组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 人与动植物
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:307 题号:2659457
If you see a group of kids hitting and abusing an animal, would you stop them? Would you at least call the police? Again people would walk away. Some people do not believe that animal abuse is a big issue.
Every day animals are abused in their homes or on the streets. It seems as if politicians do nothing to stop this issue. Everyone is worried about education and global warming. What about animals? We should not ignore them just because they cannot talk to us. Animals, like us humans, have rights. Every living being has the right to warm shelter and good food, but most importantly, they have the right to be wanted and loved. They have the right to be a special, much loved member of their own family.
There are many organizations that deal with abused animals or animals that have no home like ASPCA, PETA, the Humane Society and many more. There are organizations that deal with this issue, but that does not mean that we still shouldn’t help. The biggest saying that bothers me is, “I am only one person. I can’t make a difference.” If everyone thought like that, we wouldn’t have the organizations and loving people who help the world every day. By helping one animal, you are making a difference.
There are many things you can do right now to help animals around your neighborhood. You can volunteer at your local animal shelter, raise money for animal shelters, inform your community about animal abuse or you can write to your representatives and tell them that animal abuse needs to be taken seriously.
As you walk down the street, try to help any animals you see walking around. You can easily buy a cheap box of dry cat or dog food to feed the animals. If we do not help our animals now, we may never have animals again. Always remember that with every step you take, you help save an animal’s life and isn’t that worth fighting for?
1. Some people won’t stop kids from abusing animals because ______.
A.they are too busy to worry about the animals
B.they don’t take animal abuse seriously
C.they just leave it to the police
D.they are afraid of being laughed at
2. We can learn from the text that ASPCA ______.
A.is another name for the Humane Society
B.provides shelter for both animals and humans
C.deals with such issues as education and global warming
D.aims at protecting animals from being abused
3. Which of the following statements will the author agree with?
A.Dogs have the right to be treated kindly.
B.One person cannot possibly make a difference.
C.Cruelty to animals deserves more attention than global warming.
D.It is the politicians’ duty to stop animal abuse.
4. The main purpose of the text is to ______.
A.criticize those who abuse animals
B.advise people to stop animal abuse
C.show how animals are abused
D.explain why people abuse animals


阅读理解-阅读表达(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】阅读下面短文,回答文后的 5 个问题,并把答案写在答题卡上。

Humans share Earth with many different kinds of wildlife. However, many of our animal and plant friends may not be around for much longer. According to a recent report on biodiversity, 1 million of Earth's 8 million species (物种) are in danger of extinction(灭绝).

Humans are mainly responsible for the danger. According to the report, the world's population has doubled in the last 50 years. Humans have used over a third of the world's land and 75% of fresh water to grow crops and keep animals. As a result, there are fewer habitats and fewer natural resources available.

Because of human activities, the global rate of species extinction over the past 50 years has been higher than it has averaged over the past 10 million years. The species extinction could have serious effects on ecosystems. We fail to notice when losing one species, then another, then… These are the types of changes we're observing where entire ecosystems break down. These developments lead scientists to believe that there could be a sixth mass extinction, the first to be caused by humans. No one want to experience one mass extinction like the one where the dinosaurs that died out last time.

Aimed at solving the problem, many countries have taken action. For example, China has banned the use of rhino horn and tiger bones, and the ivory trade, reported China Daily. According to Huffpost, there are things that we can do personally to save species. For example, don't buy products made from illegal ( 非法的)wildlife parts and reduce water waste. “Each individual action has an effect and every person can make a difference - through a mass we can turn the tide,” said Claudia Sobrevila, from Global Wildlife Program, according to official website of the WorldBank.

1. What is the present situation of wildlife in the world?
2. Complete the following chart. (each with two words)
3. What might be the worst result if the situation continues?
4. (1) and (2) can make a difference in saving endangered species.(each with one word)
5. What’s the purpose of the writer?
2020-04-13更新 | 78次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约170词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Cats in ancient Egypt

Many of us love cats. They are beautiful, soft, clever and loving. The ancient Egyptians (埃及人) considered cats, also known as Mau, to be very important. They honored them with great respect.     1    

For one thing, cats helped people by keeping their homes free of mice, rats, and snakes. Without cats Egypt could not have been the important grain-growing (谷物种植) center that it was.     2     Though I don’t know what other pets the Egyptians had, cats were probably the most important. Cats were also trained to help hunters.     3    

The Egyptians loved cats so much that Bast, an Egyptian goddess, was pictured in the form of a cat. Bast appeared in artwork. She was the protector of the house. This idea made a special connection between cats and children.     4    

The safety of all cats was of great concern to ancient Egyptians.     5     Foreigners sometimes took cats out of Egypt secretly and took them to other lands. Egyptian soldiers were sent to pick up cats found in other countries and bring them back home to Egypt.

A.There were good reasons for that.
B.Two types of cats appeared in ancient Egypt.
C.In grain fields, cats helped catch rats and mice.
D.They were able to help pick up the wounded birds.
E.There were even laws against getting a cat out of Egypt.
F.Anyone who killed a cat on purpose would be put to death.
G.That’s why most Egyptian families had cats for good luck.
2023-12-13更新 | 105次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】“A unique story of connection” is how South African filmmaker and naturalist Craig Foster refers to his underwater adventures with a wild common octopus documented in the film My Octopus Teacher.

The Netflix film shows the bond that develops between Foster and the eight-legged creature during a year of diving in a kelp forest in the Atlantic Ocean. It won this year’s Academy Award and British Academy Film and Television Arts Award for best documentary.

My Octopus Teacher has captured hearts worldwide because few of the many wonderful natural-history films are about a human’s relationship with the wild. “I think people around the world are longing to have some kind of real connection with the natural world, and this film speaks to that need,” Foster said.

He said he had many such experiences with nature, like having a fish swim into his hand or an otter swim with him and reach out and touch him. Still, he said, these strong bonds weren’t easily created often requiring years of tireless efforts. And he said he learned many lessons from the San masters, native people of South Africa’s Kalahari region. “They taught me to track on land and to look for signs. I applied those same lessons to looking in the water,” he said, “Tracking involves knowing the animals well and recognizing their behavior and movements.”

Observing his special octopus, part of a species known for its intelligence, has been a life-changing experience for Foster. One of the most remarkable moments was when the creature that initially hid in cracks allowed him to join her on a hunting expedition. How does Foster account for this? “When the same animal interacts with you every day over a long period of time, you can assume that there is trust involved.”

Foster said he learned that you can’t force this trust. “Everything must happen at the animal’s pace, comfort and convenience. In their eyes, we are big and aggressive, posing a threat to them. They make themselves vulnerable in allowing us into their space because trusting the wrong human could mean death. So it’s an immense privilege when they show trust.”

1. Why is My Octopus Teacher well-received?
A.It shows adventures with a wild octopus.
B.It meets the need of natural-history films.
C.It has won many awards for best documentary.
D.It features a bond between man and nature.
2. Which words can best describe Foster from his experiences?
A.Talented and ambitious.B.Patient and persevering.
C.Adventurous and stubborn.D.Professional and trustworthy.
3. What can we learn from paragraph 5?
A.The octopus took Foster as a friend.
B.The octopus was curious about Foster.
C.The octopus had human-like intelligence.
D.The octopus enjoyed inviting Foster to hunt.
4. Which can best replace the underlined word “vulnerable” in paragraph 6?
A.Easily hurt.B.Well protected.
C.Very accessible.D.Extremely aggressive.
2022-01-26更新 | 116次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般