组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:29 题号:21632417

A Different Christmas

It was almost Christmas, but Diego wasn’t feeling very excited. This was the firstChristmas since his parents got divorced. And nothing felt the same. He and his brother,Samuel, wouldn’t even get to see Mom this Christmas.

“Everything’s different,”Diego said to Dad.

“I know.”Dad’s eyes were sad.“Sometimes things change before they get better.”He was quiet for a bit, then smiled.“Christmas will be different this year, but that doesn’t mean we won’t have some good times. We’ll still be celebrating the birth of the Savior.”

Diego nodded. It would be hard not seeing Mom, but maybe Christmas could still be good, just as Dad said. Diego wanted to help make this Christmas a happy one.

He went to his room to think. Sometimes for Christmas they did a family service project. What could they do this year?

Diego looked around his room. He saw a toy car he didn’t play with anymore. He picked it up and spun(使快速旋转) the wheels. It was still really good. Maybe he and Dad and Samuel could give some toys to kids who didn’t have any! He found a few other toys and put them in a bag with the car.

When Diego finished, he took the bag to Samuel’s room.“Can I help you clean your room?” he asked. “It’s a surprise for Dad.”

Samuel looked up from the picture he was drawing. “Sure.”

The boys worked together to clean Samuel’s room. Diego told him about the plan.They found a few toys that Samuel didn’t play with and added them to the bag.

When they were done, they carried the bag downstairs.“Dad,”Diego said,“we found some toys we don’t play with anymore. Can we give them to kids who don’t have any toys?”

Dad looked surprised and happy.“That’s a great idea! Let’s take them to the homeless shelter this afternoon.”

Visiting the shelter was fun. Diego and Samuel got to play with some of the kids whileDad talked to the grown-ups.

注意:1.续写词数应为 150左右;
Paragraph 1: On the way home, Dad asked what else they could do to make this Christmas special.
Paragraph 2: At the end of the day, Diego was tired but happy.


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

I was in my room, feeling unwilling to head to the community theatre with “my brother” Henry. He had recently been adopted by my parents and I was not in the mood for being on stage with him.

“Kirstie, come here,” my mom called. Following her voice, I found her outside the bathroom, holding a wet book. She gave the book a shake. “Henry’s book was in the bathtub. Did you put it there?” She glared at me, something she had never done before Henry came to our home. I hadn’t wet his book on purpose. Raindrops fell from my eyes. To make matters worse, she promised to buy him a new copy. My heart ached. Henry was stealing my mother’s love. He was ruining my life.

Meanwhile, Henry was nearby, absorbed in working on a complicated rope knot (绳结), something he liked to do. Why did a boy like him like doing girly work? It seemed far from manly (男子汉气概).

Soon, it was time to set off to the community theatre. As Henry walked ahead of us to the car, my mom took me aside and said in a low voice, “It will be Henry’s first time onstage. Be kind to him, honey.” I nodded but sighed (叹气). I hadn’t always found it this difficult to be kind. But since Henry had moved in, everything felt different. The theatre used to be a special place for my parents and me. With Henry involved, it didn’t seem so special any more. Finally, it was our stage time. My heart beat wildly. I forgot my annoyance at Henry for a while. As we kids lined up, ready to act out our short play, I realized how loosely I had tied the drawstring on my skirt. Sure enough, my skirt began to drop. I could hear the audience laughing. Even though I was wearing shorts under my skirt, I could feel my face burst into flames. However, my hands were full. If only someone could help me out.

1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
Paragraph 1:

Right then, Henry sensed my embarrassment.

Paragraph 2:

After the performance, I found Henry and tapped him on the arm gratefully.

2023-12-18更新 | 46次组卷
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中 (0.65)
1. 他(她)面对的困难和做出的选择;
2. 他(她)身上值得学习的品质或美德。
1. 词数80以上;
2. 要求使用句式:非谓语结构,定语从句
3. 可增加连接成分,是结构清晰,行文连贯;
4. 开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。
5. 请避免泄露个人信息,包括姓名、学校、班级等。

The person I respect

There are many respectable people.

2023-06-05更新 | 101次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Since I began introducing animals into my child psychotherapy(心理治疗) practice fifteen years ago, my life as a doctor has been full of wonders. Animals always help me in my work communicating with children in need.

Diane, a dark-haired five-year-old, came to me with a problem. Although she was a chatterbox(话匣子) in the house and with her family, no one had ever heard Diane say a word outside her home environment. Not one word. Diane’s parents tried to work with her to overcome her selective mutism(缄默症). Yet nothing they did seemed to make any impression on her. Diane refused to talk when she was outside her family circle.

Diane’s parents contacted me and I agreed to see her. It was a Friday afternoon. They were seated in the waiting room when my six-year-old dog, Puppy, and I walked out to greet them. Diane sat with her head down, making no move to look up or acknowledge our entrance.

Puppy went straight towards Diane. Because Diane’s head was bowed, Puppy was just three feet from Diane when the girl finally caught sight of her. Startled by the unexpected sight of a large golden dog, the girl’s eyes became huge and then her mouth curved slowly into a smile. Puppy stopped directly in front of Diane and laid her head in the girl’s lap.

I introduced myself and Puppy, but Diane didn’t respond. Instead, she began to silently pet Puppy’s head, running her hands softly over Puppy’s ears and nose. She was still obviously nervous at my office, but she was smiling and seemed to be enjoying her interaction with Puppy. I was speaking quietly with Diane’s parents when an idea hit me.

I spoke Puppy’s name quietly and gave her a hand signal to come toward me and continue back into the inner office. Puppy immediately started walking toward me. As Puppy walked away, I watched Diane’s face fall and her eyes take on a sad and disappointed look. I said, “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you wanted Puppy to stay with you. All you have to do for her to come back is say, ‘Puppy, come.’”

Diane’s parents stared at me, their expressions skeptical.
I knew that I had to seize the moment.
2023-04-23更新 | 352次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般