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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:133 题号:8945257

Ladies, if you find yourselves wandering an unknown city with a man who is questioning your directional abilities, don’t doubt yourselves.

A   recent   small   study   published   in   the   journal   Psychological   Science   found   that   the longstanding theory that women have a more difficult time reading maps wasn’t true.

Historically, men have performed better than women in studies that tested their spatial(空间的)ability.   But   the   leading study   author   Margaret Tarampi   and a   researcher   from the University of California, Santa Barbara theorized that social influences had an effect on this outcome: The cultural belief that women are worse at reading maps could be seen as a stereotype(固有模式) threat, meaning women believe they’re bad at something, so they perform poorly as a result. The researchers also theorized that women performed better at skills that involve a social element. In other words, if reading a map means helping someone else, they might perform better.

Tarampi and her team tested both theories on undergraduate students at UCSB across three separate experiments. And, indeed, the results showed that men scored better than women only when they were mentioned the stereotype of male superiority before the test.

When the researchers did not mention it and gave a social context for reading the map, women’s scores improved across the board. Women also performed better when the test maps simply included human figures, rather than just random objects and landmarks.

So ladies, next time you struggle to figure out whether you should make a left or right at the Louvre, take out your tourist map with a healthy dose of confidence.

1. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To warn women of one of their shortcomings.
B.To introduce the topic of the passage.
C.To encourage women to read maps.
D.To state a social phenomenon.
2. Women are thought to be worse at reading maps because of .
A.a poor sense of directionB.a lack of experience
C.a social stereotypeD.threats from others
3. Men performed better than women in the study when .
A.they were asked to help someone else by reading a map
B.they were informed of the stereotype before the test
C.the test maps simply included human figures
D.there were social elements in the map
4. What can be concluded from the passage?
A.Women can read maps as well as men.B.Women are better drivers than men.
C.Women always have difficulty reading maps.D.Women are better at spatial ability.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】When you start working on something but don't finish it, thoughts of the unfinished work continue to jump into your mind even when you've moved on to other things. Psychologists refer the phenomenon as the Zeigamik effect. The effect was first observed by a Russian psychologist named Bluma Zeigamik. While sitting in a busy restaurant in Vienna, she noted the waiters had better memories of unpaid orders. Once the bill was paid, however, the waiters had difficulty remembering the exact details of the orders.

In one of her studies, participants were asked to complete simple tasks such as putting together puzzles, or solving math problems. Half of the participants were interrupted halfway through these tasks. After an hour-long delay, Zeigamik asked the participants to give an account of what they'd been working on. She discovered that those who had their work interrupted were twice as likely to remember what they had been doing as those who had actually completed the tasks.

We can use this effect to our advantage. For example, if you're struggling to memorize something important, momentary interruptions might actually work to your advantage. Rather than simply remember the information over and over again, review it several times and then take a break. While you're focusing on other things, you'll find yourself mentally returning to the information you were studying.

We often put off tasks until the last moment, only completing them in a rush at the last possible moment. Unfortunately, this tendency can lead to heavy stress and even poor performance. One way to overcome this is to put the Zeigamik effect to work. Start by taking the first step, no matter how small. Once you have begun — but not finished — your work, you'll find yourself thinking of the task until, at last, you finish it. You might not finish it all at once, but each small step you take puts you closer to your final goal.

1. What does the Zeigamik effect refer to?
A.Waiters tend to have good memories.
B.Once interrupted, one will forget things easily.
C.Most people can't focus on one thing for a long time.
D.People remember unfinished tasks better than completed ones.
2. How should we study according to the Zeigamik effect?
A.Repeat over and over again.
B.Divide our study session.
C.Focus on several tasks at a time.
D.Have enough rest before studying.
3. What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?
A.How to get rid of heavy stress.
B.Why we should set a final goal.
C.How to break the habit of delaying work.
D.Why we always complete tasks in a rush.
2020-02-10更新 | 232次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约160词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Everyone talks about the “five” senses of man.And it is true that we get our information about the outside from our sense of sight,hearing,smell,touch and taste.Researchers tell us that the sense of sight—our visual sense—gives us up to 80% of what we know about the world outside our bodies; while the other senses,the auditory (hearing),the olfactory (smell),the tactile (touch),and the gustatory (taste) bring into our brains information about the other 20% of what is happening.But there are two other senses that we cannot get along without,though they are little noticed.These are the senses of balance (平衡),without which we would act like a drunk after a heavy drink,and the kinesthetic sense(动觉),which gives us our ideas about our own motion (运动).

1. Which is the best title for this passage?
A.The Five Senses of Man
B.The Senses of Man
C.Senses and Information
D.Important Senses
2. The sense of sight supplies us with .
A.about half of our information about the world
B.about 20% of our information about the world
C.80% of our information about the world
D.all the needed our information about the world
3. The senses of hearing,smell,touch and taste supply us with .
A.about half of our information about the world
B.about 20% of our information about the world
C.about 80% of our information about the world
D.all the needed our information about the world
4. According to the passage,one misses most about the world when one .
A.is blind
B.is deaf
C.has no sense of taste and touch
D.has no sense of balance and motion
2019-01-14更新 | 114次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Baby rattles (拨浪鼓) are simple toys designed for babies. They are made of wood, plastic, and other things.     1     So parents usually put rattles near their babies and let babies play with them.

Rattles are more than simple toys when it comes to child development. A newborn baby’s vision (视力) is still underdeveloped and poor in the first few months.     2     When babies meet rattles for the first time, they may not even see the toys clearly. The sound and touch of the rattles let them begin to learn a world that does truly exist outside of them.

    3     When holding a baby rattle and shaking it, a child will soon know that there’s a direct relationship between his actions and results. He’ll find the sound when he shakes the rattle. And he’ll find that the sound stops when he doesn’t shake it. Then he learns that shaking rattles can lead to the sound.

Baby rattles must be safe for babies. Factories should produce rattles through materials that are not harmful. As for parents, they should clean the surface of rattles before babies play with them. It’s because babies often taste things given to them.     4    

Baby rattles are usually thrown away as a baby develops into a toddler (刚学步的儿童). Toddlers may still enjoy toys that produce noise.     5     So parents may need to prepare other toys to help their kids learn and grow.

A.But the noise may be harmful.
B.If rattles are dirty, babies may get sicken.
C.They will soon dislike something not tasty.
D.And they contain small balls to produce the sound.
E.But a rattle as such may no longer hold their interest.
F.So his early learning quite relies on hearing and touching.
G.Through rattles, babies can also learn the cause and the result.
2023-10-13更新 | 29次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般