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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:66 题号:8632551

It's natural to think about what goes into producing the food in your daily lunch bag. But have you ever stopped to consider the production techniques behind the bag itself? At the center of it is a woman named Margaret Knight.

From her earliest years, Knight was a restless creator. In the article titled " The Evolution of the Grocery Bag", its writer mentions a few of her childhood projects. She was “famous for her kites", and "her sleds were the envy of the town’s boys.”

To support her mother, she took a job at a cotton factory when she was 12. That same year she invented a shuttle system which helped to prevent injury. At the time, she had no concept of patenting(得到……的专利权) her idea. What strengthened her place in history was her working experience at the Columbia Paper Bag Company. Here, instead of folding every paper bag by hand, Knight wondered if she might be able to make them cleanly and rapidly via an automated machine. The result was a working model of her elegant paper-folding machine. But this time: she wanted to go to the extra step and secure a patent on her creation, a brave move for a woman in the 19th century, when an extremely small percentage of patents were held by women.

Not only did Knight file for a patent, she bravely defended her owner ship of the bag machine idea. A man named Charles Annan said the creation was his own, arguing no woman could be able to design such a machine. Knight fought a legal battle against him and handed Anna a courtroom(法庭)defeat by presenting her detailed hand-drawn blueprints. Finally,Knight received her rightful patent in 1871.

After making the machine, she continued to invent many other things like a paper feeding machine and a skirt protector. Knight, at the age of seventy, worked twenty hours a day on 89th invention.

1. Why does the writer mention Knight's childhood projects?
A.To introduce a book to reader
B.To tell us young Knight liked sports.
C.To show Knight was envied by other girls
D.To show Knight was creative as a child
2. Which words can best describe Knight?
A.Intelligent and generous.
B.Courageous and hardworking
C.Considerate and optimistic
D.Independent and determined.
3. What do we know about the paper folding machine?
A.It turned to be slower but safer
B.It was co invented by Knight and Annan
C.It proved Knight's position as an inventor.
D.It was the first machine to be patented by a woman
4. How is the text mainly developed?
A.By following the order of time
B.By making some comments.
C.By making a comparison
D.By listing examples
【知识点】 发明与创造 记叙文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Nowadays some companies are attempting to grow seafood from cells in a laboratory rather than harvesting it from the oceans.

With massive problems with overfishing worldwide and growing demand for shrinking supplies of seafood, the way fish currently makes its way to our plates isn’t a long-term viable option. Between 1961 and 2016, the average annual increase in global food fish consumption outpaced population growth. Those are figures not sustainable for us, the fish or the environment as a whole.

Cellular seafood could be the answer. Just don’t make the mistake of calling it lab-grown fish. ‘‘None of us in the industry would call it lab-grown seafood,” says Mike Selden, CEO of Finless Foods. ‘‘Finless Foods isn’t lab-grown. We experiment and create our science in the lab, but don’t produce there. Our products come from a production base much like a farm as a production base for animals.’’

Finless Foods is a tech company in San Francisco. Beginning in 2017, it’s been working to bring to market a species of cultured bluefin tuna (蓝鳍金枪鱼) created using cellular technology. Shortly after that, the company produced its first pound of bluefin tuna meat for a cost of about $19,000. Since then, however, it’s been the first battle to bring that price down.

Selden terms what Finless Foods is doing as ‘‘cell-based seafood’’. ‘‘We’re growing seafood from real seafood cells,’’ Selden explained. ‘‘We take cells from a fish once, and then grow them endlessly from that. We do the same process that happens inside of a fish and make it happen outside of a fish.”

The goal of cellular seafood isn’t to entirely destroy the current seafood industry. Instead, it’s intended to augment it—and perhaps to help reduce some of the more harmful aspects of current fishing practices like overfishing and illegal fishing. And when it comes to certain sea species, this laboratory-based approach could help create a plentiful supply of certain fish without endangering the survival of certain overfished species as a whole.

1. What is the main function of the second paragraph?
A.Warning us of the shrinking seafood supplies.
B.Stressing the significance of cellular seafood.
C.Analyzing the reasons for global overfishing.
D.Showing the environmental effect of seafood.
2. What is the top priority of producing cellular seafood ?
A.Cutting down the high cost of production.
B.Enriching the nutrient content.
C.Reducing harmful health effect.
D.Simplifying the production process.
3. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Cellular seafood isn’t lab-grown food because it is processed in a production base wholly.
B.Finless Foods does the same process inside a fish as a fish does.
C.Finless Foods can create a new range of fish.
D.Cellular seafood can strengthen the current seafood industry.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Seafood in Cells.B.Cheaper Seafood.
C.Insufficient Seafood Supplies.D.Current Seafood Industry.
2023-04-21更新 | 93次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】At first look, the playground at the Children’s Guild-Transformation Academy in Baltimore, Maryland, looks like any other. But it is not just a place for fun. Everything is specifically designed for kids aged 5 to 21 with autism (自闭症) spectrum disorder (ASD) and are lower-functioning.

The goal of the school is to make the students as independent as possible in an effort to help them prepare for adult life. The school aims to provide help with developing communication and social skills, as well as practical abilities like cleaning or cooking.

Parts of the playground that seem small are very important for children with autism and other disabilities. The surrounding fence extends into a wooded area to make it seem more open. And the ground under the play areas is made of soft, but solid materials to support students using wheelchairs.

Instead of just one slide, there are two sitting side-by-side. That way, parents or teachers with older, larger students can go down the slide together with the kids.

The playground’s designers say a number of sensory elements are also included to help the students. The benches (长凳) on the outside of the playground look simple from faraway but are “one of our most inclusive sensory” elements. They have many different colours that bring about feelings of calm and curiosity. They are also made with smooth material that can be felt and moved. If a child starts to feel uneasy, they can sit down and feel the bench, which can help them relax.

One of the most important designs is a tower that can spray water on multiple children. This can be an important way for older children with autism to get over their fears of water, which for them can be over stimulating. Like the shower, much of the equipment is designed to persuade students to interact with each other, even though they might usually like playing alone. A swing set is designed to permit two kids to swing at the same time, for example.

The school plans to open up the playground for everyone in the autism community, even if they do not attend Transformation Academy.

1. Which of the following can accurately describe Transformation Academy?
A.An on-profit private organization.
B.A special school for children with disabilities.
C.A public school that integrates education and fitness.
D.An important place for community children’s activities.
2. What are the basic principles for selecting materials within the play area?
A.They should be soft and affordable.
B.They should be small and comfortable.
C.They should be cheap and eco-friendly.
D.They should be safe and considered from multiple angles.
3. What is special about the benches on the playground?
A.They are simple and uniform in colour.
B.They are only for one person to sit alone.
C.They are smooth and fixed in one position.
D.They are a combination of various physical senses,
4. What can be inferred about the playground?
A.It encourages students to play alone.
B.It is not different from any other playground.
C.It is only available for students from the school.
D.It score is to create opportunities for secure communication.
2024-05-15更新 | 43次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约430词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Naquela Wright’s life took an unexpected turn when she lost her eyesight as a teenager, but even when her world became dark, the New Jersey resident didn’t want to quit social media.

Using Facebook was a challenge at first. Diagnosed in 2010 with pseudotumor cerebri, a rare health condition in which pressure increases around the brain and can result in the loss of vision, Wright learned how to use a screen reader to read the site through the touch of the keyboard and sound of a robotic voice. Still, when a friend sends her a photo, Wright often has no clue what the image shows.

Now Facebook is trying to solve this problem by exploiting the power of artificial intelligence to create new tools that not only describe items in a photo but allows users to ask what’s in an image.

“I can have a basic picture in my mind of what’s going on in the picture and now I can comment on my own,” said Wright, who got to try out the new tools that are still being tested. “Of course, it’s different, but it’s something more than I had.”

An estimated 285 million people are visually disabled globally, according to the World Health Organization, and research conducted by Facebook showed that blind users have trouble figuring out what’s in a photo because the description isn’t clear or doesn’t exist.

Facebook has made it easier to skim through the content on its website with a screen reader by improving HTML headings, adding alternative text for images, launching keyboard shortcuts, and more. Using artificial intelligence to describe photos is only a part of these ongoing efforts.

With 1.5 billion users, Facebook isn’t the only social media company that wants to improve its website for the visually disabled. Along with Facebook and other major tech firms, Twitter and LinkedIn have their own accessibility teams and belong to an initiative called “Teaching Accessibility”.

Jeff Wieland, Facebook’s head of accessibility engineering, said the group wants to educate more engineers, especially early in college, about designing products that are compatible with the disabled and others. “We really don’t want accessibility to be the luxury of a handful of companies,” Wieland said. “We want everything around the world to be built with accessibility in mind.”

1. What tool helps the visually disabled to read Facebook?
A.A screen reader.B.A special keyboard.
C.A helpful robot.D.HTML headings.
2. What can be inferred from the passage about the new tool created by Facebook?
A.It adds a lot of shortcuts on the keyboard.
B.It helps users to employ their senses other than sight.
C.It meets no competitors with its advanced technology.
D.It inspires more engineers to explore artificial intelligence.
3. The underlined phrase in the last paragraph “are compatible with” most probably means ________.
A.are unaffordable toB.bring harm to
C.keep company ofD.well suit
4. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
A.Screen reader: tool to access social media
B.Ongoing efforts: strength to improve websites
C.Artificial intelligence: power to help the blind
D.Teaching accessibility: initiative to educate engineers
2021-04-12更新 | 98次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般