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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:161 题号:8857289

From ancient stories to modern researches, the label(标签)attached to being left-handed is undeniable. Left-handed people, or “lefties” as they are often called, are generally believed to be good at art — Leonardo da Vinci, Picasso and Michelangelo are all left-handed .

Our brain is divided into two parts: the left hemisphere(大脑半球)and the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere, linked to logic and analysis, is responsible for the right side of the body. The right hemisphere, linked to creativity and imagination, controls the left side of the body. So, people tend to believe lefties are controlled by the right side of the brain, and are more creative than right-handers. Some also think that lefties may not be as good as right-handers in mathematics and problem-solving skills.

However; a recent study carried out by scientists from the University of Liverpool in the UK and the University of Milan in Italy proved this theory wrong. The study involved(涉及)more than 2,300 students in Italy aged between 6 and 17 years old. They were asked to complete several mathematical tasks of different levels. It turned out the left-handers outperformed the others when the tasks involved difficult problem-solving.                           This pattern was particularly clear in male adolescents. However; when it came to simple arithmetic, there was no difference between left-handers aud right-handers.

It was also discovered that those who are “severely” right-handed performed less well in all the experiments compared to “medium” right-handers and left-handers.

“Taken together, these findings show that handedness does influence abilities to some degree,” the study’s authors wrote. However, “handedness is just an indirect expression of brain function,” wrote psychology professor Giovanni Sala from   the University of Liverpool in the UK, the lead author of the study. Sala also noted that only one third of people with a highly-developed right side of the brain are left-handed. It means that there are lots of right-handed people with a similar brain function as left-handers.

1. The author begins the text by ________.
A.telling some ancient stories
B.giving examples of artworks
C.introducing a modern research
D.presenting conventional wisdom
2. What is the main focus of paragraph 2?
A.Skills of solving problems.
B.Ways of becoming creative.
C.People’s opinions of left-handers.
D.The functions of two hemispheres.
3. What can we Jearn from the recent study led by Giovanni Sala?
A.Handedness doesn’t have any association with brain function.
B.People with a highly-developed right hemisphere are most likely lefties.
C.The “severely” right-handed are far better at simple arithmetic than lefties.
D.Right-handers didn’t perform as well as lefties when handling tough problems.
4. The text is most probably taken from_________ .
A.a medical reportB.a science magazine .
C.a biology textbookD.an education essay


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A study showed that farms with surrounding natural habitat experienced the most benefits from birds. The study, published in Journal of Applied Ecology, was conducted at 21 strawberry fields along California’s Central Coast. It found that birds were more likely to carry foodborne pathogens (病原体) and eat more berries without surrounding natural habitat.

The study looked at how different farming practices influenced the costs and benefits that wild birds provided on the strawberry farms. The scientists combined nearly 300 bird surveys and the tests of more than 1,000 droppings’ samples from 55 bird species to determine which birds ate pests, beneficial insects and crops, and carried foodborne pathogens.

They also ranked birds to see which were more likely to bring benefits or costs to farmlands. Barn swallows, for instance, got a “gold star” in the study. Their mud nests are commonly seen attached to the underside of eaves (屋檐), from which they fly out to fields, searching for insects.

Rather than result in a list of “good” and “bad” birds, the study found that most bird species brought both costs and benefits to farms, depending on how the landscape was managed. The presence of natural habitat was the single most important driver differentiating a farm where wild birds brought more benefits than harm.

Growers will tell you it’s impossible to keep birds off your farm—you can’t do that and don't want to from a conservation perspective. “Nature is messy, and birds are complex,” the researcher said. “The best we can do is understand how to take advantage of the benefits while reducing the harm.”

A related study in 2020 found that farms with natural habitat attracted more insect-eating birds and fewer strawberry-eating birds. Such habitats also bring greater numbers of bird species to the landscape. All together, these studies suggest that farming landscapes with natural habitat tend to be good for conservation, farmers, and public health.

1. What does the study focus on?
A.Pathogens found on the strawberry farms.
B.The species of birds near farmers’ fields.
C.The effect of birds’ natural habitat on farming.
D.Damage to crops and strawberries on the farm.
2. What can we learn about barn swallows?
A.They can bring benefits for farmland.
B.They are good at nesting on the rocks.
C.They will add to the cost of farming.
D.They are more likely to carry some viruses.
3. What mainly concerns the researchers?
A.How to keep wild birds off farms.
B.How to maximize the benefits of birds.
C.How to run more farms with natural habitats.
D.How to balance birds’ protection and farm profits.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.More birds, more strawberries
B.Farms—the natural habitats of wild birds
C.Bringing out the best in wild birds on farms
D.The natural habitats of birds are being destroyed
2022-05-04更新 | 192次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Antarctica is the highest, driest, and coldest place on Earth. It is also the remotest, a fact which demystifies its unspoiled environment. It is difficult for people to get there, and not a comfortable place for people to stay once they arrive.     1    

    2     .They never melt. Even though Antarctica receives more sunlight than the equator, the temperatures are lower because the ice sheet reflects the heat back into space. Thus, the coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was in Antarctica in July, 1983. Soviet scientists shivered (瑟瑟发抖) through temperatures that fell to minus 89.2 degrees Celsius.

Once completely inaccessible,     3     gold, uranium and oil are just some of the valuable resources which lie beneath the continent’s icy covering.

For centuries, Europeans wondered about the existence of a South-pole continent, but no one actually knew for certain Antarctica was there until 1820 when European explorers “discover” it. Since then, men have gone to Antarctica in search of adventure, testing their abilities.     4    

    5     Damage to the environment occurs as people come looking for resources beneath the ice, or carelessly leave their garbage behind. Currently, countries are working to ensure that the damage to Antarctica’s environment is minimized, and that the last wilderness on Earth will remain an unspoiled place.

A.The cold climate is responsible for maintaining the continent’s year-round ice fields.
B.It is widely described as the last true wilderness on our planet.
C.Measures are being taken to protect Antarctica.
D.Yet, Antarctica’s fragile and complicated ecosystem is threatened by its human visitors.
E.In the icy covering are buried few precious resources,
F.Antarctica has more recently been playing host to adventurers seeking excitement and companies looking to exploit this wild zone for profit,
G.Several teams of explorers set out in 1911 to be the first men to stand at the South Pole.
2023-03-13更新 | 129次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Bats have long been one of the most feared creatures in the animal kingdom. Many pop culture associations with them are related to vampire men (吸血鬼) attacking women in order to suck their blood or witches putting evil curses on innocent individuals.

Although these associations are complete misunderstandings, bats do have a dark side as a dangerous disease medium. These flying mammals can carry a number of fatal diseases such as rabies and more recently Ebola. This has led many to wonder why we should even care about them.

Sure, there is good reason to be extremely cautious if you come into contact with bats. However, there is no denying the fact that bats play a significant role in maintaining a balanced ecosystem.

Many organic farmers have learned about the benefits of having bats nearby to help do away with amounts of pests that show up without pesticides. One brown bat, about the size of a human thumb, can consume about 600 mosquitoes and other unwanted insects within an hour. They make for a fantastic, almost essential, addition to pest management on any farm.

Even large government organizations have realized the economic benefits of bats. The United States Geological Survey estimates that bat contributions to pest management save the country at least 3.7 billion dollars per year. Without them, we would likely experience a dramatic drop in food production, which would eventually make its way into our weekly grocery bills.

As if this were not enough of an ecosystem service we receive, bats are also of great importance to a variety of plant species that are preferential to its pollination (授粉). Otherwise, these plants would decrease their ability to reproduce by at least 50 percent. A number of plant products consumed by humans fall into this preferential pollination category. Some popular foods include mangoes, bananas, peaches and guavas. Additionally, the agave plant, which is used to make tequila, is completely dependent on bat pollinators for reproduction.

Bats are major contributors to our society. These assets are in the best interest of the international community to protect and even to promote. Among significant fears housed by the general public, the fact is that we need them more than most of us imagine. And that’s why should take some measures.

1. What’s the typical image of bats in most popular culture?
A.A cute black animal.B.An intelligent animal.
C.An evil and dangerous animal.D.A token (象征) of fortune.
2. How does the author explain bats’ importance in pollination?
A.By analyzing causes and effects.B.By giving some typical examples.
C.By following the order of importance.D.By presenting sufficient scientific data.
3. If there were another paragraph, what would it possibly talk about?
A.Possible ways to protect bats.B.Bats’ economic benefits.
C.Bats’ bad effects on people.D.Bats’ disgusting appearance.
4. What’s the author’s purpose of writing this passage?
A.To entertain people with some interesting stories about bats.
B.To advertise the newly — produced documentary about bats.
C.To educate people about the importance of bats to our society.
D.To appeal people to study about the endangered species — bats.
2023-05-28更新 | 58次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般