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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:132 题号:22239104

Heading to the beach is a popular option for lots of people on a hot summer's day. It's there that you'll find plenty of sand. But could sand be more important than we've ever realized? A team of scientists have found a very different use for the tiny grains that we like to play with on the beach.

They've come up with a type of measurement which will allow them to figure out what's known as the "age distribution fingerprint" of the mineral zircon, which is found within sand. The researchers believe this could provide them with new information on how the Earth's surface has changed over the last few thousand million years.

Some minerals, like zircon, have stood the test of time, and are thought to carry clues of Earth's history. By studying the zircon found in grains of sand from rivers and rocks, the scientists are able to work out previously hidden details about the Earth's past. "Strong and lasting minerals like zircon paint a vivid picture of the planet's history, including changing environments, the evolution of continents, and the accumulation of mineral resources at ancient p late boundaries," said Dr Milo Barham, who worked on the research. “The world's beaches faithfully record a detailed history of our planet's geological past, with billions of years of Earth's history marked in the geology(地质状况)of each grain of sand and our technique helps unlock the information.”

The scientists tried out their new technique by taking a look at sediment(沉淀物)in South America, East Antarctica, and Western Australia and they found some interesting differences. "The sediment on the west and east coasts of South America is completely different because there are many young grains on the west side that were created beneath the continent. However, on the east coast, all is relatively calm geologically and there is a mix of old and young grains," said professor Chris Kirkland, who also worked on this research.

1. What do the underlined words "a very different use" in paragraph 1 refer to?
A.Sand can provide a geological history of the Earth's surface.
B.Sand can reconstruct the conditions of mineral formation.
C.Sand can help discover the age distribution fingerprint.
D.Sand can be used to kill time on a hot summer's day.
2. Why do the scientists choose to study sand?
A.Its cost is extremely low.B.Its zircon is hard and long-lasting.
C.It exists all over the world.D.It's experienced many changes.
3. What can be learnt about South America from the last paragraph?
A.The west coast is relatively calm geologically.
B.The east coast is more active than the west one.
C.Its beaches have revealed the Earth's mysteries.
D.The grains on the west and east coast have different ages.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.History of grains of sand
B.Interesting differences of sediment
C.A new technique will trace the human past
D.Sand can unlock what happened to Earth
【知识点】 科学技术 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】Starman, the dummy(仿真人) riding a cherry-red Tesla Roadster(特斯拉敞篷车) through space, has made his closest approach ever to Mars. The electric roadster and its passenger were attached to the top of a Falcon Heavy rocket during the SpaceX rocket’s first test launch on 6 February 2018.

Two years later, the Falcon Heavy rocket and the vehicle at its tip are making their second trip around the Sun. Mr. McDowell, a Harvard astrophysicist, found that Starman passed 7.4 million kilometers from Mars at 06:25 GMT 7 October, 2020.

The closest recent approach between the Earth and Mars was 56 million kilometers in 2003, though the planets are often hundreds of millions of miles apart depending on where they are in their orbits. No one can see the Falcon Heavy rocket at its current distance, but orbits over periods of a few years are fairly straightforward to predict, and Mr. McDowell used data about how the rocket was moving when it left the Earth’s gravity behind to locate its recent movements exactly.

Last time Starman circled the Sun, McDowell said, it crossed Mars’ orbit while the Red Planet was quite far away. But this time the crossing lined up with a fairly close approach, though still not close enough to feel a strong tug from Mars.

At this point in time, if you were able to go look at the Roadster, it would probably look pretty different. The strong solar radiation environment between the planets would probably have destroyed all the exposed organic materials.

Without the Earth’s atmospheric and magnetic(磁场的) protection, even the plastics and carbon-fibre materials would start to break up. Over the course of decades or centuries, the car will end up with its aluminium(铝) frame and hard glass parts----that’s assuming that none of them get destroyed in impacts with passing space rocks.

1. What can we infer from the first two paragraphs?
A.Starman is now circling around the Earth in its orbit.
B.Starman has set out on its second trip around the Sun.
C.Starman has traveled 7.4 million kilometers after launch.
D.Starman still has a long way to go before getting to Mars.
2. How did McDowell manage to locate Starman?
A.By keeping Starman under visual observation.
B.By predicting its future orbit around the earth.
C.By seeking professional help from SpaceX.
D.By analyzing data about the rocket’s movement.
3. The underlined word “tug” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to __________.
4. What will happen to Starman in decades or centuries?
A.It is circling around Mars and will finally crash onto it.
B.It will finish its mission and return to SpaceX on earth.
C.Starman is likely reduced to at most its frame and glass.
D.SpaceX will try to recover it during its next space mission.
2021-02-28更新 | 562次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】In an empty parking lot, a car “thinks” it is on a real road. Researchers at the Ohio State University have developed new software to aid in the development, evaluation and demonstration of safer driverless vehicles. Called the Vehicle-in-Virtual-Environment (VVE) method, it allows the testing of driverless cars in a perfectly safe environment, said Bilin Aksun-Guvene, co-author of the study and a professor of Ohio State.

Although autonomous driving technologies have become a much more common sight on the road in the last few years, due to the increasing number of accidents these systems have caused. the way these technologies are tested deserves closer observation.

Current approaches for demonstrating autonomous vehicle functions involve testing software and technology first in simulations (模拟) and then on public roads. Yet this method essentially turns other road users into involuntary participants in these driving experiments. Such risks can make the entire development process costly, inefficient, and potentially unsafe for both drivers and pedestrians (行人) alike.

To overcome the limitations of these faulty assessments, researchers in this study equipped a real vehicle with simulated data to connect its controls to a highly realistic 3D environment. much like giving the machine a VR headset or virtual reality glasses. After feeding the data to the driving system’s computers and syncing (同步) the car’s real motions with the simulations’, researchers were able to show that it behaves as if the virtual environment were its true surroundings in real time.

But what makes their software especially powerful, said Aksun-Guvenc, is the strength of how flexible their virtual environment can be. “When actual senses are replaced by virtual senses, the model can be easily changed to fit any kind of scenario,” said Guvenc.

“We could see this technology becoming an important product in the industry in the next 5 or 10 years. That’s why we’re focusing on building more applications for it.” Guvene added.

1. What can we say about autonomous driving?
A.It is free of dangers.B.It definitely has a long way to go.
C.Its safety testing matters.D.Its technology is mature.
2. What are the features of VVE method?
A.Safe and real.B.Easy and cheap.
C.Costly and inefficient.D.Tough and complicated.
3. What does the underlined word “scenario” in Paragraph 5 mean?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Overcoming the Limitations of Autonomous Driving
B.Testing Real Driverless Cars in a Virtual Environment
C.Making Autonomous Driving More Common on the Road
D.Focusing on Building More Applications for Driverless Cars
2023-12-14更新 | 76次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】Space exploration has always been the province of dreamers: The human imagination soars where human ingenuity (创造力) struggles to follow. A Voyage to the Moon, often cited as the first science fiction story, was written by Cyrano de Bergerac in 1649. Cyrano was dead and buried for a good three centuries before the first manned rockets started to fly.

In 1961, when President Kennedy declared that America would send a man to the moon by the decade’s end, those words, too, had a dreamlike quality. They reflected optimism and ambition in much the same way as the most famous dream speech of all, delivered by Martin Luther King Jr. two years later. By the end of the decade, both visions had yielded concrete results and transformed American society. And yet in many ways the two dreams ended up at odds with each other. The fight for racial and economic equality is intensely pragmatic (讲求实用的) and immediate in its impact. The urge to explore space is just the opposite. It is literally unrealistic in its aims.

When the dust settled, the space dreamers lost out. There was no grand follow-up to the Apollo missions. The technologically compromised space shuttle program has just come to an end, with no successor. The continuous argument is that funds are tight, that we have more pressing problems here on Earth. Amid the current concerns about the federal deficit (联邦赤字), reaching toward the stars seems an unnecessary luxury--as if saving one-thousandth of a single year’s budget would solve our problems.

But human ingenuity struggles on. NASA is developing a series of robotic probes that will get the most bang for a buck. They will serve as modern Magellan, mapping out the solar system for whatever explorers follow, whether man or machine. On the other hand, companies like Virgin Galactic are plotting a bottom-up attack on the space dream by making it a reality to the public. Private spaceflight could lie within reach of rich civilians in a few years. Another decade or two and it could go main stream.

The space dreamers end up benefiting all of us--not just because of the way they expand human knowledge, or because of the technologies they produce, but because the two types of dreams feed off each other. Both Martin Luther King and John Kennedy appealed to the idea that humans can transcend what were once considered inherent limitations. Today we face challenges in energy, the environment and healthcare. Tomorrow we will transcend these as well, and the dreamers will deserve a lot of the credit. The more evidence we collect that our species is capable of greatness, the more we will actually achieve it.

1. The author mentions Cyrano de Bergerac in order to show that ________.
A.ingenuity is essential for science fiction writers
B.imagination is the mother of invention
C.it takes patience for humans to realize their dreams
D.dreamers have always been interested in science fiction
2. How did the general public view Kennedy’s space exploration plan?
A.It symbolized the American dream.
B.It was as urgent as racial equality.
C.It sounded very much like a dream.
D.It made an ancient dream come true.
3. What does the author say about America’s aim to explore space?
A.It may not bring about immediate economic gains.
B.It cannot be realized without technological innovation.
C.It will not help the realization of racial and economic equality.
D.It cannot be achieved without a good knowledge of the other worlds.
4. Which of the following is the closest to the underlined phrase “feed off” in the last paragraph?
A.Contradict.B.Support.C.Weaken.D.Substitute for.
2021-08-16更新 | 210次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般