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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:157 题号:22178962

Despite what most people might think, you really don’t need much time to work out. In fact, even ten to twenty minutes of challenging exercise a few times a week is enough to burn fat, build muscle, boost strength, and contribute to a healthy, active lifestyle.     1    

But sometimes, the resistance isn’t really about the actual time the workout takes. It’s about the energy it takes to get ready for it. Maybe your stress levels are over the top, or your energy levels have been so low that you keep talking yourself out of a workout. Or maybe you just don’t want to get all sweaty and have to take a shower afterward.     2     In such fast-paced life, we’re all struggling. But when it comes to exercise, being healthy and fit isn’t as black and white as the fitness world tries to make it seem.     3     Doing something is always better than nothing when it comes to movement. Micro workouts, like getting out for a fifteen-minute walk instead of doing the strength training workout, are significantly better than doing nothing at all.

    4     They are time-saving, since they can be done in seconds or in as little time as 15-20 minutes. They require minimum space and equipment. Many can be done at home, in the park, or even while waiting in the checkout line. They are also money-saving as these can be done without a gym membership, coach, trainer, or class instructor.

So in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, make time to move.     5     If all the movements like push-ups and pull-ups add up, you will still get many of the same benefits of a longer, harder workout.

A.These are understandable excuses.
B.Fitness can be simple, easy and convenient.
C.The advantages of micro workouts are apparent.
D.Try to add in micro workouts throughout the day.
E.No matter how busy you are, you have time to exercise.
F.Micro workouts are being backed up by trainers and science.
G.Being healthy is really more important than you can imagine.
【知识点】 方法/策略 体育健身


阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】When many people think about planting a tree, they do not realize that there are several things that they need to consider. You can’t simply just dig a single hole, throw the tree into that space, and expect it to grow without any disease.     1    

The first thing that you need to take into account is the time of year that you are looking to plant the tree in. Believe it or not, in order to plant a tree that will stay alive and be able to survive, you have to plant it at the time of year that is right for the tree.     2     The burning sun during these periods of time will cause a big amount of stress of the tree, which will then lead to its death.     3    

    4     You should choose a suitable region and climate for the tree. If you decide to plant a tree that is not a native of a particular climate, you need to consider different factors about the tree such as the growth habits of the tree and how much tolerance the tree has to different weather conditions.

    5     Sometimes in cases where people will be digging deep holes to plant a tree, they need to make sure that they are not digging around the phone lines that may be buried below the surface. Among other things, the hole determines if the tree can survive.

A.Normally you should never plant a tree in late spring or summer.
B.When digging a hole for a tree, you’d better dig as deep as possible.
C.You should then look at the place where you plan to plant the tree in.
D.The best time to consider planting your tree is around autumn or early spring.
E.The tree will not only be planted but will continue to grow well for years to come.
F.The next thing that you need to know is whether there are requirements where you’ll dig.
G.There are a few basic things that you need to do in order to make sure the tree grows healthily.
2018-07-10更新 | 77次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】How to Reduce Gift Wrap Waste

Wrapping paper may have “paper” in its name, but that doesn’t automatically mean it can be recycled.     1     Try these suggestions for cutting down the amount of wrapping paper you throw away.

Reuse what you have.     2     It’s estimated that the U.S. produces 4.6 million pounds of wrapping paper annually, and 2.3 million pounds of that stays in people’s homes, awaiting reuse.

Use different materials.     3     Select basic brown thick paper that can be made up with a bow, ribbons, leaves, pinecones or markers. Repurpose newspapers, old posters and children’s school artworks as wrapping paper. There are plenty of other eco-friendly alternatives to wrapping paper that are just delightful and celebratory.

    4     Use baskets, fabric, gift boxes or bags, tea towels, and more to contain and display your presents. Learn the Japanese art of wrapping, using beautiful knots(绳结) to fasten colorful, reusable fabrics in attractive ways. This way, you’ll have no wrapping paper waste to deal with.

Ask for better paper. Shops store what customers want, and recyclability should be a top priority, so let that be known when you’re out shopping. As explained by Simon Ellin, CEO of the Recycling Association, a trade body that represents about 90 waste management companies and paper merchants in the United Kingdom, “It’s a campaign we’ve been on all year — do you really need to design a non-paper wrapping paper? Make paper with recycling in mind!”     5    

A.Try zero waste.
B.Shop with that in mind, too.
C.You don’t have to choose shining paper to decorate a present.
D.In fact, many types of wrapping paper cannot due to their materials.
E.When wrapping paper is extremely thin, it has few good quality fibers for recycling.
F.Wrapping paper can be used many times if care is taken to unwrap it without tearing.
G.Having a mix of recyclable and non-recyclable papers is a real problem for companies.
2021-04-13更新 | 623次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】What's your feeling when you step into senior high school? It is a completely new experience, but you shouldn't worry. We've got some tips to help you.

※You're not alone.

Remember that everybody else in your grade is in the same boat. You may not notice it, but they’re just as nervous as you are.

Moving up to senior high school is an opportunity, not a problem. Things are different, and all you need to do is to be polite and learn the new rules.

※The teachers will help you.

If you don't know what to do or are worried about something, then ask for help. Teachers are probably the best people to turn to because they have experience in helping new students. Pay attention to what your teachers say.

※Everybody changes.

There are lots of differences between junior high school and senior high school. You will have your lessons with different teachers in different schools. You will have homework for different subjects on different days, so make sure you get organised.

※Other points.

If you' ve got an elder brother or sister at senior high school, then ask them for hints.

Remember that things will become much better if you just act naturally.

Going to bed early makes a difference. You'll also find it easier to get up in the morning!

1. The author says"You're not alone.” because other students ________.
A.feel the same as you do.
B.will help you if possible.
C.will learn the new rules with you.
D.are polite and friendly.
2. What does the author think of moving up to senior high school?
A.It is a difficult problem.
B.It sounds simple.
C.It's worrying.
D.It's a good chance.
3. Which of the following does the author advise students to do?
A.Don't be shy.
B.Just act naturally.
C.Change yourself.
D.Pay attention to what your classmates say.
4. What is the main purpose of the passage?
A.To tell students about a new experience.
B.To tell students how to make full use of time.
C.To tell students that teachers are the best helpers.
D.To help students that are going to senior high school.
2021-11-22更新 | 86次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般