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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:102 题号:8483845

Scientists dug up human remains from the Stonehenge dating back to about 5,000 years ago. To our surprise, people journeyed far to get to the Wessex site. These men and women potentially played a huge role in the construction of Stonehenge.

The study, published in the journal Scientific Reports, reveals that a number of people buried at the Wessex monument originated from West Wales, which is also the source of the bluestones used in Stonehenge’s early construction.

According to a report from the University College London, scientists from Oxford and Belgium came together to analyze 25 of the burials dug in 2008. Many of them were buried around 3,000 BC, which is around the time when the bluestones were put up to form the Aubrey holes around Stonehenge. The famous stones weren’t built until 500 years later. The team used chemical isotope (同位素) analysis and radiocarbon dating (放射性碳年代测定法) the study and found out that at least 10 of the 25 individuals analyzed didn’t live near the Stonehenge site but in western Britain. This region includes West Wales, where the bluestones were sourced. Furthermore, the wood that was used to burn the bodies was also found to have come from different trees. Some of the pieces of trees come from trees in dense woodland, many of which are found in West Wales. Some of the individuals may have been cremated elsewhere before being buried in Stonehenge.

The researchers suggest that these prehistoric people may have been part of the sacred site’s early construction crew. They may have been the ones to transport the bluestone materials from the Preseli Mountains in West Wales. The findings are an interesting revelation, particularly since it means that there were significant interregional connections that existed as far back as 5,000 years ago. Even back then, in the Neolithic Period (新石器时代), human civilization had wide contacts and exchanges.

1. According to the text, some of the people buried at the Wessex monument came from .
A.the Wessex siteB.West Wales
C.dense woodlandD.the Stonehenge site
2. What can we learn from the third paragraph?
A.The Aubrey holes formed before Stonehenge.
B.The bodies were buried about 3000 years ago.
C.The research objects mostly lived near the Stonehenge site.
D.Stonehenge appeared around the Aubrey holes around 3000 BC.
3. What does the underlined word “cremated” in Paragraph 3 mean?
4. Why did the buried people most probably come to Wessex?
A.To recall their past days.B.To see the local king.
C.To build Stonehenge.D.To transport the bluestone materials.
5. What does the study indicate?
A.Human contacts and exchanges began even a long time ago.
B.It is important to study the history of Stonehenge.
C.Wessex used to be a powerful country in Europe.
D.The early construction crew promoted interregional connections.
18-19高二下·天津·期末 查看更多[2]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Zika virus. Malaria. West Nile virus. Dengue fever. Have you ever heard of these illnesses? If so, you likely know what they all have in common. These are a few of the diseases spread by one of the greatest pests known to humankind一the mosquito.

Much of the time, mosquito bites are just itchy. Nothing ruins a backyard barbecue faster than a mass of these bloodsucking insects. However, some mosquitoes carry viruses that cause deadly ilnesses. In fact, some experts say mosquitoes are a bigger threat to human life than any other organism.

Over the centuries, mosquitoes are thought to have caused the deaths of 52 billion people. That’s half the people who have ever lived on Earth! Even today, ilnesses spread by mosquitoes kill more people each year than war does.

It should be no surprise that many people would like to get rid of mosquitoes. What if we could wipe out the entire mosquito population? No more malaria. No more Zika. No more itchy bumps after a summer day spent outdoors. Doesn’t that sound great?

Not so fast. Sure, some species of mosquitoes harm humans. But others don’t pose any threat at al! In fact, some of these mosquitoes play important parts in their ecosystems. Let’s look at a few ways.

Many of our Wonder Friends already know that bees play an important part in pollination(授粉). It turns out, mosquitoes do, too! Most mosquitoes actually drink nectar( 花蜜) instead of blood. When they do so, they help pollinate the plants they feed on.

It’s also important to remember that even mosquitoes are part of an ecosystem. Without them, the food chain would be disturbed.

Adult mosquitoes are a food source for bats, birds, spiders, and small mammals. Without them, these animals would need to find something else to eat. Some experts even think mosquitoes could be used to help humans.

1. What do Zika virus, Malaria, West Nile virus, and Dengue fever have in common?
A.They are all pests from the wild forest.B.They can not be cured by human beings.
C.They can all be spread by mosquitoes.D.They are all caused by bacteria.
2. What does the underined phrase in the fourth paragraph mean?
A.Kill something completely.B.Bring up in large numbers.
C.Control something completely.D.Rely on something completely.
3. What is the author’s attitude towards mosquitoes?
4. What may the author continue to write about in the following?
A.How mosquitoes are harmful to human beings.
B.How mosquitoes are helpful to human beings.
C.How mosquitoes cause various ilness to mankind.
D.How mosquitoes are eaten by small mammals.
2021-03-01更新 | 127次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Parrots consistently top the charts of the world’s smartest animals. A new discovery published by the Royal Society Open Science reveals to us what sets the intelligent individual monk parakeet (和尚鹦鹉) apart in a group.

Previously, it was thought that these birds introduced themselves to others with a sort of “catchphrase” that distinguished their identity. However, after running the vocalizations (发声) collected in this study through a machine learning program, a team led by Simeon Smeele, a doctoral student at Aarhus University in Denmark, found that the birds actually had “voiceprints” like humans that identify themselves in the group.

The researchers studied thousands of monk parakeet vocalizations from hundreds of birds in Barcelona across two years and ran these recordings through the program that identifies small differences in their calls.

“The voiceprint is the underlying quality of a voice that you can recognize in humans, and this is the first time that has been shown in another vocal learner,” Smeele said. For example, the voiceprint of your father is how you know it’s his voice, even if he isn’t present. “This is what I think could explain how they recognize each other, because it can be stable over very long periods of time.” he added.

“This shows that these birds also have that sort of information that they might be using in their complicated social interactions,” said Emily Du Val, Ph.D., a behavioral ecologist at Florida State University. “Research into animal communication has the potential to motivate the public into action to conserve animals. Recognizing who each other is and understanding how they interact with one another are important for human life,” she said.

This model can potentially be applied to other animals with vocal recognition like bottlenose dolphins, bat s and elephants. Future research will look into whether these voiceprints are recognized by all parakeets in the community or only a circle of close relatives.

1. What helps the monk parakeets recognize each other?
A.The catchphrase.B.The intelligence.
C.The voiceprint.D.The communication.
2. How did the researchers conduct the study?
A.By combining “catchphrase” with “voiceprints”.
B.By keeping track of the monk parakeets’ relatives.
C.By collecting vocalizations and identifying their differences.
D.By comparing humans’ voiceprints with monk parakeets’.
3. What will the future study focus on?
A.The information that voiceprints can express.
B.The potential influence that voiceprints can bring.
C.The animals among which voiceprints are identified.
D.The range where parakeets’ voiceprints are recognized.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Mon k Parakeets Are Great Vocal Learners
B.Mon k Parakeets Resemble Humans in Communication
C.“Voiceprints” Are Found in Animals’ Social Interactions
D.“Voiceprints” Help Monk Parakeets Identify Themselves
2024-01-10更新 | 223次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The start of a new school year brings lots of changes. One is the need to wake up earlier. Depending on when school starts, getting up early can turn teens into “zombies(僵尸),” studies have shown. But when schools start later, teens get to class on time and find it easier to stay awake, a new study finds.

For years, researchers and doctors have pushed for later high school start times. Experts recommend kids and teens get an average of nine hours of sleep every day. As children reach their teen years, the clocks inside bodies that control their sleep timing naturally change. This makes it hard for them to fall asleep before 11:00p.m. So when they have to get up in time for an 8:00 a. m. class, they’re missing out on valuable sleep time.

Knowing this , schools in several places have begun to change their start times. Ressearchers have now begun looking at how this affects students. When all schools started early, many teens reported struggling to get enough sleep. After the change in start time, students in the late-start schools were less likely to oversleep. Compared to students at the early-start schools , they also were less likely to be late for class. Best of all, they reported felling less sleepy during the day. These changes reflected their getting more sleeping time. That much extra sleep on a daily basis seemed to have made a difference in these students’ lives. Researchers believe the extra sleep will make it easier for students to actively take part in school.

Sleep is truly important, even though we live in a culture that acts like it’s optional(可选择的). It’s easier to focus on school, be a good friend and do well in sports when you aren’t tired out.

1. Why does the author describe students as “zombies”?
A.Students are inactive for lack of sleep.
B.School education makes students stupid.
C.Students aren’t interested in school at all.
D.Teenagers are much quieter than before.
2. What do experts think of teenagers’ sleeping late as?
A.A family rule.B.A personal habit.
C.A body characteristic.D.An abnormal behavior.
3. What advantage does late-start schools have for students?
A.Students grow much stronger.
B.Students become more active.
C.Students go to bed much earlier.
D.Students go to school at any time.
4. What is the text mainly talking about?
A.School starting later makes students active.
B.Zombie phenomenon appears in many schools.
C.Teenagers should sleep nine hours every day.
D.A law should be passed to improve students’ health.
2022-01-19更新 | 30次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般