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题型:书面表达-读写任务 难度:0.65 引用次数:146 题号:8701119
Are you in favor of the ipad in class?(Surveyed in Enfield School)
"The main advantage of having iPads in our classroom is the improvement in communication.”

---Annc,a student aged1710%

I'm not ready to let go of my traditional way of teaching. Besides,can I trust my students not to play with the machine in class?"

---Jen Foster,a teacher aged48

1. 用约30个单词概述饼状图的主要内容:
2. 用约120个单词阐述你对“课堂上使用平板电脑”的看法,并用2-3个理由或论据支撑你的看法。(文字部分仅供参考)
1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称:
3. 不必写标题。
【知识点】 学习 信息技术


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

When I was in seventh grade, my parents paid forty dollars a week for a tutor to come to my house and help me with math, which ended up raising my mark from fifty to fifty-five. OK, maybe it was partly my fault. Maybe I should have spent less time worrying about that important geography assignment and more time on math. But math is a tricky thing. And sitting down in a chair to work on confusing algebraic equations(代数方程) for two hours is a slow and painful process. Besides, people around tend to ask. “How’s your math this time?”

So I became afraid of anything to do with numbers. The thought of a teacher picking on me in class was terrifying. The red marking was like a component in a horror movie. It only got worse in ninth grade. Every report card I ever received was delivered with the comment: “Victoria needs to ask for assistance in class.” But I couldn’t tell my teachers the real reason why I didn’t ask for help: I didn’t want to be a fool. Every question I had was, in my opinion at the time, something that the entire class could understand but I couldn’t. So instead, I adopted the mindset of not caring about anything and concluding that everything would work out in the end.

It didn’t. After spending a semester not caring about homework and not trying on tests, still afraid of math and convinced that I would never succeed, my math teacher called one summer morning to tell me I would spend the next three weeks at school redoing the entire course so I could pass.

This news was met with sudden tears, and a loud “this can’t be happening to me!” That’s when it hit me. Why was I scared of a bunch of numbers, anyway? Why did I barely study for tests because I had convinced myself I would never do well? Who was this unconfident student and what happened to that determined and confident teenager I had once been?


I finally realized that I had let math take over my life.


So I was off to three weeks of summer school, three hours of math each day.

2023-02-09更新 | 124次组卷
书面表达-概要写作 | 适中 (0.65)

Studies have shown that children from poor families have more difficulty in school than other boys and girls.Children with higher socioeconomic roots seem better prepared and perform better on school tests.

Now, American researchers may have found a biological reason for that difference.They found differences in the brains of students who had low standardized test scores.Their brains had less gray matter and their temporal lobes(颞叶) developed more slowly than the other children.The findings were reported in the journal JAMA Pediatrics.Temporal lobes and gray matter are very important brain areas, says researcher Barbara Wolfe.“The brain areas are critical in the sense that they keep developing until individuals are well into their adolescence or early 20s,and critical in the sense that they are important for executive function,” she said.

Researchers studied brain images of nearly 400 children and young adults.The youngest subjects were four years old.The oldest were 22.Researchers looked for a connection between the person’s socioeconomic status and his or her test results.On average, young people from poor families had test scores between 3 and 4 points below what is expected for their age group.The poorest students scored between 8 and 10 points below the developmental norm.

Ms Wolfe says there are several reasons why poorer students often have lower scores.One reason could be poor children do not get the food they need for healthy development.Poor parents are less likely to stimulate their children’s brains through talk,play, and activities.Ms Wolfe also blames the “stress that parents face in trying to deal with poverty, putting food on the table”. The researchers say that up to 20 percent of the achievement gap, or difference in test performance,could be tied to poverty.

Ms Wolfe suggests early action may improve the brain development of children living in poverty.Reaching out to children when they are very young could help raise their test scores and academic performance when they are older.

2023-10-13更新 | 14次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

The end of the year had finally arrived. The first year of my teaching career would be over in a matter of days, but I hated Awards Day. Although I had a class of outstanding students, I feared one student wouldn’t have an award.

Brent just didn’t have the high averages as some of his classmates. As I sat down and began looking over my grade book, I filled in the blanks on the award sheet for the highest grade in each subject. Then, I proceeded to “A Honor Roll” and on through the list. When I began checking averages for the “AB Honor Roll”, I knew Brent hadn’t made it yet now. But while the first honor roll was determined by the average of all grades of the first three months, the yearly honor roll was the average of the final grade in each class for the whole year. Maybe there was a chance.

Brent’s grades may have been considered average, but he was far from it. He was no quitter. That boy was very persistent. If he failed a spelling test midweek, by Friday, he would pass. If his math grade slipped a bit, he’d work to get it higher. Unlike the other students who would often attempt to “one up” one another, Brent’s only competitor was himself, and his goal for the entire year was the AB Honor Roll.

With each report card, his face had fallen when he had missed that elusive (难以达到的) B average, and although he had never made any honor roll, he had never stopped trying to reach   that goal. Now, he had one last opportunity. I entered his final grades into the computer and averaged. It was a B! I checked again. Yes, it was a B. His grades had gone up and down. When he focused harder on one subject, another slipped a bit. Overall, he had a B average.

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2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Awards Day came!


While everyone who got an award made me proud, I knew what it took Brent to achieve it.

2024-02-13更新 | 75次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般