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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:49 题号:22774033

In his recovery program, Christopher Reeve an gaged in a wide range of exercises     1     (design) to rebuild muscle, and made remarkable progress. Shortly after, he managed to return to his film career and became a passionate and energetic advocate for people with back injuries and disabilities,    2     (raise) millions of dollars in support of medical research. His positive attitude inspired many people who     3     (stick) in illness.


语法填空-短文语填(约150词) | 适中 (0.65)

A Chinese vlogger(视频博主) has given rise to debate on the methods used     1     (promote) Chinese culture overseas.

Li Ziqi,     2     Chinese internet celebrity(名人), has found     3     (she) at the center of Chinese social media as netizens discussed her contributions in promoting Chinese culture overseas. On Weibo, the topic     4     (attract) 760 million viewers since Monday.

Li's YouTube channel has 7.43 million followers, more than BBC. Global audiences have expressed their love for the videos and     5     (admire) for her rural life. Many have started referring to her as a spokesperson for the Chinese country lifestyle.

Many Chinese fans recognize her     6     (succeed) in promoting Chinese traditional culture,     7     some even said "she is more influential than 10 Confucius Institutes." "Her videos show the beauty of Chinese culture     8     (wonderful)," said one Chinese netizen. One of her videos introducing Chinese paper-making     9     began to exist during the Han Dynasty has been viewed 7.07 million times on You Tube. We need to present good     10     (story) about China in different way.

2022-02-12更新 | 67次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

Zhang Guimei was born to a family of ethnic Manchu minority group in Heilongjiang Province in 1957.     1     the age of 17, she came with her sister to Yunnan as part of a team supporting the country’s border regions.

Over time, Zhang witnessed the gender gap in education up close in     2    (relative) poor rural areas. And the traditional     3    (believe) of male superiority only worsened rural girls’ inferior situation. Some girls were even pulled out of class just before the college entrance exam because they had to provide for their     4    (brother).

In 2002, Zhang came up with an idea     5    , to many, seemed crazy: to found a free high school for girls. That was a tough task. She had to raise money and hire teachers. Six years later, the Huaping All-Girls High School     6    (found). Given the rugged environment, however, nine of the original 17 teachers later resigned. With the goal of never letting a girl fall behind in schooling, Zhang often works overtime despite     7    (suffer) from illnesses. With her poor health, over the past several years, she     8    (walk) to almost every household deep in the mountains, talking to the parents about     9     importance of education for girls.

Because of Zhang’s efforts     10    (improve) female education in China, more girls can change their destiny(命运).

2022-11-24更新 | 91次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容 (1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Huang Xiaoling is     1     expert in polychrome porcelain (多色瓷器). She enjoys creating porcelain works, which allows her to maintain her innovative spirit.

From childhood, Huang enjoyed visiting the porcelain factory where her father worked. She loved to draw designs,     2     (especial) flowers and birds. By the age of 12, she could design small porcelain objects. She regularly communicated with the great     3     (master) of the factory who passed on the key techniques to her.

As an adult, when she was out of work, she didn’t give up and followed her teacher to Shanghai to try her luck. The trip opened new perspectives for her as she discovered the high demand for porcelain.    4     her head full of inspiring new ideas, she returned to her hometown to found the Liquanyao porcelain company with former colleagues. Her     5     (strong) lies in her mastery of craft techniques. In 2003, she     6     (win) a silver medal at a competition in Beijing,     7     was a turning point not only for herself but also for Liling porcelain. The porcelain products became known to the general public. The 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics boosted business.

Porcelain-making in Liling     8     (date) back to the Han Dynasty. It developed at the end of the Qing Dynasty, when polychrome porcelain was introduced in 1908. A porcelain vase won gold at the Panamaific International Exposition in 1915,     9     (make) it known worldwide.

Huang’s mission is not limited to the continuation of polychrome porcelain; she is also actively promoting this art.“    10     it doesn’t make us millionaires, working in the porcelain industry allows us to have a comfortable life while preserving the skills and culture of our ancestors,” Huang said.

2024-02-17更新 | 120次组卷
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