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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:65 题号:5455899
Dazha Crabs from Yangcheng Lake

With the Mid-Autumn Festival coming, the time for crabs is around the corner! Dazha Crabs from Yangcheng Lake in China are believed to be the best freshwater crabs.

“They are delicious, because the bottom of Yangcheng Lake is hard and the crabs grow strong by walking on such a hard surface,” said one sales manager in Suzhou.

Li Lei, a crab lover from Beijing, said “It’s very delicious! But there are too many fake Yangcheng Lake Dazha Crabs”.

“Maybe the crabs from other regions can appear to be glistening green back, white belly after people wash them, but the golden fine hair on crab claws is still a point of pride and is exclusive to Dazha Crabs from Yangcheng Lake,” said the manager.

The best time for enjoying them is during September and October of Chinese lunar calendar. “When the season for crabs arrives, the Dazha Crabs from Yangcheng Lake are flown to various cities so that people’s appetites can be satisfied,” said the sales manager. “They are really expensive here, sometimes more than 320RMB/500g, 10% of my salary!” said Li Lei.

Dazha Crabs are usually steamed or boiled for within 20 minutes before they come on the dinner table. They are often enjoyed with vinegar mixed with minced ginger to add flavor and get rid of the cold. People who are particular about how they eat crabs also need to have high-grade Shaoxing rice wine to warm their stomachs.

There is much work required to eat crabs. So much shell!Most people use both hands and teeth while eating Dazha Crabs. “The eating way is not graceful or elegant,” said Huck. “However, some professionals of eating crabs can use tools to take all the meat out of the crab without damaging a single bite and the crab can be restored to its original shape if the empty shells are pieced together!” said Han Mei, another Dazha crab lover.

1. What do we know about Dazha Crabs from Yangcheng Lake from the text?
A.They belong to seawater crabs.
B.You must use tools to eat them.
C.The best time for eating them lasts over three months.
D.Vinegar, ginger and rice wine can be enjoyed together with them.
2. The underlined word “exclusive” in Paragraph 4 probably means ___________.
3. Which of the following is correct according to the passage?
A.The sales manager believes the living environment contributes nothing to the good taste of Dazha Crabs from Yangcheng Lake.
B.Li Lei has mixed feelings about Dazha Crabs from Yangcheng Lake.
C.Han Mei thinks little of some professionalsof eating crabs.
D.Huck supports the way that most people eat crabs.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Coca-Cola is probably the most famous brand in the world, and in some areas you can even access it easier than clean drinkable water. Although the company is trying to present itself as a health-conscious company, you can’t really say that drinking cola is healthy for you. Still, we all drink cola, some more and some less, and we tell ourselves that it’s all okay as long as we don’t overdo it. However, Coca-Cola has other functions besides drinking.

Cola removes the tarnish (暗锈) from old pennies. Got some old rusty (生锈的) pennies? Don’t worry! Put them inside a glass of cola and let them rest for a while. When you get them out, you’ll have shiny pennies that will look as if they were coined a couple of days ago. If you couldn’t clean those pennies with industrial acids (酸), just buy a can of cola and let it do its magic!

You can remove gum from your hair with cola. If you’ve got gum stuck in your hair and don’t know a better way to get it out, don’t worry, you won’t have to cut it. Just pour some cola into a bowl and dip the part of your hair with gum on it inside. Leave it for a couple of minutes and then simply wipe off the gum.

You can make an exploding fountain (喷泉). You probably know about this one. You can make an exploding fountain by putting a mint (薄荷糖) inside a two-liter bottle. Then move away from the bottle and get ready for a Coca-Cola explosion (爆炸). This is a fun thing to do, but it is also a warning — don’t eat a mint and drink cola at the same time, because a similar thing could happen to your stomach.

1. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 1 imply?
A.The expense of Coca-Cola is low.B.Coca-Cola enjoys great popularity.
C.Coca-Cola is safe for people to drink.D.Coca-Cola is harder to get than drinkable water.
2. What can cola be used to do?
A.Make pennies shiny.B.Destroy the gum.
C.Improve people’s hair.D.Take the place of acids.
3. Why can’t we eat a mint and drink cola at the same time?
A.It can cause harm to our stomach.
B.It might make our stomach smaller.
C.Mints with cola will produce heat.
D.The mint will release poisonous substances (有毒物质).
4. What’s the main idea of the text?
A.The major ingredients (原料) of Coca-Cola.
B.Why we can’t drink Coca-Cola too often.
C.Some of the strangest uses of Coca-Cola.
D.Why Coca-Cola is popular among the young.
2023-10-17更新 | 44次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】It sometimes feels difficult for some people to find out a proper way to express gratitude in daily life.     1     Christina Costa, a psychologist who has studied the positive effects of gratitude on the brain, offers advice about how to be thankful for the smallest of things—and how to be better at showing gratitude easily.

    2     Make it a habit to put down the things that you’re thankful for. “Set up a timer. I like writing in my journal in the morning because that sets my day up best. Or do it on your phone. Make it as easy as possible,” says Costa.

Write a letter. Think of someone in your life who you have not had the chance to thank, says Costa. “Why are you grateful for that person? Think of a specific example when they helped you. Then send them a letter, an email.     3    

If you’re having trouble finding someone to thank, think small. “The smaller you start, the more you will start seeing things you’re grateful for.” says Costa. Say “    4     You think, I’m going to write about this later in my gratitude journal. I’m so grateful to him.”

There’s a difference between saying “thanks to” and “thanks for.” “Make sure you are giving thanks to something and not for something.” says Moore.     5     Being grateful “to” something or someone indicates a direct relationship. It reminds you of your connection with and responsibility to that person or thing.

A.Start a gratitude journal.
B.Use your phone to record gratitude.
C.But experts say it doesn’t have to be so hard.
D.Or even better, deliver the letter in person and read it to them.
E.A bus driver stopped to make way for children to cross the road.
F.Being grateful “for” something can be a little vague (模糊的) or general.
G.A bus driver picks you up and he’s really nice or waits for a minute for you.
2023-05-07更新 | 91次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Without goals, you may feel like wandering through life without a plan, purpose, or sense of direction. Despite knowing the importance of goals, many people fail to set a meaningful goal and successfully achieve it.     1     Others set lots of goals for themselves but end up not achieving them. Read on, and you may benefit a lot from a set of steps as follows.

Set a SMART goal and write it down.

The first step is to figure out what you want or need to change.     2     It is a goal that has the following required elements: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. Writing down your goal is also important because this simple step is proven to make you more likely to accomplish it.


After you identify a SMART goal, the next step is to make a specific plan on exactly how you will achieve it. You should break the goal down into a set of actionable steps you can take.     4     Besides, it’s beneficial to make a list of outcomes or specific milestones that will indicate progress.

Take small, consistent (持续的) steps early on.

Early on, it can be better to make small changes to your daily routine than to make big changes all at once. Consistency is key when it comes to working towards any goal. Research has shown that it takes an average person 66 days to form a new habit.     5     It no longer requires as much attention, time, and effort as before, thus boosting your confidence and keeping you on the track of achieving your goal.

A.Reconsider your goal.
B.Make an action plan to get started.
C.You then need to turn this into a SMART goal.
D.Some of them don’t know where or how to start.
E.Keeping track of your progress helps you stay focused.
F.Once this happens, the new behavior has become “automatic”.
G.Identify the skills and strategies you need to complete each step.
2024-05-12更新 | 83次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般