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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:76 题号:21416415

There are several reasons to use canvas (帆布) grocery bags or reusable grocery bags made from other materials.     1     They point out reusable bags can be a small change with a big difference.

From an environmental perspective, canvas grocery bags are better choices than paper or plastic bags.     2     Besides, turning to reusable supplies is viewed as greener than using disposable (一次性的) products, many of which wind up in landfills because a community lacks the ability to recycle them.

Plastic grocery bags have a number of environmental drawbacks. When plastic grocery bags end up in the natural environment, they can cause a wide range of problems. Animals may choke on or be trapped in such bags.     3     While the bags may eventually break down, they can poison a large number of sea creatures along the way. Paper bags will biodegrade much more quickly, but they still require the use of timber, a resource which some people would prefer to see left in forests

It may be upsetting to lose a batch of groceries due to a poorly-constructed grocery bag     4     . They can also be easily washed in the event of leaks.

    5     For example, they can be used to pick up books at the library or carry other shopping, and they make great beach bags because of their wash ability. For people who don’t want to carry a grocery store logo, canvas grocery bags can be turned inside out and left plain or painted with new designs, and some companies sell plain bags which people can dye or decorate to taste.

A.Many grocery stores carry canvas grocery bags.
B.You only have to buy a canvas grocery bag once.
C.However, canvas grocery bags can hold more weight.
D.Canvas grocery bags have uses beyond the grocery store.
E.What’s worse, plastic can stay in the ocean for thousands of years.
F.Canvas is more environmentally friendly to produce than paper or plastic.
G.Some environmental organizations have been pushing for the use of such bags.
【知识点】 科普知识 环境保护


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Scientists have discovered how plants manage to live alongside each other in places that are dark and shady. Plants in the deep darkness of a thick forest, where natural supplies are not very great in amount, won’t attempt to top their neighbors in growth as those in moderate (中度的) shade do. In deep shade conditions, it would be a waste of energy and harmful to survival because green shoots would never be able to top their larger neighbors in growth.

So how do plants prevent such growth in deep shade conditions? The secret lies in the clocks inside them, say scientists from the John Innes Centre and the University of Bristol.

They have discovered that when plants notice deep shade, this changes the expression of genes in certain parts of the circadian clock (昼夜节律时钟) — the internal daily timer found in plants and other living things. These clock components perform an additional role in preventing plants from lengthening and overtopping neighbors.

The work identifies a previously unknown role of the circadian clock in controlling plant development, and the findings may have possible effects on both natural plant populations and crops. Professor Antony Dodd of the John Innes Centre said, “The biological clock of plants plays a big part in their development and fitness. This work casts new light on a new role of the circadian clock in adapting plants to competition with other plants in their environments.” “It also gives us new insights into how plants adapt to very deep shade, where resources are very limited,” said Professor Kerry Franklin at the University of Bristol.

This work provides evidence for the stability of the circadian clock in stressful environments, and information that may be useful in developing new generations of crops in a challenging climate.

1. What do plants normally do in moderate shade?
A.Struggle to preserve energy.B.Compete for limited resources.
C.Try to outgrow their neighbors.D.Depend on each other to survive.
2. How does the circadian clock affect plants?
A.By changing their gene expression.B.By making them realize light change.
C.By helping them adapt to the darkness.D.By controlling their growth in deep shade.
3. Why does the author write the text?
A.To share a new discovery about plants.B.To introduce the role of the circadian clock.
C.To explain plants’ secret of living in forests.D.To compare plants living in certain conditions.
4. Which of the following could be the best title for the text?
A.How plants face a challenging climate
B.Why plants respond to different shade levels
C.Why the circadian clock is vital to plants’ growth
D.How plants become good neighbors in deep shade
2023-05-24更新 | 27次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】After a heavy snowstorm, I ran outside excitedly to build a snowman. No matter how hard 1 rolled my snowball, it refused to grow. After resting for a while, I restarted the job. Then I noticed I had an audience — a prim (古板的)-looking couple with obvious disapproval. My face turned red as I tried to answer their unspoken question: Don’t you have anything better to do?

An adult playing by herself seems strange, but maybe it shouldn’t. New research suggests that modern adults have ignored their play instinct (本能). Most animals stop playing as adults. However, there are a handful of animals that never stop.

One possibility is that adult play is important and beneficial, a theory supported by a study. Researchers left some puzzle boxes for some monkeys to solve. To get the food inside, they had to drop a rock into the container. The monkeys that previously had dropped rocks for fun were more likely to solve the puzzle. This finding also suggests somewhere in our evolutionary history, a playful human invented stone tools. Even today, the urge to play accounts for some of humanity’s greatest inventions.

Adult play promotes inclusivity, cooperation and creativity — all qualities that we humans could use. Unfortunately, social norms hold back our urge to let loose. When studying the last remaining hunter-gatherer communities. Peter Gray, a play researcher at Boston College, noticed they were often described as “joyful”. “This makes evolutionary sense,” Gray says. “Generally speaking, we like to do things that are necessary for our survival.” Humans took one giant step away from fun when we started planting crops. We spent a lot of time plowing (耕) fields, so we had much less time to play.

With threats like climate change, it’s easy to get into seriousness. But we should understand the value of encouraging adult play. The next time I’m caught playing, I know what to say, “I’m playing for the benefit of all humanity. You’re welcome.”

1. Why did the author feel embarrassed?
A.She considered herself too old to play.
B.She was judged to behave improperly.
C.She had a hard job making a snowman.
D.She was laughed at while playing as an adult.
2. What can be inferred about adult play from paragraph 3?
A.It promotes human evolution.
B.It is the natural need of humans.
C.It is particularly noticeable in animals.
D.It can contribute to useful inventions.
3. Which of the following may let humans reduce the pleasure of playing?
A.Climate change.B.The need to look for food.
C.Modern science.D.The arrival of agriculture.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Let’s play to save our world
B.Play is enjoyed not just by animals
C.Why adults need to make time for play
D.How adult play changed its role for humans
2024-06-04更新 | 71次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Baby giraffes inherit aspects of their mothers’ patterning—which could give them a survival advantage if good camouflage runs in the family. Just like humans have unique sets of fingerprints, every giraffe has a unique set of spots.

Derek Lee is a wildlife biologist and population ecologist at Penn State, and with the Wild Nature Institute, a research consulting group. He and his colleagues have been tracking giraffes for seven years, throughout 1,500 square miles in Tanzania.

Now, they’ve used image analysis software to study the spots of mothers and their babies. And they found that baby giraffes inherit at least some particular elements of their patterning from their mothers, like how circular the spots are. They also found that baby giraffes with larger spots have better chance to survive their first months, because the spots are more like the dappled sunlight in the bushes where baby giraffes like to hide from hungry lions and hyenas(wild animals like dogs).

The results—and a lot of giraffe patterns—are recorded and explained in the journal Peer J.[Lee et al., Seeing spots: quantifying mother­offspring similarity and assessing fitness consequences of coat pattern traits in a wild population of giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis)]

It’s perhaps not surprising that a physical characteristic that protects an individual from being eaten passes the test of Darwinian natural selection—and get passed along to later generations. “The fact that these things are inheritable and they do affect survival of baby animals makes us feel like evolution is embodied exactly by these spot features.” So if a mom’s camouflage is good, her babies, too, might have the spots that keep them safer.

1. Why are baby giraffes with larger spots more likely to survive?
A.Because their mothers tend to protect them more.
B.Because they keep away from lions and hyenas.
C.Because their spots match surroundings better.
D.Because they barely move around in the bushes.
2. What does the author intend to do in paragraph 4?
A.Summarize the previous paragraphs.B.Add some background information.
C.Introduce a new topic for discussion.D.Provide evidence for the findings.
3. What does “embodied” underlined in the last paragraph mean?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Animals Have Their Unique Sets of Patterning
B.Derek Lee Has Been Studying Animal Patterning
C.Mom’s Genes Make Some Giraffes Hard to Spot
D.Animal Physical Characteristics Are Similar to Family’s
2021-08-23更新 | 34次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般