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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.85 引用次数:54 题号:21951791

Many young people wants     1     (become) great athletes. They exercise and lift weights in the gym. But the fact is that they don’t become stronger,     2     makes them unhappy.

Therefore, some of them are considering     3     (take) pills, which they think will help them become     4     (strong) than before. However, the truth is that these pills usually have some unintended side     5     (effect). Some of them may even affect     6     (they) liver or heart.     7     fact, some great athletes such as Griffith Joyner, died very young because they     8     (take) some pills.

For the above reasons, I suggest that young people be     9     (care) not to take pills.     10     best way to become stronger is going to a gym to work out.


语法填空-短文语填 | 较易 (0.85)

The Yin-yang diagram is an illustration of t’ai chi. Yin and yang are not     1     (complete) opposite, one of which can turn into the other. Chinese people boil down the laws of the universe, nature and the human body to this:Yin and yang are in a circle; man and nature exist in unity.     2     (base) on such philosophical ideas,     3     (tradition) knowledge and sports practice about physical and mental cultivation have been formed and passed down from generation     4     generation. Thus t’ai chi ch’uan came into being.

Chinese people believe that movement is contained in stillness and fastness is contained in slowness. T’ai chi ch’uan     5     (contain) these two kinds of energy. Do you think the most important characteristic of t’ai chi ch’uan is     6     (soft)? No. The fighting principle of it is to mobilize the internal energy flow of the human body,     7     has both speed and explosive power.

The greatest uses of t’ai chi ch’uan are for people     8     (experience) life, the true principles of movement and stillness in nature, and to maintain harmony with nature in mind and body. So far, it     9     (prove) by medical research that t’ai chi ch’uan is     10     ideal therapy against a number of chronic diseases. It can not only promote physical health, but also help ease your mind and delight your spirits.

2023-02-09更新 | 251次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 较易 (0.85)

The best way to deal with sports injuries is to keep them from happening in the first place. Knowing the rules of the game you are playing and using the right     1     (equip) can go a long way toward preventing injuries. If you think you have been injured, pull     2     (you) out of the game or stop     3     (do) your activity or workout. Let a coach or parent know what happened in case you need to see a doctor. Serious head and neck injuries happen most often to athletes     4     play contact sports like football. Keep the injured person still with his or her head     5     (hold) straight while someone calls for emergency     6     (medicine) help. If the person     7     (lie) on the ground, do not try to move him or her.

Your first question after a sports injury will     8     (probable) be, “When can I play again?” This depends on the injury and what your doctor tells you. Even if you can’t return to your sport right away, a doctor might have suggestions and advice     9     what you can do to stay fit. Always check with your doctor     10     trying any activity following an injury.

2023-04-15更新 | 68次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 较易 (0.85)
【推荐3】在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

Over the past few years, square dance     1     (become) a more and more popular exercise, especially among senior citizens. They often dance in the open areas in community. However, many     2     (resident) who live around are annoyed by the loud music. For example, students     3     (prepare) for important exams are     4     (deep) affected.

People may have different opinions on this issue. Some people think     5     is necessary for senior citizens to give up the hobby for the good of most people,     6     others argue that senior citizens have the right     7    (do)something they like in public places. They are both right to some extent.     8     my opinion, the authorities, instead of forcing senior citizens to stop dancing, should do something to meet everybody’s requirements. For example, they can supply some buses which can transport senior citizens to a place     9    there are few apartments around. Besides, local communities can also organize leisure activities that little noise     10     (create).

In short, there are always some good ideas that can meet the needs of people. After all, everybody has the right to live a happy and fulfilled life.

2019-03-20更新 | 159次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般