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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:34 题号:13747818

Baby giraffes inherit aspects of their mothers’ patterning—which could give them a survival advantage if good camouflage runs in the family. Just like humans have unique sets of fingerprints, every giraffe has a unique set of spots.

Derek Lee is a wildlife biologist and population ecologist at Penn State, and with the Wild Nature Institute, a research consulting group. He and his colleagues have been tracking giraffes for seven years, throughout 1,500 square miles in Tanzania.

Now, they’ve used image analysis software to study the spots of mothers and their babies. And they found that baby giraffes inherit at least some particular elements of their patterning from their mothers, like how circular the spots are. They also found that baby giraffes with larger spots have better chance to survive their first months, because the spots are more like the dappled sunlight in the bushes where baby giraffes like to hide from hungry lions and hyenas(wild animals like dogs).

The results—and a lot of giraffe patterns—are recorded and explained in the journal Peer J.[Lee et al., Seeing spots: quantifying mother­offspring similarity and assessing fitness consequences of coat pattern traits in a wild population of giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis)]

It’s perhaps not surprising that a physical characteristic that protects an individual from being eaten passes the test of Darwinian natural selection—and get passed along to later generations. “The fact that these things are inheritable and they do affect survival of baby animals makes us feel like evolution is embodied exactly by these spot features.” So if a mom’s camouflage is good, her babies, too, might have the spots that keep them safer.

1. Why are baby giraffes with larger spots more likely to survive?
A.Because their mothers tend to protect them more.
B.Because they keep away from lions and hyenas.
C.Because their spots match surroundings better.
D.Because they barely move around in the bushes.
2. What does the author intend to do in paragraph 4?
A.Summarize the previous paragraphs.B.Add some background information.
C.Introduce a new topic for discussion.D.Provide evidence for the findings.
3. What does “embodied” underlined in the last paragraph mean?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Animals Have Their Unique Sets of Patterning
B.Derek Lee Has Been Studying Animal Patterning
C.Mom’s Genes Make Some Giraffes Hard to Spot
D.Animal Physical Characteristics Are Similar to Family’s
【知识点】 动物 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】It isn’t just people who get road rage. Robins, a kind of small brown European bird, in the countryside become more aggressive when they hear the sound of traffic, according to a study.

When a robin arrives uninvited on another bird’s territory, they adapt their songs to ward the rival away, and adopt visual displays including swaying from side to side and threateningly baring their red chest feathers, before closing in and even going on the attack. Previous studies had found that robins living in cities were more physically aggressive than their rural cousins. The latest research suggests that noise pollution could play a part.

To explore the connection, scientists from UK and Turkey put a 3D-printed plastic model of a robin on another robin’s place at two locations: an urban park in Istanbul that was close to busy roads, and a quiet wooded area outside the city. The model intruder (闯入者) was also equipped with recordings of robin songs. Then, through a separate speaker nearby, they added traffic noise.

“In normally quiet surroundings, we found that additional traffic noise leads to rural robins becoming more physically aggressive, for instance approaching the model bird more closely,” said Dr Çağlar Akçay, the study’s lead author. But when they played the extra traffic to the urban birds, they did not become any more aggressive-instead they responded by singing less, suggesting they had perhaps learned to “sit out” temporary increases in noise.

Akçay and his team believed that the traffic noise was interfering with robins’ natural communication through song. “The high levels of noise that exist day and night in urban habitats, such as from traffic or construction equipment, may permanently interfere with the efficient transmission of acoustic (声音的) signals and this is likely to be the key reason why urban robins are typically more aggressive than rural birds,” he said.

1. What kind of bird are robins?
2. How did the scientists conduct the study?
A.By analyzing previous research data.B.By citing the famous scientists’ words.
C.By comparing robins’ different responses.D.By recording the model intruder’s behavior.
3. When exposed to extra traffic noise, how may urban robins react?
A.Sing not as frequently as usual.B.Ward the rival away by singing more.
C.Sway more violently from side to side.D.Approach the model bird more closely.
4. What is Akçay’s attitude to the future of robins?
2023-06-23更新 | 86次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The tickbird and the giraffe have a connection relationship that some scientists describe as win-win relationship and some as parasitism (寄生). This interspecies partnership is imbalanced in favor of the giraffe because it can live without the tickbird, while the tickbird is dependent on the giraffe for food resource.

The giraffe is a large mammal that lives in Africa along with other large grass-eaters. All these and many others host the tickbird. This bird has long been thought to remove ticks (扁虱) from its host, to the benefit of both—the bird eats the ticks, and the host is relieved of blood-sucking, disease-carrying insects—but recent studies reveal that this process is less than good. A secondary benefit to a host from the tickbirds’ presence is a sort of early warning system, since the birds make a loud sound if they sight an enemy. This is of less benefit to the giraffe than to other hosts because the giraffe has the advantage of great height and keen eyesight and is fully capable of spotting predators without the bird’s assistance. The tickbird is likely of greater benefit in this capacity to the nearsighted rhino.

They cross through the host’s hair looking for insects as their food. According to the researcher Paul Weeks, reporting in the journal Behavioral Ecology, tickbirds can and do enlarge tick bites and other wounds on their host body to seek for food resource, making the host-tickbird relationship unfair. The host, like the giraffe, however, would have a hard time keeping tickbirds off itself. So they tolerate the birds who cling to their bodies and chow down selectively at the buffet on the giraffe’s body.

1. Which statement about the tickbird is TRUE?
A.It doesn’t rely on the giraffe for food.
B.It removes ticks from its hosts.
C.It makes gentle sounds when it spots an enemy.
D.It brings more benefit to its hosts than it gets from them.
2. Why does the giraffe benefit less than other hosts according to Paragraph 2?
A.Because the giraffe has no tick on its body.
B.Because the giraffe has its own warning system.
C.Because the giraffe is tall and has sharp eyesight.
D.Because the giraffe is strong enough to protect itself.
3. The underlined phrase “cling to” can be replaced by “________”.
A.stick toB.lead toC.keep awayD.hold back
4. What is the suitable title for the passage?
A.Tickbird and Giraffe: Unequal RelationshipB.Tickbird and Giraffe: Friendly Relationship
C.Tickbird and Giraffe: Mysterious RelationshipD.Tickbird and Giraffe: Conflicting Relationship
2024-02-16更新 | 34次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】As autumn goes about its business of steadily ruining the garden, ready for the winter shut down, it's time for us to start planning some spring colour.

At the top of the list marked "easy”, we have bulb planting, with the ever popular tulip(郁金香)being the flower we will turn to most frequently. There really aren't many requirements in special gardening skills ---but to maximise your successes, there are a few simple guidelines for you.

When to plant

You'd better plant your tulip bulbs between September and November. You'll know this because your local garden center is likely to have cleared space for large buckets loaded with bulbs promising a huge variety of colourful blooms.

Choosing your site

Tulips look best in borders or containers, planted with greenery neighbors. As a couple of tulips tend to have a lost and lonely look to them, so either give them a patch where you can create an oasis of colour, or combine them with an area of other plants where their cheerful blooms will brighten the scene.

Caring for your tulips

The bulbs in your borders won't need much attention, except watering if the ground dries out, which rarely happens during a tulip's lifetime. For extra healthy plants, give them the occasional feed when they start growing. Container grown tulips will almost certainly need watering. And you'll need to move them into a shelter to avoid too much water if there are signs that they're already getting saturated with rain.

1. Why does the author recommend tulip in the passage?
A.It is the only sign of spring colour.
B.It is easy to grow and keep.
C.It is the biggest gardening success.
D.It can bloom throughout the winter.
2. Which of the following is a requirement for growing tulips?
A.Planting them alone.
B.Growing them in special containers.
C.Watering them when necessary.
D.Keeping them off longtime sunlight.
3. What does the underlined word “saturated” in the last paragraph probably mean?
A.very cleanB.completely wet
C.much tallerD.a little dry
2021-03-08更新 | 77次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般