life on Mars.”
Researchers agree that a future mission (任务) should bring back physical samples (样品). But some scientists worry about the risk that this could introduce dangerous foreign creatures to Earth. “The problem here is how to get the samples back,” Squyres replied. “I think it is our responsibility to limit any risk.”
1. ________ prove that water existed on Mars.
A.The physical samples with salty chemicals
B.The marks on rocks and salty chemicals
C.Scientific achievements of 2004
D.Creatures from Mars
2. Which of the following is TURE according to the text?
A.It is now certain that there was water on Mars.
B.The water on Mars was like an ocean.
C.Evidence of life on Mars has been found.
D.Search for life on Mars is a great risk to humans.
3. How did scientists draw the conclusion that there was water on Mars?
A.The world’s leading magazine has announced the fact.
B.Scientists have taken many pictures and chemical readings on the Mars.
C.Astronauts have got some rocks from Mars.
D.Scientists have made a study of the pictures and readings sent back by Mars detector.
4. It can be inferred that, if the creatures from Mars came to Earth, ________.
A.they would be kind to humans
B.they would be cruel to humans
C.they would be a great danger to Earth
D.it would be hard to say whether it would be a good news or bad news
2012-07-02更新 | 387次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】For years video games have been criticized for making people more antisocial, overweight or depressed. Bui now researchers are finding that video games can actually change us for the better and improve both our body and mind.

Games can help to develop physical skills. Pre-school children who played interactive games have been shown to have improved motor skills, for example they can kick, catch and throw a ball better than children who don’t play video games. A study found that those who played video games were 27 percent faster and made 37 percent fewer errors than those who didn’t.

Games also benefit a variety of brain functions, including decision-making. People who play action-based games make decisions 25 percent faster than others, according to one study. It was also found that the best gamers can make choices and act on them up to six times a second, four times faster than most people. In another study by researchers from the University of Rochester in New York, experienced gamers were shown to be able to pay attention to more than six things at once without getting confused, compared with the four that most people can normally keep in mind.

There is also evidence that gaming can help with psychological problems. At the University of Auckland in New Zealand, researchers asked 94 young people diagnosed with depression to play a 3D fantasy game called SPARX and in many cases, the game reduced symptoms of depression more than conventional treatment.

The effects are not always so positive, however. Indiana University researchers carried out brain scans on young men and found evidence that violent games can adjust brain function after as little as a week of play, affecting regions in the brain associated with emotional control and causing more aggressive behavior in the player. But Danhne Bavelier, one of the most experienced researchers in the field, says that the violent action games that often worry p parents most may actually have the strongest beneficial effect on the brain. In the future, we may see many treatments for physical and neurological (神经的) problems, which include the playing of video games.

1. In what way playing video games benefits very young children?
A.Muscle control.B.Social interaction.
C.Decision-making.D.The ability to focus.
2. Which type of video game improves the decision-making speed?
A.Interactive games.B.Action-based games.
C.3D fantasy games.D.Violent games.
3. What is the authors attitude to video games?
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The effects of different types of video games.
B.The negative effects of playing video games.
C.The beneficial effects of playing video games.
D.The effects of games on people’s behavior.
2023-03-05更新 | 84次组卷
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