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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:90 题号:21906961

It may be difficult to start high school.     1     But never fear! Here are some suggestions for you to adapt to the change.

Do conduct research on the school through the school’s website. Check out the school’s grading policies, activities, and deadlines (for programs, curricula, etc.) before you move. If you’ve got that covered, you may choose to begin looking at school scholarships (奖学金) or competitions.     2    

Do visit the school before your first day of school. Most schools offer some kind of open house for newcomers to learn about the school’s academic (学术的) and curricular offerings.

    3    . Attending it can also help you find out a lot about the school’s academic atmosphere (氛围) and environment.

Do start looking into clubs and extra-curricular activities right away.     4     Once you’ve gone through the school’s clubs and found a few that interest you, attend all the clubs you found yourself drawn to. The purpose of attending these first club meetings is simply to gain a sense of the extra-curricular environment at your school, and see what activities you may find yourself enjoying.

    5    . Many students make the mistake of setting out to achieve the highest grades at their new school. It is true that your grades are very important, but make sure that you spend a good deal of your time interacting with other students and ensuring that you’ll have some healthy relationships and networks with others. A social network will offer you the support and fun you need during high school.

A.Don’t forget to turn to teachers and other students.
B.Don’t build up your academics at the cost of your social life.
C.Many students are afraid of the changes that high school can bring.
D.Remember that you’re strengthening yourself for future life changes.
E.Find out a club list as early as possible to dig out the clubs that interest you.
F.This will make you prepared for applying to or signing up for those programs.
G.You can learn some basic information about the school through the open house.
【知识点】 方法/策略 高中生活


阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】How to Get Straight “A”s for Tests

Tests appear like weeds (杂草), don’t they? You take one test and there’s another just around the corner. Start showing those tests who’s boss:     1    

Make time for breakfast. Studies show that students who eat breakfast before a test do better.     2     Focusing on that lump (肿块) of fatty food in your stomach won’t do you any good. Stick to fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and light dairy products.

    3     Time management is key to studying for a test or tests. If you plan out your time, you’ll feel less rushed and hurried. You’d be able to avoid a Sunday night, 3 a.m. cram (临时死记硬背) session.

Avoid the last minute cram session. Studying the night before the test will make it even more difficult—you’ll be lacking sleep, weak and unable to think clearly. You don’t want to gather a lot of information in one night; it’s impossible to take in that much information at once. Studies show that late-night crammers get average grades.     4     But if you’re looking for something a bit better, avoid it.

Study right after waking and just before bed.     5     Though you wouldn’t think it works this way, your mind seems to have more room to take in information right when you wake up. At night, your brain produces chemicals to strengthen the information into your memory. So studying right before bed and when you wake up is a safe bet.

A.Make a study schedule.
B.Start as soon as possible.
C.If you’re looking for a “C”, cram away.
D.You’ll soon be getting your share of “A”s.
E.In the morning, your mind is fresh and clear.
F.But you want to keep it to something light and healthy.
G.Lack of sleep caused by cramming may cause you to perform poorly.
2022-07-01更新 | 80次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约150词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】How to Look and Feel Beautiful

Life can be much easier if most people are not too hard on themselves about their own appearance and personality.     1    

1. Spend time for yourself.

Everyone needs to spoil himself or herself once in a while. Going to a spa or trying something simple can improve greatly on how you feel.

2. Eat healthy and exercise.

Keeping your body in shape and eating healthy food can do wonders for you not only physically, but give you great energy to be active and fit.     2    .

3. Stay less stressed.

    3    . Try yoga, soothing (抚慰人心的) music to ease and relax your mind and body. Do whatever that works for you to prevent constant worries.

4.    4    

Treat yourself by buying a new outfit, a pair of shoes or a beautiful necklace or earrings to give an extra boost in the way you look.

5. Smile, laugh, and stay positive.

    5    And it also gives you a beautiful glow (容光焕发) that make others want to be around you.

A.Go shopping
B.Wear makeup
C.Read more on different ways to look and feel beautiful
D.Ignore negative comments and stay away from negative souls
E.Also taking vitamins and supplements is good for your body, skin, and hair
F.Remembering these three factors helps attract the right people in your life
G.Situations in our life at times can make us feel physically, mentally, and emotionally stressed
2020-07-01更新 | 28次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The new year is an excellent time to reflect on your accomplishments and your disappointments at about the halfway point in the school year, as well as to plan how you will improve in the future.

Reflect on your first school term: Honestly review your school year thus far. List your classes and your grades in each. What did not go as well as expected? Such as, exams you scored poorly on, projects you rushed through and long-term goals you did not meet. Revisit those plans you may have made related to selecting after-class activities or maximizing your senior year.

Be positive: As you are working on your list, remember to highlight (强调) the positives. Honesty is more than just telling the hard truths—it is also offering proper praise. Include your high grades and impressive test results on your list as well. Remember that excellence is not a result, but a process. As you are recording your accomplishments, list the times when you made significant progress. Note the projects you started on time, the papers you outlined before you wrote and the study plans you followed.

Set new goals: Television shows sometimes reflect a world view that suggests success comes from a few weeks of competition rather than a lifetime of’ hard work and devotion. In truth, success in life is largely a result of continual small improvements that finally lead to great changes. With this in mind, make a short list of areas or tasks you wish to improve upon in the coming year. Keeping your list short is important, as creating too many goals can become overwhelming (压倒一切的).

Build on strengths: Include your strengths when you set goals. If you did well in algebra last year, determine to do just as well in geometry or calculus this year. If you submitted all your assignments (作业) on time, resolve to finish your work a day earlier in order to allow for editing. Successful people build on their strengths to reach true excellence.

1. When we reflect on what didn’t go as well as expected, we should be ________ .
2. What should we do while we are making our list?
A.Remember to sense the hardship only.
B.Remember that excellence is a result.
C.Remember that high grades are necessary.
D.Remember to praise ourselves properly.
3. What do television shows convey to the viewers at times?
A.Success lies in failures one after another.
B.Success lies in a few weeks of competition.
C.Success is a result of a lifetime of hard work.
D.Success is from constant small improvements.
4. What is the right thing to do according to the passage?
A.Build on our weak points to reach success.
B.Keep our list as short as possible to keep motivated.
C.Finish our assignment a day earlier in order to allow for editing.
D.Highlight our positives as well as negatives while making a list.
2022-10-28更新 | 89次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般