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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:81 题号:21499020

What Are the Advantages of Team Sports?

The list of benefits from team sports is long, regardless of their talent or the team’s record. Here are just a few:


Obviously, fitness is a big benefit. Many studies now show that our eating habits and lifestyle habits are making us less healthy. And exercise can give us some relief from these conditions. At the same time, playing a team sport lays the foundation for lifelong fitness habits.

Life skills

Equally important are the non-athletic skills that sports build. “There is a lot you can learn in sports that you will use in the rest of your life,” explains John Duffy, a Chicago-area psychologist. “You learn to play on a team.    2    . And you learn to be gracious when you win and when you lose.”

Academic (学术的) success

Research shows that schools with strong athletic programs have higher test scores and lower drop-out rates.     3    . And they also have self-reported higher education aspirations (抱负), diligence in homework completion and lower absenteeism.


In team sports, teammates learn to respect each other and encourage everyone to do their best.     4    .

Additional benefits for females

    5    The Women’s Sports Foundation reports that girls who participate in team sports are more likely to have a positive outlook on their bodies.

C.It’s also about showing respect for the teammates
D.Meanwhile, female athletes have additional advantages
E.You learn to handle challenges and deal with difficulties
F.Everyone learns to work together because it is what’s best for the team
G.Students who play team sports are more likely to graduate than those who don’t
23-24高二上·黑龙江哈尔滨·期末 查看更多[2]


阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Dive into icy depths may not sound appealing, but for enthusiasts of cold-water therapy (治疗), the benefits greatly outweigh any short-term discomfort. Participants claim jumping into or swimming in water no warmer than 15 degrees Celsius leaves them energetic and clear-headed, and even relieves pain.

Cold-water therapy has become more mainstream in recent years, in part due to the influence of Wim Hof, a famous Dutch extreme athlete who developed his own method of cold therapy coupled with conscious-breathing techniques, but it’s not a new trend. 2,000years ago, ancient Greeks used water therapy to relieve fatigue and treat fever.

In Scandinavian countries, a traditional sauna (桑拿) session is sometimes followed by a cold swimming. Changing between hot and cold temperatures enables blood to move quicker in the skin. High-performance athletes also use ice baths or cold showers to help reduce the delayed-onset muscle pains that follows intense exercise. And recent research suggests impressive benefits for mental health and stress management.

Cold exposure increases “feel-good” hormones, says Harper Phillie, one of a study’s authors. Swimming is also good exercise and often a social activity, which helps to get rid of anxiety and allows the body to feel both pleasure and motivation. Harper has been Coldwater swimming for nearly two decades and compares the stress of cold-water therapy to that of intense exercise. “Done safely, it’s a pretty effective way to train the body,” he says, “But if you’ve got a heart condition, you have to be careful.”

If open water isn’t your thing, consider cold showers. For those wanting to try Coldwater swimming in a lake or ocean, ease into it with short exposure times—just long enough for your body to get past the shock. Never start by submerging your entire body in at once, and always swim with a friend. Gradually increase the time you spend in cold water to three or four minutes, at least once a week. “That’s all you need to get the benefits,” says Harper.

1. What may contribute to the popularity of cold-water therapy?
A.Appearance anxiety.B.Celebrity effect.
C.Peer pressure.D.Sports fever.
2. Why do the Scandinavians favor a sauna after a cold swimming?
A.To keep their skin smooth.B.To relieve the muscle pain.
C.To bond closer with friends.D.To increase their blood flow.
3. How does cold water therapy benefit Phillie?
A.By killing time.B.By lifting spirits.
C.By removing fear.D.By curing diseases.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Cold swimming makes you clear-headed
B.Tolerance training benefits intelligence
C.Dive into coldness, stay in fitness
D.More icy exposure, more gains
2023-12-31更新 | 44次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】You know exercise is heart smart and good for you. But do you really know how much physical activity you’re getting? Studies show that using a fitness tracker-a device that tracks your movement—can increase your steps per day by more than a mile.

“Fitness trackers are a great tool for heart health,” says cardiologist (心脏病医生) Seth Martin. “Being more active and changing your habits is important but difficult. Tracking likely helps people when combined with a clear goal to shoot for.”

Having an objective daily record can open people’s eyes to how little exercise they’re getting, Martin says, which can recalibrate their mindset (心态) and get motivated. People find ways to incorporate (融入) more activities into their day, walking during meetings, or simply taking the stairs instead of an elevator. “Fitness tracking gives people information and enables them to start making changes for heart health,” Martin says.

Try a few trackers until you find one that’s comfortable for you and your budget. Martin suggests, “Once you’ve made a match, you can try the next steps: Use the tracker consistently every day. Set a goal and then find activities you enjoy that also fit into your daily life and can be sustained over the long term. Finally, encourage friends and family to use trackers as well. It can create a social support network and even foster a sense of competition. Follow these tips, and you’ll be on your way to a healthier lifestyle and a healthier heart.”

So be ready, as doctors learn and introduce even better ways to use these devices. In a randomized clinical trial, Martin and his colleagues tested an automated, real-time, personalized program that sent coaching text messages to cardiology patients based on data from a wearable device paired with their phone. Over the short term, this coaching system helped increase step counts by over a mile a day beyond tracking alone. “I think technology can be a very powerful tool to get people moving more,” says Martin.

1. According to paragraphs 1-2, what do people fail to do when exercising?
A.Integrate movement into work.B.Maintain a daily exercise schedule.
C.Kick improper habits of exercising.D.Monitor the amount of physical activity.
2. What does the underlined word “recalibrate” in paragraph 3 mean?
3. What does Martin suggest people do?
A.Encourage the family to attend competitions.
B.Take exercise under the guidance of a coach.
C.Purchase a proper device and use it every day.
D.Consult a doctor and decide on suitable activities.
4. What does Martin think of the future of fitness trackers?
2023-05-05更新 | 180次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】I’m sure we all know that exercise is great for our health.But sometimes finding that motivation(动力) to work out can be a little difficult.So, in this post, I’m going to share my top four reasons for working out.


Whenever I move to a new city to study or work, I look for exercise classes to do.You meet like­minded people, and you can support each other during a difficult workout.    2    

Exercise makes you feel confident(自信的).

We all know the physical advantages of exercise on our bodies but we don’t always talk about the mental(心理的)ones.     3    This new confidence might even help in your social or work life.

Exercise helps to reduce stress(压力).

Going for a run can help you forget the problems and worries of daily life.    4    It makes me feel less worried and it also helps me to sleep those important eight hours the night before a big exam.

Finally, exercise makes us feel strong and healthy!

Every day, the 20 minutes in the gym get easier, the weights feel lighter and you feel a great sense of achievement.    5    

So, next time you’re feeling down or stressed, put your trainers on and get some exercise.It might not be easy but I promise you’ll feel so much better once you’ve finished!

A.Exercising is sociable.
B.Exercise can change your mind.
C.During exams, I always spend an hour a day in the gym.
D.When the class finishes, you all share a collective feeling of happiness!
E.When you work out, your body produces something that makes you happy.
F.It’s a great feeling doing something you couldn’t do before through hard work.
G.Exercise might give you a feeling of confidence from being comfortable with your body.
2021-03-16更新 | 191次组卷
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