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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:40 题号:22740066

Students who are better able to understand and manage their emotions effectively, a skill known as emotional intelligence (EI), do better at school than their less-skilled classmates, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

“It’s not enough to be smart and hardworking. Students must also be able to understand and manage their emotions to succeed at school,” said Carolyn MacCann, lead author of the study. MacCann and her colleagues analyzed data from more than 160 studies, representing more than 42,000 students from 27 countries, published between 1998 and 2019. The students ranged in age from primary school to college. The researchers found that students with higher EI tended to get higher grades and better achievement test scores than those with lower EI scores. This finding held true even when controlling for intelligence and personality factors. What was most surprising to the researchers was the association held despite different ages.

As for why EI can affect academic performance, MacCann believes a number of factors may come into play. “Students with higher EI may be better able to manage negative emotions, such as anxiety, boredom and disappointment, which can negatively affect academic performance,” she said. “Also, these students may be better able to manage the social world around them, forming better relationships with teachers, classmates and family, all of which are important to academic success.” Finally, the skills required for EI, such as understanding human motivation and emotion, may overlap with (与……重叠) the skills required to master certain subjects, such as history and language, giving students an advantage in those subject areas, according to MacCann.

However, MacCann cautions against widespread testing of students to identify and target those with low EI as it may stigmatize (给……打上烙印) those students. Instead, she recommends interventions that involve the whole school, including additional teacher training and a focus on teacher well-being and emotional skills. “Programs that integrate emotional skill development into the existing curriculum would be beneficial, as research suggests that training works better when run by teachers rather than external professionals,” she said. “Increasing skills for everyone not just those with low EI would benefit everyone.”

1. What can we learn from MacCann’s study?
A.Only students in middle school and high school participated in it.
B.EI had an effect on learning for students of all ages.
C.Students with lower EI tended to get higher grades.
D.EI is also influenced by intelligence and personality factors.
2. What is not a reason for the conclusion of MacCann’s study?
A.High-EI students are capable of controlling negative emotions.
B.High-EI students are more likely to develop social relationships.
C.High-EI students can easily focus on their study.
D.High-EI students have helpful skills for certain subjects.
3. What does MacCann suggest in the last paragraph?
A.Equipping teachers with emotional skills.
B.Introducing a new curriculum.
C.Developing special programs for students with low EI.
D.Employing emotional specialists to give training to students.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Should EI be taught in school?
B.How can students develop high EI?
C.Students with high EI do better in school
D.Good students do better in managing emotions
【知识点】 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】Gorilla Study Reveals New Connection

Humans and gorillas (大猩猩) shared evolution for 23 million years. Their paths separated only six million years ago. Research on how gorillas communicate can help us understand human language development. Understanding how the brain works helps us see a connection between language development and non-verbal signs. These signs or movements include things like the way we move our hands or bodies or the different expressions our faces have in different social situations. A new study on gorillas revealed that right-handedness- preferring to use the right hand instead of the left hand for most physical activities-may have a connection with communication.

Two cameras were used to film all of one ape’s movements. One of the first results was that gorillas use their right hands more when they are doing actions with their heads or mouths at the same time. This shows that there is a connection between how our brains work and the reason we use one side of our body more than the other. In addition, we can use the results of the study and our knowledge about brains to help us understand more about how language first developed in humans.

Dr Forrester, who did the study, says the results can be useful in other ways, such as understanding language development in children. For example, some children have a serious illness called “autism” which can stop them communicating normally with people. It might be possible to use the same study method to find out which children have this illness when they are very young. Doctors will then be able to start treatment early.

1. When did the evolution of gorillas and humans separate?
A.More than 5 million years ago.B.7 million years ago.
C.23 million.D.It’s not known.
2. Right-handedness in apes may have a connection with ________.
C.social successD.convenience
3. The research team used ________ to help to find the result.
A.video recordingB.photographs
C.voice recordingD.zoo keepers
4. The results of the study might help ________.
A.everyoneB.sick apes
C.adults with mental problemsD.children with an illness
2018-03-23更新 | 72次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】A large conch(海螺)shell brought little attention in a French museum for many years, but it is now quickly gaining attention. The shell is thought to be the oldest known seashell instrument. And it still works, producing a deep sound, like a foghorn from the distant past.

The shell was found during the exploration of a cave with prehistoric wall paintings in the Pyrenees Mountains in southwestern France. It was believed to be a ceremonial drinking cup. Scientists from the University of Toulouse in France recently took a fresh look at the conch shell. They now believe it was changed thousands of years ago to serve as a wind instrument. They also invited a French horn, player to play it.

The researchers estimate it to be about 18,000 years old. Conch shells have been used widely in musical and ceremonial traditions, including in ancient Peru, Greece, Japan and India. The shell instrument found in the Marsoulas cave is now the oldest known example. Earlier, Gilles Tosello, another archaeologist in Toulouse, said a conch shell instrument found in Syria was estimated to be about 6,000 years old.

The latest discovery was made after a recent inventory at the Natural History Museum of Toulouse. The researchers noticed some unusual holes in the shell. Especially important is that the end of the shell was broken off. That created a hole large enough to blow through. Inspections with a microscope showed that the opening was made by humans. "It was not accidental breakage or wear,“ Tosello said.

This discovery reminds us that ancient people's lives were more complex than making stone tools and hunting large animals. "Marsoulas cave is not near an ocean. So the prehistoric people must have either moved around or traded to get the shell," the researchers said.

1. What's the conch shell found in France, actually?
A.A tool.B.A decoration.
C.A drinking cup.D.A musical instrument.
2. What can be learned from paragraph 2 and 3?
A.Researchers explored the cave in order to find the horn.
B.Scientists got wrong with the estimation of the shell at first.
C.Conch shells have been widely used all over Europe.
D.According to archaeologists, the shell found in Syria is the oldest one.
3. What made it possible for the shell to turn into a horn?
A.A large hole at the end.B.A telescope.
C.Some accidental breakage.D.A natural opening.
4. What's the main idea of the passage?
A.Ancient people lived a more complex life.
B.Musical instrument changed a lot over time.
C.An ancient musical conch shell was discovered.
D.Scientists disagreed on the use of conch shells.
2021-03-24更新 | 183次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Reasons You Might Not Be Able to Donate Blood

Donating blood is a generous — not to mention necessary — act, but there are several restrictions on giving that protect you and future recipients of your gift

The medications you're taking

Most medications won’t disqualify you from being able to donate blood.     1    . If you're taking an antibiotic for an infection, you may be asked to wait until you're healthy again; if you're taking aspirin and donating platelets, you must wait two full days after taking aspirin or any medication containing aspirin before donating,

You’ve tested positive for hepatitis or HIV

    2    , you cannot donate if you’ve tested positive for either condition. Because some types of hepatitis may not be treatable and can lead to fatal health problems, such as liver failure and liver cancer, it is too risky to donate blood if you have these diseases.


If you weigh less than 110 pounds, you're not eligible to donate blood. Underweight individuals tend to have low blood volumes and therefore may not tolerate the removal of the required volume of blood.

Your iron levels are too low or too high

Having low iron — less than 12.5g/dL for women and 13.0g/dL for men — will disqualify you from donating. For this reason, frequent donors, especially women, are encouraged to take iron supplements and eat iron-rich foods to keep their levels in the normal range.     4    .

You recently got a piercing or electrolysis

    5    , if you've recently gotten an ear or body piercing or electrolysis with a reusable gun or reusable instrument. Before you get a piercing or electrolysis, he recommends doing your research on whether the place employs single-use equipment.

A.Having levels that are too high will also disqualify you from blood donation
B.High blood iron levels increase the risk of diseases
C.But some may require a waiting period after your final dose
D.Since HIV and hepatitis can be transmitted through blood
E.You're underweight
F.When you go donate, make sure you have an updated medication list with you
G.You'll have to wait three months before you can give blood
2020-05-29更新 | 56次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般