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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:1249 题号:8003181

Learn to Cite Sources (引用资料)

During your university education, you’ll be exposed to ideas and scientific theories of scholars and scientists. Unavoidably, your own ideas will be shaped by the ideas you come across.     1     That means you should go beyond what you learn in your textbooks or in the library. Your original work is the basis for your professor’s evaluation of your performance. Thus, academic honesty is fundamental in your university education. It demands that you cite the source materials you base your own work on.     2    

Correctly citing your sources helps you distinguish your own ideas from those of other scholars. On the readers’ side, it permits a reader to determine the depth of your research.     3     On the contrary, lack of citing will only raise your reader’s doubt.

So you need to learn when to cite and how to provide an adequate or accurate reference list. If you fail to cite your sources, whether deliberately or carelessly, you will be found responsible for plagiarism (抄袭) .     4     If you are not sure, ask your professor for guidance before submitting the paper or report. Keep in mind this general rule: when in doubt, cite!

    5     For example, students from East Asia may think that copying directly from sources is the proper way to do research. Students in France, preparing for the final examination, may be encouraged to memorize whole passages and copy them into papers. Those cultural differences can lead to false assumptions about academic expectations in the country you study in.

A.Some university students may cheat in different ways.
B.These include other scholars’ ideas, figures, graphs and so on.
C.The academic challenge you face is to make something original.
D.Often, students want to use others’ opinions to support their own essays.
E.It also allows a reader to appreciate your original contribution to the research.
F.For international students, it is important to know local academic expectations.
G.Not knowing academic regulations is an unacceptable excuse for such behavior.
【知识点】 方法/策略 学校活动


阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Using body language will make people more likely to be influenced by you. But they will only be persuaded (说服) if they also trust you. So it’s equally important to use your body language in a way that makes people feel connected.    1    

Start with a smile

It sounds so simple, but a smile is powerful for you to connect with other people. Big smiles make people think you are warm and confident. People are always more willing to listen to your point of view if they like you.    2    

Nod your head

If you want people to say “yes” to you, get them nodding in agreement even before you ask a question. If you nod at people, they will feel the urge (强烈的欲望) to do it back. Start by nodding when they talk, as if you’re agreeing with their statements (说法) .    3    When they are already nodding, they are much more likely to start agreeing with you.

Stand up

If you are standing up while other people you are talking to are sitting, you will gain the upper hand at once.    4    It is important to stand over them, or to learn in so much that they feel uncomfortable.

Lean in

    5    If other people lean or step back, you have certainly shown that you are in control. If you want to be someone who has influence and persuasion, you need people to like you, not to be scared of you.

A.Make sure you don’t stay too close to them.
B.Remember you must take control of others.
C.The gesture of leaning in is necessary in talks.
D.Here’s how to use your body language effectively.
E.A smile is the first step in building a good relationship.
F.Standing above them makes them feel that you are more powerful.
G.Then, when you're making your own statements, watch their reactions.
2022-03-17更新 | 171次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Self-help is a broad term that refers to improving mental health or personal wellness without much professional help.     1     For instance, people can overcome procrastination (拖延) through it.

Although improvement methods can vary, they often begin with a person realizing that he has a problem. Once a problem is realized, it is important that the person not blame others but take responsibility by himself.     2    

When looking for solutions to his issue, a person will typically seek guidance from a book, a magazine, etc.     3     A student having a problem of procrastination may refer to a brochure from an academic counselor (顾问). Someone with a stress management problem may choose a book from a professional.

Many self-help materials offer personalized tips to help guide a person.     4     Generally, a person will be advised to follow guidelines and then monitor his progress in a written manner to keep the original problem in mind. And these approaches can often be beneficial.

    5     Self-help is generally aimed at people who can be objective and have enough self-awareness to honestly assess their problems. If a person doesn’t admit a problem or doesn’t have the determination to change, the method won’t be effective. Besides, people with serious mental or physical problems are not recommended for self-help treatment. They should seek professional guidance.

A.This will finally make a situation better.
B.It’s necessary to acquire self-help skills.
C.But they also have something in common.
D.Generally, most people welcome self-help.
E.Self-help helps solve various issues in life.
F.What source to use depends on one’s issue.
G.Self-help, though, doesn’t suit all people or health issues.
2022-04-29更新 | 140次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】If you are a teenager without a job, you probably do not have much extra money. Sometimes parents will give their children a pocket money for doing small housework, but it is often not enough once the children grow into teenagers and want to do things with their friends all of the time. How to make money is an important thing for teens to learn. If you're wondering how a teenager can make good money, some ideas might be.

Getting a part-time job at a local restaurant or store is always a sure way to make money as a teen. But getting a job somewhere like this might be hard, considering many jobs in local stores are being taken by adults more and more often. Babysitting is always a good way to make money as a teenager, and finding jobs as a babysitter is often easier than finding a job at a store.

Doing landscaping (绿化) is something that most adults do not like to do, and teens can usually find jobs around their neighborhood doing the landscaping of friends and family. Some teens are good at something such as writing or photography. These teens can make money by doing things such as writing articles for newspapers or magazines or selling their photos online.

Teens who live in a country area can try raising their own animals such as chickens, and selling them or their products.

Looking for jobs can seem hard at first, but if you have a try, it should not be too hard to find a job or way to make money.

1. Why might getting a job in the local stores be hard for teenagers?
A.Low pay.B.Competition with adults.
C.Long working hours.D.Heavy work.
2. Which following is TRUE according to the text?
A.Getting a part-time job is hard for teens.
B.Most adults hate doing landscaping.
C.Pocket money from parents is often enough for teens.
D.Looking after babies is easier than serving customers in a restaurant.
3. What can be the best title for the text?
A.The Necessary Skills to Make Money.
B.How Important Is Money to a Teenager.
C.How Can a Teenager Make Extra Money.
D.Teenagers Should Depend on Themselves.
2021-03-12更新 | 52次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般