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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:20 题号:22948015

Nowadays, the world is slowly becoming a high-tech society and we are now surrounded by technology. Facebook and Twitter are innovative tools; text messaging is still a somewhat existing phenomenon and even e-mail is only a flashing spot on the screen when compared with our long history of snail mail. Now we adopt these tools to the point of essentialness, and only rarely consider how we are more fundamentally affected by them.

Social media, texting and e-mail all make it much easier to communicate, gather and pass information, but they also present some dangers. By removing any real human engagement, they enable us to develop our abnormal self-love without the risk of disapproval or criticism. To use a theatrical metaphor (隐喻), these new forms of communication provide a stage on which we can each create our own characters, hidden behind a fourth wall of tweets, status updates and texts. This unreal state of unconcern can become addictive as we separate ourselves a safe distance from the cruelty of our fleshly lives, where we are imperfect, powerless and insignificant. In essence, we have been provided not only the means to be more free, but also to become new, to create and project a more perfect self to the world. As we become more reliant on these tools, they become more a part of our daily routine, and so we become more restricted in this fantasy.

So it is that we live in a cold era, where names and faces represent two different levels of closeness, where working relationships occur only through the magic of email and where love can start or end by text message. An environment such as this reduces interpersonal relationships to mere digital exchanges.

Would a celebrity have been so daring to do something dishonorable if he had had to do it in person? Doubtful. It seems he might have been lost in a fantasy world that ultimately convinced himself into believing the digital self could obey different rules and regulations, as if he could continually push the limits of what’s acceptable without facing the consequences of “real life.”

1. Which word can replace the underlined word “innovative” in Paragraph 1?
2. What is the potential threat caused by the novel communication tools?
A.Sheltering us from virtual life.B.Removing face-to-face interaction.
C.Leading to false mental perception.D.Making us rely more on hi-tech media.
3. What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?
A.Technologies have changed our relationships.
B.The digital world is a recipe for pushing limits.
C.Love can be better conveyed by text message.
D.The digital self need not take responsibility.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Addiction to the Virtual WorldB.Cost of Falling into Digital Life
C.Interpersonal Skills on the NetD.The Future of Social Media


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】This spring, Facebook revealed that it’s developing a version of Instagram for children under 13 years old that gives kids the chance to connect with friends and family without seeing ads or being targeted by child predators(奴役儿童者).

But as any caregiver or parent knows,  screens are addictive. Many adults can’t tear themselves away from their smartphones, computers, and televisions. And children are even less prepared to resist the lure. As is reported, kids between the ages of 8 and 12 already spend 1,200 hours a year in front of screens. What’s more, child-protection advocates also worry that Facebook, which owns Instagram, won’t be able to adequately protect young users’ privacy or stop them from cyberbullying.

Erin Wilkey Oh, content director at the nonprofit Common Sense Media, says, “Social media could benefit younger kids if it’s done thoughtfully. But Facebook’s track record shows the company may not really do what it promises. Plus, there are already ways for children to connect with family and friends online. Do they really need another app to make them spend more time on their devices?”

The relationship between kids and social media is more complicated than it seems. A 2020 survey conducted by Common Sense Media found that even though social media use was linked to depression and anxiety, many teens also saw social media as a way to access critical information about their mental and physical health and connect with their peers.

Despite the outcry(强烈抗议), Facebook doesn’t seem to slow its plans to roll out the app. So parents can minimize the potentially negative impacts. Parents can create a set of rules that details how much screen time kids are allowed each week and what they can watch. It’s not perfect, but it can help families balance screen time with exercise, and real-life social interactions that are vital to children’s well-being.

1. What does the underlined word “lure” in Paragraph 2 mean?
2. What can we infer from Erin Wilkey Oh’s words?
A.Social media do good to little kids.B.Apps intended for kids are necessary.
C.Facebook often breaks its promise.D.Facebook doesn’t have to develop its new app.
3. Which statement is right according to the 2020 survey?
A.Social media do harm to children.
B.Many kids benefit from social media in some way.
C.Children shouldn’t have access to social media.
D.More surveys should be done on social media.
4. What are parents advised to do in the last paragraph?
A.Keep their kids off Facebook.
B.Show their kids real social skills.
C.Stress negative influences online.
D.Weigh their kids’ workout against online time.
2022-04-15更新 | 107次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】Passage 1
The Information Highway is the road that links computer users to a large number of on-line services: the Web, e-mail, and software, to mention just a few. Not long ago, the information Highway was a new road, with not many users. Now, everyone seems to want to take a drive, with over 30 million families connected worldwide. Not surprisingly, this well-traveled highway is starting to look like a well-traveled highway. Traffic jams can cause many serious problems, forcing the system to close down for repair. Naturally, accidents will happen on such a crowded road, and usually victims are some files, gone forever. Then, of course, there’s Mr. Cool, with his new broad-band connection, who speeds down the highway faster than most of us can go. But don’t trick yourself; he pays for that speeding.
Passage 2
Want to know more about global warming and how you can help prevent it? Doctor Herman Friedman, who is considered a leading expert on the subject, will speak at Grayson Hall next Friday. Friedman studied environmental science at three well-known universities around the world before becoming a professor in the subject. He has also traveled around the world observing environmental concerns. The gradual bleaching (变白) of the Grate Barrier Reef, which came into the public eye in 2002, is his latest interest. Signed copies of his colorful book, which was published just last month, will be on sale after his talk.
1. The Information Highway _________.
A.appeals to a large number of users
B.is crowded with car drivers
C.offers just a few on-line services
D.is free from traffic accidents
2. How does Mr. Cool manage to travel the Information Highway so fast?
A.By storing fewer files.
B.By repairing the system.
C.By buying a better computer.
D.By using a broad-band connection.
3. What can be learned from Passage 2?
A.There will be a book show at Grayson Hall.
B.Friedman is now studying the Great Barrier Reef.
C.There will be a talk on global warming this week.
D.Friedman is a leading expert on computer science.
4. Passage 2 is most probably     .
A.a poster about a lecture
B.an ad for a new book
C.a note to a doctor in a university
D.an introduction to a professor
2016-12-13更新 | 213次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The way you use your cellphones around your family can have an effect on your relationships. Cellphones can make you feel more connected, but they can also distract (使分心) you and your family from connecting with each other in person. While some people need to check their phones for work or emergency (紧急情况) purposes, it’s important to make meaningful connections through face to face communication.

Some people have trouble putting away their cellphones. They might feel they can’t control how often they pick up their phones or how long they use them. They might feel the need to often check phones without a real reason or feel upset if they don’t have an opportunity to use their phones. Using cellphones for work purposes during family time can increase worries and unhappiness among family members. While using their cellphones, parents talk to their kids less, reply more slowly, and overreact to being interrupted. And ignoring their partner while on the phone is linked to lower relationship satisfaction among couples.

Once you’ve given some thought to your own cellphone use, think about the rules you want your family to follow when you’re together. To get your family on the same page, call a family meeting. Review each person’s current cellphone use and areas where you think some changes might help. It’s not just about simply cutting cellphone use down. Instead, consider what you’re using your phone for and what activities you want to carry out.

For example, are you or your children using phones to stay connected, learn something new, do school work, or do something else? If you have kids, ask their opinions on your own phone use. You might be surprised by what they have to share. Use good communication skills by practicing active listening and showing curiosity about what each family member has to say.

Less phone use also usually means less screen time, which enables kids to spend more time outdoors and be more physically active. When teens spend more time actively with their parents, they tend to set higher educational goals.

1. What’s the first paragraph mainly about?
A.Family members’ connections.B.Cellphones’ new challenges at home.
C.One disadvantage of the cellphones.D.People’s staying away from cellphones.
2. How do some people feel when they have no phone at hand?
3. Why should a family meeting be held?
A.To carry out activities.B.To reach an agreement.
C.To share the latest news.D.To set an example to others.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Are Cellphones Influencing Family Time?
B.Are Mobile Phones Changing People’s Life?
C.How Can People Get Along with Their Parents?
D.How Do Children Set Right Educational Goals?
2022-11-18更新 | 159次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般