组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 体育 > 体育健身
题型:阅读理解 难度:0.65 引用次数:64 题号:8370494

As a high school senior, Kimmarie Pond had never even considered cycling to get fit. That changed after she participated (参加) in Soul-Cycle’s program called Soul Scholarships.

The program teaches healthy lifestyle lessons to teens from New York’s suburbs, where healthy living isn’t always discussed in schools or the community.

The 17-year-old girl was asked if she thought she was too old to learn about living a healthy lifestyle. “I would say that you’re never too old to learn anything,” Pond replied. “I don’t think cycling is that hard,” she added.

Like Pond, Brown said his favorite part of the program came after they got off the bikes. “We take nutrition classes, where we learn about alternative (可供替代的) food choices, healthy options that encourage us to be more healthy,” he said.

“Adapting (适应) to change,” he added, “is not something I’d necessarily do, but I did it, and for me that means everything.”

Early results are positive, and not just for Brown. About one third of the participants did not exercise before joining the program. Now, 95 percent of the participants are working out regularly. The participants are also reported to have cut back on soda, which can have high sugar content, by 46 percent.

“We have never expected that the kids would be so energetic and devoted to the program,” said Ashley Mashihi, a cycling instructor.

Small steps can mean big change for these teens. Maria Caban says she feels different now. “When I walk out,” she says, “I walk with my head up. I feel a lot of pride in my participation.”

1. Kimmarie Pond had never thought of keeping fit by ____________.
A.learning a healthy lifestyleB.joining a group
C.riding a bicycleD.going on a diet
2. Which part of the program does Brown like best?
A.Discussing healthy options.B.Riding a bike.
C.Learning something new.D.Taking nutrition classes.
3. Since they joined the program, the percentage of participants who work out regularly has risen by ________.
A.about 28%B.about 62%
C.about 85%D.about 95%
4. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Drinking too much soda can be harmful to people’s health.
B.The results of the program may not be that positive later.
C.All the participants give up drinking soda.
D.Participants prefer a great deal of sugar in the program.
5. How is Maria Caban feeling now?
A.She is feeling painful.B.She is feeling confident.
C.She is feeling embarrassed.D.She is feeling excited.
【知识点】 体育健身


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】They train four hours a day,often waking up at 4:30 or 5:00 for before-school practices.Their evenings and weekends are eaten up by twice-weekly travel games.Every day is the same;there’s no break.No,these aren’t Olympic athletes;they’re kids.

The benefits of sports are obvious.So,it’s not surprising that,according to CNN,41 million American children play competitive sports.But when does this become too much of a good thing?

Seven years ago,a survey in SportingKid magazine found 84 percent of athletes’ parents had observed belligerent behavior in other parents at games and that 80 percent had been targets of this behavior.What does this say about sports culture,and our culture as a whole?Some parents have become so crazy about their children’s winning that they don’t stop to think about what example they are setting.

If athletes are constantly surrounded by adults who scream at coaches and attack sports officials,they may think that this is acceptable behavior.They’ll try to win at all costs.In other words,they won’t know how to accept defeat,and learn from it.

The amount of time some athletes spend practicing can be dangerous.According to Sports Illustrated,over 3.5 million athletes younger that 15 suffered from a sports-related injury—that’s nearly one in ten!Many injuries cause permanent(永久的)damage if not treated.

So what can we do about this situation?Some argue that there is no problem,because sports has always been and will always be competitive.But did your grandparents spend hours each day practicing tennis or volleyball?No,they probably played with the neighborhood kids after school,not worrying about winning.All they wanted was to have fun.And that’s what we need to change in youth sports—focus on enjoyment.

1. What does the underlined word“belligerent”refer to?
2. What’s the consequence of adults’ bad examples?
A.Young athletes’ scores will be affected.
B.Young athletes’ performance will suffer.
C.Young athletes won’t deal with failure properly.
D.Young athletes won’t know how to succeed.
3. What is the tone of the text?
4. Which is the best title for the text?
A.More practice,less failure
B.Fight for victory to the last second
C.Prohibit kids from competitive sports
D.Enjoyment first,competition second
2018-12-13更新 | 19次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】If you’ve heard of “pickleball,” chances are that you connect the sport with seniors. That’s not surprising, as it was the 55-plus set that began growing the sport at the end of last century. But today, pickleball is attracting players of every age as it becomes more and more popular across the U.S. and around the globe.     1    

Pickleball is a combination of badminton, ping-pong and tennis. It’s played on a badminton-sized court with a low net like that used in tennis. Players use a bat that’s smaller than a tennis racquet (球拍), but larger than a ping-pong bat.     2     Most games are played to 11 points, with a two-point spread needed to win, and each game typically lasts just 15 to 20 minutes.

In 2021, more than 4.8 million people in the U.S. were playing pickleball. That’s about four times as many people as were playing in 2010, and makes pickleball one of the fastest-growing sports in the U.S. and North America. So, what’s the appeal?

    3     Also, it doesn’t take a lot of time to play and is accessible, as players just need a racquet and ball. It provides a great exercise, too. And for experienced players, pickleball can become a fast-paced, strategic game. It’s also just plain fun.

In North America, indoor and outdoor pickleball courts can be seen everywhere. About 66 new locations open every month. In addition, the game is being introduced to kids in middle school and high school PE classes.     4     Many professional players are appearing.

Pickleball may even become an Olympic sport one day, especially if the International Federation of Pickleball (IFP) gets its way. Created in 2010, the IFP’s goal is to make pickleball universally present around the world.     5     IFP membership has spread fast to over 60 countries, including the U.S., Australia, Canada, China, India, Italy, Pakistan, the Philippines and Spain.

A.It’s well along the way.
B.But what, exactly, is it?
C.Then what is the reason behind this?
D.It’s also a sport on many college campuses.
E.Games may be played as singles or doubles.
F.It has long been a favorite in places like community centers.
G.That pickleball is easy to learn is perhaps the basis of its popularity.
2024-02-13更新 | 55次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Mind-Bending Facts About Yoga

It’s been around for roughly 5,000 years, but yoga is more popular today than ever. Here are some mind-bending facts about yoga.

Vinyasa yoga, also called flow, is one of the most popular styles in the West. It focuses on linking a series of poses with the breath at a quick, smooth pace. Ashtanga is like Vinyasa, but more structured: it is made up of a series of poses done in the same order every time. Hot yoga is performed in a room heated between 33-40℃. The heat is said to increase vitality, flexibility and kilojoule (千焦尔) burn.

Already into yoga and looking to change up your practice? Try one of the many modern yoga variations, such as Aerial and Animal yoga. Aerial yoga involves hanging from a silk swing attached to the ceiling; it reduces joint pressure that some people feel while doing floor poses. Animal yoga, on the other hand, is less about mastering poses and more about decreasing stress and boosting your mood by practicing alongside puppies, goats and even horses.

Savasana looks simple, but it can be difficult to master, as it calls for a state of calm. Typically the final position of a yoga class, the purpose of this pose is to allow your practice to settle in your mind and body, and it’s ideally done for at least five minutes. After that, you and your classmates typically acknowledge each other with a greeting that even non-yogis know: Namaste.

1. Why is Ashtanga more structured than Vinyasa?
A.It consists of a fixed order of poses.B.It emphasizes slow movements.
C.It is practiced in a hot environment.D.It does not link poses with breath.
2. Which helps to ease stress on joints?
A.Vinyasa yoga.B.Hot yoga.C.Aerial yoga.D.Animal yoga.
3. What is the aim of the final position in a yoga class?
A.To boost overall vitality and flexibility.B.To acknowledge each other’s progress.
C.To prepare for subsequent yoga sessions.D.To integrate practice into mind and body.
2024-07-17更新 | 35次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般