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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:98 题号:8860825

For those of us who have ever been to Ocean Park, the best part was probably seeing the beautiful and friendly dolphins. And the luckier people among us may have even had the chance to swim with these amazing creatures. At the same time, however, we can’t help but think that these animals would be happier in the wild, rather than be forced to perform for humans in captivity (圈养).

According to a recent study though, we needn’t think like that. The study, which was published in the journal Applied Animal Behaviour Science, was led by scientist.

As the first of its kind, the study’s aim was to look at captivity from the animals’ point of view, according to BBC News. Over the course of three years, Clegg and her team put together a series of experiments to figure out how captive dolphins felt about their lives. “We wanted to find out what activities in captivity they like most,” she told BBC News.

There were three kinds of experiment : one in which the dolphins were let alone, one in which toys were added to their pool, and one in which a human played with the dolphins.

It was found that of the three types of experiment, the dolphins seemed to enjoy playing with humans the most. “Their leaping from the water during training and their curious approaches to the edge of the pool appeared to be enthusiastic,” wrote BBC News science correspondent Victoria Gill. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean dolphins are happier in captivity than they are in the wild.

According to wildlife and nature platform One Green Planet, being raised in captivity could actually be harmful to dolphins. “By being born into captivity, they will never learn the skills necessary to survive in the wild. This means that any animal that is born in captivity can never be sent back into the wild,” it wrote on its website.

But while this may be true, at least it seems that captive dolphins still enjoy happy moments with humans.

1. In what way is Clegg and her team’s research special?
A.The research lasted for over three years.
B.Live dolphins were studied in this research.
C.Scientists tried to view things from dolphins’ perspective.
D.The research was conducted in a dolphinarium.
2. How did the scientists conclude that “the dolphins seemed to enjoy playing with humans the most”?
A.From dolphin’s behaviours.B.From dolphins’ noises.
C.From statistics of the research.D.From BBC’s reports.
3. Why did One Green Planet go against raising dolphins in captivity?
A.Dolphins would be badly treated.
B.Dolphins could never return to nature.
C.Dolphins could die in a short time.
D.Dolphins would be forced to perform.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards dolphins in captivity?


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Poison frogs across Central and South America display some of the brightest colors in the animal kingdom. The way such creatures evolved to be just colorful enough to signal their toxic (有毒的) defense-but not so colorful that they become vulnerable to predators (捕食者) — has long been a grey area for scientists. Initially, predators would not have known that bright colors signal toxicity, and therefore would have eaten, and then become ill-these easily-spotted few members of a species with the colorful mutation (突变). In theory, this should make it virtually impossible for the aposematic (防护色的) pioneers to pass on their genes to their offspring, allowing for the mutation to take hold in the population.

To get to the bottom of this dilemma, Karl Loeffler Henry, a researcher at Carleton University launched the new study. Loeffler Henry’s team pored over data from the family trees of 1,100 species of frogs, newts and salamanders, and categorized them into one of five groups. On one end of range are the creatures with bright blues, yellows and reds. On the other are species that blend in perfectly with their surroundings. Between these poles, the scientists place species with camouflaged (伪装的) tops and colorful bottoms in various degrees. These tend to display their dramatic halves only when trying to defend themselves from predators.

The team used nine different computer models to test the potential evolutionary routes the species in the bright aposematic group might have taken to evolve this way. In the end, the researchers realized that they all kind of followed a similar pattern, evolving from species in the middle of that range, those whose colors are hidden unless in danger.

There have also been other theories proposed, but this new theory presents a mechanism that is likely to play a role in the evolution of anti-predator defense in various prey groups and a wide range of different predators. Possibly, it might inspire the exploration of evolution of warning coloration in other animal groups as well.

1. What remained unclear to scientists in the past?
A.How the proper shades of the colors are evolved.
B.How these creatures signal their toxic defence.
C.Which colors are better at scaring predators away.
D.Which creatures are at higher risk of being eaten.
2. What do the underlined words “this dilemma” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.The predators clearly knew about the toxicity but still feed on them.
B.The first colorful members have bright colors but can avoid predators.
C.The first colorful members were eaten but the mutation was passed on.
D.The predators became seriously ill but their population continued to boom.
3. What do we know about the new study?
A.The colors of all those species were either bright or grey.
B.The aposematic group evolved by following nine routes.
C.The researchers observed these different species in the wild.
D.The origin of the evolution turned out to be the hidden colors.
4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.Other theories of the evolution.B.Other animals’ evolution routes.
C.The drawbacks of the study.D.The significance of the study.
2023-05-06更新 | 408次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Many animals show amazing signs of intelligence.


Dolphins may be the smartest sea creatures. Some dolphins can remember others they haven't seen in 20 years! Also, dolphins use teamwork to solve problems, during which they “chatted” about the tasks by making sharp sounds. Dolphins are skilled at using tools. For example, some dolphins wear sea sponges(海绵)on their mouths to protect themselves when they look for food along the rough seafloor.


Chimpanzees are known for their wisdom. In 1960, chimpanzees in Africa were the first animals observed to use tools. They could use sticks to catch ants, which they often learn by watching others. Some chimpanzees have even matched humans on tests of their brainpower. They learned to play rock - paper scissors as well as a 4- year -old child. And in a memory test, a chimpanzee remembered a series of numbers twice as well as a group of college students did !


Elephants have the largest brains of any land animal. Like humans, elephants can find solutions to difficult problems. In one test, an elephant could roll a box under the tree and then stand on it to reach a piece of fruit hanging from a high branch. In the wild, elephants use their trunks(象鼻)to grasp a variety of tools. They also have excellent memories. African elephants can remember routes to water sources they haven't visited for years.


Octopuses have a central brain and a complex nervous system that enables each of their eight arms to move independently. The octopus was the first invertebrate(软体动物)seen to use tools. It carries seashells or broken coconut shells and hides inside - either for protection from enemies or to hunt for other animals.

1. Which animals use sound for their teamwork?
2. How do chimpanzees learn to use tools?
A.By observing human beings.B.By copying their companions.
C.By using a complex nervous system. D.By taking part in memory tests.
3. What do the animals mentioned have in common?
A.They all can use tools.B.They all communicate in the same way.
C.They all have good memories.D.They all have big-sized brains.
2022-04-26更新 | 53次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Dogs are often referred to as “man’s best friend”. But MacKenzie, a four-pound chihuahua, who was named winner of the 2020 American Hero Dog Competition on October 19, 2020, is making the world a better place for humans and animals alike.

In its tenth year in 2020, the annual contest is the brainchild of American Humane Association, the country’s first national charitable organization founded for the safety and well-being of animals. Often called the “Oscars for dogs”, the award recognizes dogs who make extremely great contributions (贡献) to society.

The competition of 2020 attracted over 400 entries from across the country. These heroic dogs have gone above the call of duty, saving lives, comforting the ill and aged and reminding us of the powerful, age-old ties between animals and people. While all were impressive, it was tiny MacKenzie who won the judges’ hearts.

MacKenzie’s path to stardom was not easy. Born with a mouth disability, she had to be fed through a tube (管子) for the first year of her life. Despite her own struggles, she always seemed to think more of other animals in need. “Never have I seen such a will to live. Though sick, she carefully looked after the baby animals at the rescue ( 救助) center,” said her caretaker.

A life-saving operation performed in 2014 gave MacKenzie the ability to eat independently. The seven-year-old chihuahua is now working for the Mia Foundation, a New York-based charitable organization that rescues and nurses animals with inborn disabilities. The chihuahua does an excellent job and has raised various animals. She nurses, cleans, comforts and hugs them, acting as their mother and teaching them how to socialize, play and have good manners.

In addition to her role as an animal caretaker, MacKenzie also visits schools to educate kids about the importance of accepting physical differences in both animals and people. Her heart-warming and inspiring story makes MacKenzie a worthy receiver of America’s top dog honor!

1. What can we infer about the American Hero Dog Competition?
A.It was started by a charitable organization.
B.It was meant to honor caretakers of dogs.
C.It takes place every ten years.
D.It was first held in 2010.
2. Which of the following best describes MacKenzie?
A.Talented and strong.
B.Courageous and selfless.
C.Funny and friendly.
D.Confident and picky.
3. In which aspect can students benefit from MacKenzie’s visits?
A.Learning from failures.
B.Valuing physical health.
C.Understanding the disabled.
D.Developing practical ability.
4. What’s the best title for the text?
A.Dogs Are Man’s Best Friends
B.Treat Dogs the Way We Want to Be Treated
C.2020 American Hero Dog: A Tiny Chihuahua
D.Touching Stories between MacKenzie and People
2023-09-02更新 | 42次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般