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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:107 题号:22107477

These days, are you spending more time feeling guilty about not working out than working out? If so, you’re probably the kind of lapsed boomer. You’ve joined the 4-in-10 adult Americans of all ages who admit they’re not physically active at all, according to the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports.

Exercise experts like Richard Cotton and Cedric Bryant have heard it all before — busy boomers complaining that, between car pools and van pools and making ends meet, they hardly have time for a movie, much less regular exercise. Here are some of their best tips.


Plan your workout wardrobe so you’ll be comfortable. Consider the weather you will be walking in and decide: long pants, long sleeve, shorts, hat?

Don’t skimp (克扣) on shoes.

Which type? “If you are walking with the hope of jogging finally, buy running shoes,” says Cotton. If you plan to walk as your main exercise, get walking shoes.

Start slowly.

“Do much less than you think you are able to,” Cotton suggests. Take a 10-minute walk if you’re newly back to workouts. It’s not enough, “but it’s a start.” Consider walking as a good way to get back to exercise.

Do the talk test.

If you can’t talk without difficulty as you walk or jog, you’re going too fast and trying to do too much, Bryant says.

Consider getting an exercise buddy (同伴).

That could help increase your faithfulness to your new habit. “An exercise partner is always nice”, Cotton says, “especially if you can get someone who already has the habit. That’s a free ride.”

Be realistic about the payoff.

You might notice looser waistbands but no difference on the scale. “As you get up into 35-, 40- or 45-minute walks, you can expect weight loss,” Cotton says. “But even if you do not lose a pound, you are healthier if you exercise.” And quite possibly, that might put you higher up on Bush’s invite list, should he host another run.

1. The “lapsed boomer” mentioned in paragraph 1 refers to people who ______.
A.are professional sports experts
B.work hard and hate taking exercise
C.try to get inactive people back into sports programs
D.are physically inactive and have no time for regular exercise
2. According to the passage, when you take exercise, you’d better not ______.
A.wear comfortable clothingB.be realistic about weight loss
C.find an exercise partnerD.do more than you think you are able to start
3. What can be inferred from the part of “talk test”?
A.Talking is not allowed while you are taking exercise.
B.You may feel better if talking with someone while running.
C.It is used to test the intensity of your running.
D.The more you talk, the longer you will run.
4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Being different on the scale is more difficult than losing weight.
B.You can’t expect weight loss unless you walk 45 minutes a day.
C.Exercise can bring you at least health more than weight loss.
D.You can be invited to a running race unless you lose weight.
5. What is the purpose of the author in writing this passage?
A.To illustrate how to do sports.
B.To warn people not to work too hard.
C.To advocate people to bring fitness back in life.
D.To give people advice on how to lose weight.


阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】It’s 2020. I mean, it’s high time we should think over saving seriously. Despite your own ways to deal with money,     1    

Take the priority principle

Instead of saving here and there, take the priority principle to saving money. Basically you need to rank your expenses,     2    


To make dealing with money more targeted for you, choose a personal finance book. I recommend Ramit Sethi’s I Will Teach You to Be Rich($14). It’s a good book for those in their 20s because it picks out practical personal finance advice in a fun and easy read.

Let technology aid you

Use web tools to make it easier to manage your money. There are free site that lets you to view all of your accounts in one place and provides tools that help determine where it would be easiest to cut spending.     4    There are even apps that will save you money on gas and let you text for free.


    5    It’s generally better than relying on your random decision. If you’re already automating, try to increase the amount by five percent every year.

A.then make a plan to save the biggest expenses first
B.Consider downloading apps that will help you save
C.here are still several saving tips that help you grow your money
D.Learn financial management
E.so we can choose the best from them
F.You need to learn good money habits as soon as you have money of your own through work
G.The best way to make sure you’re saving enough is to automatically put a part of your money into your savings and retirement accounts every month
2020-06-23更新 | 78次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】When communicating with others, we often focus on what we should say.     1     Listening well means not just understanding the words or the information being communicated, but also understanding the emotions the speaker is trying to convey. The following are tips for becoming an active listener.

Focus fully on the speaker. You can’t listen in an active way if you’re constantly checking your phone.     2     You need to stay focused on the moment-to-moment experience in order to pick up the important nonverbal cues in a conversation. If you find it hard to concentrate on some speakers, try repeating their words over in your head-it’ll reinforce their message and help you stay focused.

Display your interest in what’s being said by using body language. Nod occasionally, smile at the person, and make sure your posture is open and inviting.     3    

Avoid interrupting or trying to redirect the conversation to your concerns by saying something like, “you think that’s bad, let me tell you what happened to me.”     4     You can’t concentrate on what someone’s saying if you’re forming what you’re going to say next. Often, the speaker can read your facial expressions and know that your mind’s elsewhere.

    5     In order to communicate effectively with someone, you don’t have to like them or agree with their ideas, values or opinions. However, you do need to set aside your judgement and hold back blame and criticism in order to fully understand them. The most difficult communication, when successfully performed, can often lead to an unlikely connection with someone.

A.Try to set aside judgement.
B.Be aware of individual differences.
C.It will make you feel more self-confident.
D.Listening is not the same as waiting for your turn to talk.
E.Encourage the speaker to continue with “yes”or “uh huh”.
F.Thinking about something else also implies you are not an active listener.
G.However, effective communication is less about talking and more about listening.
2024-02-22更新 | 22次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】If you’re a beginning runner, see if this sounds familiar: You start a run eager to get fitter. Within minutes, you’re breathing hard, with a burning feeling in your chest and throat and your legs feeling weak.     1     The following tips can help increase your endurance and speed while also enjoying yourself.

Avoid that too-fast start. You’ll never see an experienced runner going faster in the first few minutes of his or her run than at any other point. The start-fast-then-fade pattern is typical for new runners.    2     This usually leads to injury and an interruption in the running routine you work hard to develop. But if that enthusiasm can be redirected toward the middle of a run, it’ll make for a better experience.

Bring a focus to the breath. At the outset, breathing is the best tool for new runners. For the first month, run until your breathing just starts to get fast, then walk until it recovers, and repeat.    3     If you have someone to run with, it should be easy to speak in full sentences at this effort level. If you run by yourself, you should be able to sing along to your favorite song without your breathing getting out of control.

    4     But all runners should avoid leaning too heavily on the data from GPS watches and other gadgets (配件). That’s especially the case for new runners, who have little context to make sense of the numbers they’re seeing.    5    

A.It doesn’t have to be this way.
B.Make adjustments to your pace based on the data.
C.You’ll make more progress by simply slowing down.
D.Know technology works for you, not the other way around.
E.You’re excited, so you begin your run with full enthusiasm.
F.Over time, you’ll find that you can run for longer periods at that breathing rate.
G.The thinking that you totally understand your body via data is a common source of injury.
2022-01-25更新 | 70次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般