组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 人与动植物
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:40 题号:21960331

As a student,I heard the line “graduate school is stressful” so many times that it began to bear no meaning.

Sure,there were campus resources that encouraged healthy behaviors,including deep thought,and the benefits of self-care,but self-care sounded expensive and time-consuming to me;I had work to do.And I was not a fan of deep thought:The thought of sitting still for 30 minutes only caused me greater stress.But one thing I couldn’t stay away from was walking my dog.

Tessa is a six-year-old lovely coonhound that I got as a gift to myself,for completing my undergraduate degree at the University of Rhode Island in Kingston.I first saw Tessa as a thin and little dog in a photo on the Internet.She was found,huddled up with her friends,in a deserted house in Alabama.

Because of Tessa,I took frequent walking breaks while studying for a master’s degree in public health at Yale University in New Haven,Connecticut.I discovered the best corners and crannies on campus,including the sloping grass land behind the school,filled with squirrels and sticks — a safe place for dogs.I found a tree accidentally with a swing,overlooking the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History,which offered the best sunset view in town.On our daily walks,I found calm in the woods and quiet in the early mornings enveloping the city streets.

Now,as I work from home,Tessa continues to help me deal with a lonely existence.Just like in graduate school,she demands that I stop working,however briefly,and accompany her on a walk.These forced breaks throughout the day take me away from my computer and help me to stay active,greet my neighbors and come back to work refreshed.And although I certainly haven’t escaped from stress,and I am still trying to find my footing in research,I will continue to make time for walks every day.I recommend it very much.

1. How did the author feel about deep thought?
2. What did the author think of Tessa when seeing her at the first time?
3. What does the author want to express in paragraph 4?
A.Tessa likes walking very much.
B.The Yale University is very beautiful.
C.The author likes both the city and the university.
D.Tessa is helpful for the author to get through graduate school happily.
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.The author often feels lonely at home.
B.The author works hard but exercises less.
C.Both the author and the neighbors like Tessa.
D.Walking with Tessa benefits the author much.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Globally, about 192.1 million animals are used annually for experimental purposes. Iran has conducted animal-based research dating back to the time of Ibn Sina. Although, like many countries, Iran regulates the use and treatment of laboratory animals, it lacks sufficient enforcement. To ensure ethical treatment of research animals, Iran needs better data about their use, and institutions and individuals need to take responsibility for their care.

Iran’s Ministry of Health, which oversees animal testing, requires all animals are treated according to international ethical standards. However, some institutions that produce or use animals provide substandard treatment, disregarding the ministry’s guidelines. To facilitate better enforcement of established regulations, Iran needs clear, accurate and reliable information about the quantity of animals used in research. All Iranian research institutions that use animals should be required to collect and report annual data on the number of animals they use, the conditions in which the animals are kept, and the animals’ research purpose. Such data would allow Iran to track each institution’s adherence (遵守) to the “3Rs”of animal research: Replacing animal-based experiments with alternative strategies, reducing the number of animals used, and refining techniques to minimize the pain and discomfort research animals experience.

In addition to government enforcement, individual institutions should prioritize the replacement, reduction, and refinement of animal use. Iran’s medical schools and research institutions should establish an accessible database with comprehensive experimental details to prevent excessive animal studies. Ethics committees shouldn’t approve experiments that use more animals than necessary or methods that require animals when alternative methods are available. In some cases, technical sampling (using a small sample size) can replace experimental sampling (using a relatively large sample size).

Individuals should also take an active role. All researchers must be trained to adhere to ethical principles and understand unnecessary pain or discomfort in animals could affect the interpretation of data.

Maintaining international ethical standards for animal treatment is vital for Iran to establish its global standing in the field of medical sciences. Iran’s government, institutions, individual scientists, and public can work together to ensure ethical animal research.

1. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?
A.The origin of Iran’s animal-based research.
B.The regulations of Iran’s research into animals.
C.The development of Iran’s animal-based research.
D.Moral concerns for Iran’s research animals’ welfare.
2. Why does Iran need better data about the use of research animals?
A.To follow the ministry’s guidelines.
B.To be in control of animal-based research.
C.To ensure the adherence to the “3Rs” in animal-based research.
D.To replace animal-based experiments with alternative strategies.
3. Why should a database with overall experimental details be established?
A.To follow government regulations.
B.To reduce unnecessary animal-based studies.
C.To make research more visible to the public.
D.To ensure the accuracy of experimental results.
4. What is the main purpose of the text?
A.To encourage cooperation for ethical animal-based research in Iran.
B.To promote the use of an accessible experimental database in Iran.
C.To highlight ethics committees’ role in animal-based research in Iran.
D.To stress international ethical standards in animal-based research in Iran.
2024-05-21更新 | 141次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Away from the bright lights of the city, if you look up at the night sky you will see an ocean of bright stars. But in the illuminated (灯火通明的) concrete (混凝土) jungles we humans have built ourselves, it’s a different story.

This year, Earth Hour was observed on March 26. The annual tradition, started by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in 2007 in Sydney, Australia, was created to raise awareness for climate change. Those celebrating turn off all their electrical appliances (家用电器) for one hour. It also draws attention to another serious problem that the world is currently facing — the threat of light pollution.

Light pollution happens when too much man-made light harms nature. Scientists have found that it is especially harmful to nocturnal (夜间的) animals. These creatures rely on the natural light cycle provided by the movement of the sun to help coordinate (协调) their sleep cycles. When this is disturbed by constant bright lights from man-made structures, it can seriously disorientate (使……失去方向感) the animals and harm their physical health. “Wildlife species have evolved on this planet with biological rhythms — changing that has profound effects,” said Travis Longcore, a biogeographer with the Urban Wildlands Group in Los Angeles, US. A lack of darkness at night can also cause difficulties for animals in other ways.

Newly hatched (孵化) baby sea turtles rely on the brighter horizon over the ocean to guide them from the beach to the sea. However, with artificial lights next to the oceans, the small animals are easily led away from the right path. “Hatchlings are attracted to lights and crawl (爬行) inland, or crawl aimlessly down the beach, sometimes until dawn (黎明), when predators (天敌) or birds get them,” said Michael Salmon, a biologist at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida.

Artificial light has caused a “drastic (激烈的) change” to the natural environment of animals, research scientist Christopher Kyba told the International Dark-Sky Association. “Predators use light to hunt, and prey (猎物) species use darkness as cover,” Kyba explained. If a predator has such an extra advantage in hunting its prey, this can lead to an imbalance in the ecosystem as the hunted species are no longer able to maintain their population when they become over-hunted.

1. Why was Earth Hour created?
A.To raise awareness of air pollution.
B.To call on people to get closer to nature.
C.To draw public attention to environmental issues.
D.To reconsider the necessity of electrical appliances.
2. How does light pollution affect nocturnal animals?
A.It slows their evolution.
B.It changes their sleep cycles.
C.It lessens their dependence on the sun.
D.It reduces their difficulties caused by darkness.
3. What does them refer to in the paragraph 4?
A.baby sea turtlesB.predatorsC.birdsD.artificial lights
4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.The controversy over artificial lights.
B.Animals that benefit from artificial lights.
C.The impact of artificial lights on ecosystems.
D.The dangers of an imbalance in the ecosystem.
2022-05-16更新 | 52次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】It is every climber’s dream to reach the summit of Mt Qomolangma. At 29,017 ft, the peak is undoubtedly the highest spot on earth. But the trek to the summit is anything but a walk in the park.

Ever since the summit was climbed by Sir Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay in 1953, eager climbers try to make the pilgrimage(朝圣之旅) to the top of the mountain every year. The last few weeks of May is the perfect time when the severe weather conditions usually open up for a brief period of time.

On one such day in May, there was a strange traffic jam of mountaineers as they navigated the “death zone” —the deadliest trail to the summit. The severe overcrowding resulted in mishaps and loss of lives.

Mountain climbing, which was once a sport for the fittest, has been crowded out by a wave of adventure tourism. Now, numerous climbers make a beeline for the top of Mt Qomolangma, led by commercial companies. Better equipment and clothing has made it appear all very easy.

However, Qomolangma is a tough mountain. With just a single icy path to the summit and only a few days of clear weather to climb, the dangers of not moving quickly can be fatal. Today, many buy a spot to the top if they have the means to pay for it, but they are ill-prepared or unfit. These tourists push themselves beyond their capacity in the thrill of achievement, risking not just their own lives but that of others following behind.

More than 200 lives have been taken by the slopes so far. Eleven climbers have died this year alone. The last stretch to the peak is a narrow path used by both people sending and descending the summit. With oxygen level at just 30% of what it is at sea level, the human body can shut down from exhaustion very quickly. Climbers have said that the mad rush to the summit makes people uncaring to the troubles of others who are struggling.

1. What does the underlined word ‘mishaps’ mean?
2. What does the fourth paragraph imply?
A.Mountain climbing is a game for rich people.
B.Mountain climbing is becoming a business.
C.Brave climbers risk their life to conquer Qomolangma.
D.Advanced equipment ensures tourists’ safety.
3. What is the best title for the text?
A.A craze for mountain climbingB.A deadly zone to Mt Qomolangma
C.An accident on Mt QomolangmaD.A traffic jam on Mt Qomolangma
2020-09-24更新 | 64次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般