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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:209 题号:21586500

In the past generations, our ancestors (祖先) lived with the simplest way. When science and technology materialize, there are various developments in the world that change and improve the way of living of people. As years go by, more and more innovations (创新) were created by applying the ideas of science and technologies. Most of these have positive effects on the society but some of these are harmful in certain ways. However, the importance of science and technology can’t be denied.

Science and innovation have mainly affected society, and their effect is developing. It makes life simpler and makes people more gainful. This change has positive and negative effects. The benefit is making life simpler while the other side is that it makes individuals needy and lazier. By making life simpler, science has allowed man to seek for cultural concerns to improve human conditions.

Science and technology can shape the general public we live in very well and can make us feel simpler, safer and increasingly gainful. However, it also can be used wrongly, which can harm many blameless lives. We must think for our own progress as well as for the improvement of each person of this planet that we call our own home.

In short, science and innovation have made a great contribution to our lives. They may also be related to us greatly. In this way, their effects will depend on how we follow up on them. In addition, if we see the more brilliant side of innovation, it is the foundation of national construction.

1. What does the underlined word “materialize” in paragraph 1 mean?
2. What is the author’s attitude towards science and technologies?
3. Which of the following is the effect of science?
A.A better living condition.B.People becoming less adaptive.
C.People becoming determined.D.A colorful history.
4. What should we do when using science and technology?
A.Improve studying standard.B.Help the disabled.
C.Think for other people.D.Treat wildlife equally.
【知识点】 科学技术 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The Notre Dame (巴黎圣母院) fire has been put out, but its wooden roof have been largely damaged. The terrible accident causes a sudden sharp pain to people around the world, “What a pity that we cannot see the damaged parts of the wonder anymore.”

But the good news is that there is at least one way of seeing them, namely via a video game called Assassin's Creed: Unity. In this game, the player can travel to one city after another and enter the buildings exactly like what they are in reality, and see Notre Dame as it was before the fire. In addition, with VR technology, which is already quite mature, one can even look around the undamaged Notre Dame as if it is still there. Maybe digital technology could help to better protect architectural cultural heritage.

The idea of digitizing ancient buildings, making digital models of them so their data can be saved, dates back to the 1990s and the necessary technology has continued to advance since then. By scanning the ancient buildings with lasers, building 3D models with hundreds of images, as well as measuring everything precisely, engineers can make a copy as “same” as the real one.

As computers and smartphones are hugely popular,the digital replica or digital copy has great pratical value. First, it allows tourists to feel the cultural relics without touching them, which helps protect them. The virtual tour of Dunhuang Grottoes in Gansu Province is a good example of this as tourists can view the paintings without standing near them. Furthermore, it can make the digitized cultural relics more famous by spreading awareness about them via the Internet. In 2000, a virtual tour of the Great Wall became very popular at the Hannover World Expo, which increased the number of foreign tourists visiting it in the following years. Above all, it preserves all the information of the cultural relics. Even if the original ones are damaged one day, people can still know what they were like and can build a replica if desired.

Time is the biggest problem to architectural heritage. Maybe we will have better technologies in the future,but the digital technology offers a practical way to preserve architectural cultural heritage at the moment.

1. Which of the following statement is true?
A.The big fire has damaged the whole Notre Dame.
B.Only people in Paris felt pain for losing Notre Dame.
C.The damaged parts of Notre Dame have already been repaired.
D.A video game can help people see the original look of Notre Dame.
2. What will engineers do to create a digital replica of the ancient buildings?
A.Scan the photos of the buildingsB.Build 3D models of full size.
C.Improve the technology needed.D.Measure all the parts exactly.
3. How does the author prove the digital copy has vital practical importance?
A.By comparison.B.By listing data.
C.By giving examples.D.By classification.
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.The Damage of Notre Dame
B.The Value of Digital Replica
C.VR Technology Helps Repair the Cultural Relics
D.Digital Technology Helps Protect Ancient Buildings
2020-04-15更新 | 231次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The twentieth century saw greater changes than any century before:changes for the better,changes for the worse; changes that brought a lot of benefits to human beings, changes that put man in danger. Many things caused the changes, but, in my opinion, the most important was the progress in science.

Scientific research in physics and biology has vastly broadened our views. It has given us a deeper knowledge of the structure of matter and of the universe; it has brought us a better understanding of the nature of life and of its continuous development. Technology in the application of science has made big advances that have benefited us in nearly every part of life.

The continuation of such activitites in the twenty-first century will result in even greater advantages to human beings : in pure science―a wider and deeper knowledge in all fields of learning ; in applied science―a more reasonable sharing of material benefits , and better protection of the environment.

Sadly, however, there is another side to the picture. The creativity of science has been employed in doing damage to mankind. The application of science and technology to the development and production of weapons of mass destruction has created a real danger to the continued existence of the human race on this planet. We have seen this happen in the case of nuclear weapons. Although their actual use has so far occurred only in the Second World War , the number of nuclear weapons that were produced and made ready for use was so large that if the weapons had actually been used, the result could have been the ruin of the human race , as well as of many kinds of animals.

William Shakespeare said , “ The web of our life is of a mingled yarn(纱线), good and ill together .” The above brief review of the application of only one part of human activities—science seems to prove what Shakespeare said . But does it have to be so? Must the ill always go together with the good ?Are we biologically programmed for war?

1. Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage ?
(①="Paragraph1" , ②=" Paragraph" 2,③=" Paragraph" 3,④=" Paragraph" 4,⑤=" Paragraph" 5)
A.B.C. D.
2. From the fourth paragraph , we can infer that __________.
A.a great many nuclear weapons were actually used for war
B.a large number of nuclear weapons should have been used for war
C.the author is doubtful about the ruin of human beings by nuclear weapons
D.the author is anxious about the huge number of unclear weapons on the earth
3. The underlined word “mingled” in the last paragraph most probably means__________.
4. What you think the author is most likely to suggest if he continues to write ?
A.Further application of science to war.
B.More reading of William Shakespeare.
C.Proper use of science in the new century.
D.Effective ways to separate the good from the ill.
2016-11-26更新 | 316次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Radar(雷达) is an electronic device that detects planes, ships, coastlines, landmarks, and even storm clouds. The name radar comes from the first letters of the words radio direction and ranging. As the human eye uses light waves to see, radar “sees” with radio waves. Without radar, planes could not land safely in bad weather and ships could not move safely in thick fog.    1    

In the 1800s it was discovered that radio waves could be reflected from objects. But scientists did not make great advances in radar research until the 1930s, when the world was threatened by war.    2     It has been used widely in almost every conflict since then.

Echoes make it possible for radar to work. When a beam of radio waves is sent out, it strikes on an object and returns an echo. This echo is picked up by radar and recorded on a screen similar to television screen. On the screen an observer sees a flash, or a blip, that shows the direction and distance of the object.    3    

Airport control towers use radar to guide planes in for safe landings. Almost all large ships depend on radar to prevent collisions with icebergs or other ships.     4    Weather forecasters “see” the size, direction, and speed of storms on radar screens. Astronomers can even use radar to measure accurately the distance to the moon. Thus, the device has generated major advancements.

    5     Huge radar antennas have been installed all over the United States. They guard us against possible enemy attacks. We have ballistic—missiles (战略导弹)warning systems that can alert us to attacks when missiles are more than 1,000 miles away. Other radar systems warn us against enemy aircraft and even spying space satellites.

A.Police track speeders in radar-equipped cars.
B.These measurements are now highly accurate.
C.The device can be used in a wide range of fields.
D.During World War II many countries used radar effectively.
E.It is therefore especially valuable to shippers and travelers.
F.Today radar is used by commercial airliners and weather forecasters.
G.Strengthening national defense is one of radar’s most important functions.
2018-05-15更新 | 601次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般