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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:20 题号:22900027

Off the coast of northeastern Queensland, Australia, near Magnetic Island in Florence Bay, the Great Barrier Reef corals (大堡礁珊瑚) are having a baby boom (激增).

“Every year there are more anrd more coral babies,” says Hillary Smith, an ecologist at ames Cook University in Australia.

That’s thanks to a simple but effective strategy for cleaning the region’s coral reefs: “seaweeding”. Like weeding (给……除杂草) a garden, seaweeding involves pulling big handfuls of large algae (水藻) off reefs and taking them away.

Experts say getting climate change under control is key to keeping the world’s reefs healthy. But meanwhile, local efforts such as seaweeding can help corals grow and reduce the effects of climate change.

The health of coral reefs around the world is dire: By 2050, 95 percent of the world’s coral could experience heat stress, according to a 2020 report by the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network. Algae is a big problem: Already, algae cover has increased on two-thirds of reefs around the world, and one study published in 2021 showed that half the world’s coral reefs have died since the 1950s. Removing seaweed from reefs requires a great deal of work but is not complex, making it a good project for citizen scientists eager to help restore (恢复) reefs.

When the project first began in 2018, Smith says researchers weren’t sure if removing seaweed would benefit the reef or if removal might have the opposite effect in some way. But now, “It’s all looking really positive for the reef,” she says.

Volunteers are ready and waiting to help near Townsville and at other affected Australian reefs, says the Earthwatch Institute’s Fiona Wilson.“We need lots of willing hands to remove seaweed. It takes weeks of time,”she says. “But obviously recovery of the Great Barrier Reef is a passion for many people, so we draw volunteers.”

1. What contributed to the growth of the Great Barrier Reef corals in Florence Bay?
A.Local efforts to remove seaweed.B.Reduced effects of climate change.
C.Fewer human activities in the region.D.The use of new restoration technologies.
2. What does the underlined word “dire” in paragraph 5 mean?
3. How did researchers feel about the project at first?
A.They were hopeful of it.B.They were excited about it.
C.They were uncertain about it.D.They were uninterested in it.
4. What does Wilson say about the recovery of the Great Barrier Reef?
A.It is still a long way off.B.It is less difficult than thought.
C.It will take hard work and skill.D.It attracts and needs volunteers.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Being bored, lazy and disconnected from physical work leaves lots of time and space for your body and mind to fill with negative substitutes. Just as an old saying goes, idle hands are the devil’s playground.

Neuroscience (神经科学) actually supports this theory. Or at least, research shows that the opposite is true − active hands stimulate your brain to produce chemicals that balance emotions and lower anxiety.

In the 19th century anxious women were often given the prescription to knit (编织) because doctors sensed that it kind of calmed them down. That is not to say that anxiety can be cured by knitting. But it does highlight how repetitive hand movements involved in the craft combine with the satisfaction of casting off a finished product to wear or give. It carries mental health benefits at a deep, biochemical level.

Other research has focused on knitting’s emotional benefits. One study showed that knitting lowers the heart rate by 11 beats per minute. Another linked knitting with a decreased chance of developing cognitive impairment (认知障碍) and memory loss.

And still others point to positive benefits in managing chronic (慢性的) pain and depression. Of course, knitting is not the only way to take your emotional well-being into your own hands. Woodworking, gardening, pottery and painting will also benefit your mental health. And they all involve putting your two hands to work.

What do you do with your hands to keep them busy and keep yourself calm and happy?

1. What does the underlined word “idle” in Paragraph 1 mean?
2. Why did doctors in the 19th century advise anxious women to knit?
A.To satisfy their need.B.To reduce their anxiety.
C.To help them make money.D.To equip them with a new skill.
3. Which of the following best expresses the key point of the text?
A.The advantages of active hands.
B.The effects of repetitive knitting.
C.The reliability of the scientific research.
D.The benefits of keeping positive.
2020-10-26更新 | 102次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Many people think you’re either a creative person or you’re not. While I agree that some people may be slightly more creative than others, I think creativity is a muscle that can be exercised and improved upon.     1    

1. Consume content outside your comfort zone.

We all love reading about stuff in our industry.     2     If you want to get your creative juices flowing, start consuming content you wouldn’t normally consume. Read blogs outside of your industry. Read books outside of your normal choice. Or grab lunch with a complete stranger.

2. Do the “No Bad Ideas Brainstorming” exercise.

Get at least one other person to join you for a 45-60 minute brainstorm. No technology and no criticism. Bring a topic or idea to the table and write down all your ideas (on actual paper).     3     It’s important to do this in person and to make absolutely sure you don’t have any negative energy or feedback throughout the process. You may end up with 100 horrible ideas, but I bet you’ll have one or two good ones.

3.     4    

There are studies upon studies that discuss how our diet affects the way we think. Want to start thinking differently? Start giving your body different (and healthier)fuel. You’d be shocked how much more creatively you can think and act when you eat a healthier diet.

4. See a movie in a theater.

Movies on the big scene are one of the last few places you can enjoy a complete sensory experience. The giant bright screen. The thundering surround sound. The smell and taste of fresh popcorn. The somewhat uncomfortable seat with plastic armrests that don’t move.     5    

A.Eat differently.
B.It may help with motivation.
C.Start thinking in a different way.
D.And don’t comment on a single idea.
E.But typically this doesn’t boost creativity.
F.The key is how to get your creativity strengthened.
G.Whenever you leave the theatre, your mind will be filled with ideas.
2023-04-14更新 | 227次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Both IQ and EQ are considered important to our career success.     1     Enter adaptability quotient(AQ), a subjective set of qualities loosely defined as the ability to improve in an environment of fast and frequent change.

Every profession will require adaptability and flexibility. Say you are an accountant. Your IQ gets you through the examinations. Your EQ helps your connect with an interviewer, land a job, and develop relationships with clients and colleagues.     2     All three quotients are somewhat complementary(互补的), since they all help you solve problems and therefore adapt. An ideal candidate possesses all three, but not everyone does.     3     While there is no definite method of measuring adaptability like an IQ test, companies are changing their recruitment (招聘) processes to help identify people who may be high in it.

Natalie Fratto suggests three ways AQ might show in potential candidates: if they can picture possible versions of the future by asking what if questions; if they can unlearn information to challenge conventional wisdom; and if they enjoy exploration or seeking out new experiences.

    4     First, limit distractions and learn to focus so that you can determine what adaptations to make. Second, ask uncomfortable questions to develop courage and normalize fear. Third, be curious about things that fascinate you by having more conversations rather than Googling the ready answer.

Over the next three years, 120 million people may need to be reskilled because of automation, according to a 2019 IBM study. We may not all be comfortable with the pace of change-but we can prepare.     5    

A.AQ is now increasingly being sought at the hiring level.
B.One good thing about AQ is that experts say you can work to develop it.
C.The ability to learn, change, grow, experiment will be the key.
D.This is because an algorithm(算法)can do these tasks faster and more accurately than a human.
E.But today, as technology redefines how we work, the skills we need to improve in the job market are developing too.
F.Having IQ but no EQ would leave you struggling to embrace new ways of working using your existing skills.
G.Then, when systems change or aspects of work are automated, you will need AQ to accommodate this innovation and adapt to new ways of performing your role.
2021-04-22更新 | 326次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般