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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:67 题号:21573727

A single teacher can reach thousands of students in an online course, opening up a world of knowledge to anyone with an Internet connection. This limitless reach also offers opportunities to school districts that need to save money, by reducing the number of teachers. It can help high achievers in need of more advanced coursework than their districts provide. This is especially true in small districts that offer few traditional courses to students working ahead of their grades.

A study in Maine and Vermont examined the effect of online courses on eighth graders with strong math skills in schools that didn’t offer face-to-face math classes. Students were divided between online math and standard math offered in traditional classes. Both groups of students were tested at the end of the school year. The online students did better than those in standard classrooms. They were also twice as likely to complete advanced math later in high school.

But there is something wrong with it. In reality, students who complete these courses tend to do quite poorly on subsequent (随后的) tests of academic knowledge, suggesting that these online courses often give students an easy passing grade without teaching them very much.

Some researchers examined the performance of hundreds of thousands of students at DeVry University, which offers online and face-to-face versions of all its courses, using the same textbooks, assessments (评估), homework and teaching materials in each course. Even though the courses are seemingly the same, the students who attend online courses do worse. The effects are lasting, with online students more likely to drop out of college altogether. Hardest hit are those who entered the online class with low grades. Work by researchers in many other colleges is in line with the DeVry findings: The weakest students are hurt most by the online learning. For those with strong academic skills, by contrast, online learning can open up amazing opportunities.

Online education is still in its youth. Many ways of learning are possible, and some may benefit students with deep and various needs. As of now, however, the evidence is clear. For advanced learners, online classes are a good choice, but academically challenged students need a classroom with a teacher’s support.

1. What’s Para.1 mainly about?
A.The advantages of online courses.
B.The reduction in school teachers.
C.The educational conditions in poor areas.
D.The combination of online and traditional courses.
2. What did the study in Maine and Vermont find?
A.Traditional students were more likely to do better in math.
B.Both groups had little difference in their performance.
C.Traditional students did worse than online ones.
D.Online students tend to fail in their higher education.
3. Why did the findings of DeVry differ from Maine and Vermont’s?
A.DeVry invited different teachers.
B.DeVry involved different classes.
C.DeVry used different teaching methods.
D.DeVry chose students of different levels.
4. What does the author think of online education?
A.It suits good students.
B.It has been fully developed.
C.It is useful to poor students.
D.It should be forbidden in schools.
5. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Education needs further study in the long term.
B.Online courses influence different students in different ways.
C.Traditional courses fail to fit modern education anymore
D.Online education is harming traditional courses and teachers.
【知识点】 学习 说明文 网课


阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】In the age of the Internet, everyone writes. First of all, remember: the most important thing in any written messages is simplicity. It doesn’t matter how intellectually wise you are.     1    

Use strong words

    2     The most powerful part of speech is the verb. Thanks to a strong word, a simple sentence gets a very strong emotional charge and affects the person reading it.     3     Write “uses” instead of “exploits” if you feel that the first word expresses your idea more clearly and understandably.


The film flows by itself, whether you are aware of what is happening on the screen or not. A book, on the other hand, requires the brain to be active from beginning to end. Read a variety of books—your writing and cognitive skills increase automatically when you read a lot.

Start a diary

A diary is not only a great tool for reflection but can also be your rough draft for polishing your writing. Not only can you write in a journal, but you can do sketches, draw visual diagrams and create tables. Before going to bed, you can describe in a diary all the things that happened to you during the day.     5    

Choose a topic

Of course in the case of the diary, it can just be automatic writing, but if you don’t want to turn your whole life into a structure, you need boundaries. When you choose a topic, you direct your focus to one subject and try to find a lot of interesting things about it.

A.Read a lot.
B.Write by hand.
C.It is only important that people understand you.
D.To improve your writing skills, you should speak a lot.
E.However, a strong word doesn’t always mean complex.
F.In doing so, try to figure out which words and phrases fit better.
G.Good writing advocates unpredictability and unexpectedness.
2022-03-29更新 | 91次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】In Florida, a group of parents known as “the break moms” has been fighting to pass a law guaranteeing the state’s elementary-school students at least 20 minutes of daily free play.

In a survey of school-district administrators, roughly a third said their districts had reduced outdoor play in the early 2000s. Disadvantaged kids have been the most likely to be shortchanged (克扣). According to a 2003 study, just 56 percent of children living at or below the poverty line had break, compared with 83 percent of those above the poverty line a similar disparity (差异) existed between black children and their white peers.

The benefits of break might seem obvious-time to run around helps kids stay fit. But a large body of research suggests that it also promotes cognition (认知). Many studies have found that regular exercise improves mental function and academic performance. And an analysis of studies that focused specifically on break found positive associations between physical activity and the ability to concentrate in class.

In one series of experiments, researchers controlled break start times. Some days children were let out at 10 am. and other days at 10: 30. The kids attentiveness decreased when they had to wait longer for break and refreshed themselves after they played. And when fourth-graders in a break-free school were given a weekly break. Another group of researchers found that they had an easier time staying on task and were much less restless. These experimental findings are supported by an analysis of 10,000 questionnaires filled out by third-grade teachers: Even a single 15-minute daily break was connected with more-positive ratings of classroom behavior.

Perhaps most important, break allows children to design their own games to test their abilities, to role-play and to settle their own conflicts-activities that are key to developing social skills and managing complicated situations. Initial results from an ongoing study in Texas suggest that elementary-school children who are given four 15-minute breaks a day are significantly more sympathetic toward their peers than are kids who don’t get break.

1. What causes "the break moms" to start a fight?
A.Pupils lack of outdoor play.B.Poor school management.
C.Absence of education laws.D.Inequality among students.
2. In one series of experiments, researchers find that ________.
A.children behave better when let out earlier
B.kids waiting longer are unable to stay focused again
C.third-graders have difficulty in focusing on task
D.fourth-graders are more concentrated without a break
3. What can we infer if we can ensure children a certain amount of daily break?
A.They escape from life conflicts.
B.They may strengthen dependence.
C.They are more considerate towards others.
D.They are eager to manage complicated situations.
2019-03-30更新 | 91次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Math had never been something I was good at since middle school. Classes became harder in high school, and I was even further from a math teacher’s dream student. So at the start of my freshman year, I had an aversion to math. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to do well, but simply that I didn’t think I was able to do well. “I can’t“ became my state of mind in all things related to math.

However, I was soon to learn that “I can’t” was not a choice in Mr. A’s class.

Mr. A always greeted us with open arms as he said, “Welcome! Smile! It’s a great day to be alive!”It was clear that Mr. A had a true passion not only for math but for teaching. If Mr. A ever experienced bad days in life, he never showed it. Mr. A greeted us with that same smile every day. He encouraged each student, from the top achiever to the “I can’t” student.

I found myself looking forward to math class, although I still hated the subject itself. Being in Mr. A’s presence made me feel good, as if I had the chance to succeed. As the year progressed, I spent increasingly more time on my homework, and I met with Mr. A weekly. My classmates began to do the same, and it became “cool” to have lunch and talk with Mr. A. We didn’t know it at the time, but he was changing our attitudes.

Though my story is not one of overnight success and I didn’t become a straight-A math student, my hard work did begin to pay off and my grades slowly began to climb. There were hard times, of course. Difficult math questions sometimes succeeded in bringing me down, but Mr. A kept reminding me, “Kate, smile! It’s a great day to be alive!”

1. What does the word “aversion” underlined in paragraph 1 probably mean?
2. What first made the author look forward to math class?
A.Mr. A’s attitude.B.Her interest in math.
C.Her friends’ encouragement.D.The top achievers in her class.
3. How did the author feel about her talk over lunch with Mr. A?
A.It was straight.B.It was efficient.C.It was challenging.D.It was impressive.
2024-01-23更新 | 48次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般