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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:174 题号:9522475

Scientists in Britain have managed to teach bees to pull strings (线) to get to food and then pass on what they have learned to others in their colony (群体) — showing a high level of intelligence despite their tiny brains.

Researchers at Queen Mary University of London said the experiments, often used to test the intelligence of apes (猿) and birds, showed for the first time that some insects are up to the task, and can also pass skills on through several generations.

The findings add to the evidence suggesting the ability for “culture spread”— the ability to learn and pass on knowledge and skills — may not be exclusive to humans.

In the research, published in the journal PLOS Biology on Tuesday, the scientists were able to train 23 out of a group of 40 bees to pull strings with their legs and feet.

The strings were attached to discs — or artificial “flowers”— containing food at their center but placed under a transparent (透明的) screen. The bees, spotting the food beneath the screen, learned to pull the “flowers” out by pulling the string with their legs and feet to be able to get to it.

From another group of bees given the chance to solve the task without any training, only two of 110 were successful.

Another group of bees was then allowed to observe the trained bees pulling the strings, and 60 percent of them successfully learned the skill. Finally, trained bees were put in colonies, and the scientists found the technique spread successfully to a majority of the colony's worker bees.

Lars Chittka, a Queen Mary University professor who guided the project, said the team is interested in figuring out the brain processes behind the bees' learning and teaching skills.

1. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “exclusive” in Paragraph 3?
2. What did the researchers find about bees?
A.Bees learn best in insects.B.Bees are as clever as birds.
C.Bees are born good learners.D.Bees can be trained to learn skills.
3. What may the research team focus on next?
A.What else bees can do.B.Where bees learn skills.
C.How bees teach others.D.How bees' brains work.
4. What may be the best title for the text?
A.Small Bees, Great AbilitiesB.Bees Can Learn and Teach
C.Bees Are SmarterD.Let Bees Learn


阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Your guardian angel might have four legs and a rocking tail.

A new study from two researchers at Arizona State University found, like the hero dogs of film and TV, your real-life one likely wants to rescue you when you’re in trouble, reports AFP.

“It’s a popular legend(传说), ” explained researcher Joshua van Bourg. “Simply observing dogs rescuing someone doesn’t tell you much. The difficult challenge is figuring out why they do it.”

To test if and why dogs want to save their humans, Joshua van Bourg and his partner, Clive Wynne, took 60 dogs and their owners and set up artificial rescue scene. For the study, the owner was put in a large box that had a lightweight door that the owner’s dog could move to one side to “save” them. Once in the box, the human would pretend to be in trouble, calling out for help without using their dog’s name. The second part of the test involved researchers placing dog food in a box and watching to see how many of the same 60 dogs moved to open the box to get the reward.

Looking at the two tests, the researchers found that about one-third of the dogs successfully rescued their owners and that around the same number also opened the box with the food. The study suggests that these responses could signal that dogs find rescuing their loved ones to be a rewarding task, much like nosing out and finding food. According to Joshua van Bourg, a dog’s natural heroism becomes even more impressive when you take “a closer look” at the study’s results.

“The key here is that without controlling for each dog’s understanding of how to open the box, the percentage of dogs who rescued their owners is much more lower than the percentage of dogs who wanted to rescue their owners.” Joshua van Bourg said.

“The fact that two-thirds of the dogs didn’t even open the box for food shows that rescuing requires more than just motivation(动机), there’s something else involved, and that’s the ability.” he added.

1. What do the researchers focus on in the studies?
A.The number of dogs smelling dog food.
B.The way of dogs opening the light door.
C.The reason for dogs rescuing their owners.
D.The willingness of dogs to enter the rescue scene.
2. What do the researchers find from their study?
A.Twenty dogs are brave enough to rescue humans.
B.Forty dogs help humans and open the boxes for food.
C.Owners are saved without calling their dogs name.
D.Dogs consider rescuing owners as a rewarding task.
3. What is Joshua van Bourg’s attitude towards the phenomenon(现象)of dogs that rescued their owners?
4. What does probably the text continue to tell?
A.Teaching dogs how to rescue humans.
B.Reminding people of being kind to dogs.
C.Advocating people to raise more dogs as pets.
D.Testing dogs what to do while rescuing owners.
2022-02-27更新 | 134次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The Proboscis Monkey is a medium-sized primate (灵长类动物) that is found in the rainforests of Borneo. The male Proboscis Monkey is much larger than the female measuring up to 76 cm in height and weighing more than 20 kg, both having a long tail which can easily be the same length as the body and is used to help the Proboscis Monkey to balance while it is jumping through the trees. Adults are mainly pale orange to light brown in color with a richer colored head and shoulders and grey limbs and tail, and a light pink face. The nose of the monkey develops with age. Although scientists are still unsure as to exactly why the nose of the Proboscis Monkey grows so big, it is widely believed to do with attracting a female mate.

The Proboscis Monkey is native to the island of Borneo. Due to their leaf-eating diet it’s most commonly found in mangrove swamps (红树沼泽地), but is also known to live in coastal mangroves, riverine forests and lowland rainforest providing that there’s a good source of fresh water.

The Proboscis Monkey lives in groups that contain between 2-30 individuals including a dominant male, with up to 10 female and their young. Female Proboscis Monkey tend to lead the searches for food and care for the young and the male defends his group by making loud honking sounds and showing his teeth. Proboscis Monkey groups are known to gather together when close to water or in an area where there is enough food, and at night when groups rest and sleep in the safety of the mangroves close to the water’s edge.

Young Proboscis Monkeys are cared for not just by their mother but also by the other adult females in the group, and will remain with their mother until they’re nearly a year old when young females tend to stay with the group and young males will leave to join a group of bachelor (单身汉) males. Although Proboscis Monkey groups tend to remain fairly stable, it’s not uncommon for both males and females to move to another group.

Today population numbers are thought to have dropped by up to 80% over the past 30 years and there’re thought to be around 7,000 Proboscis Monkeys left in the wild. Now, the Proboscis Monkey is listed by the IUCN as an endangered animal and could die out in the near future if better conservation measures aren’t put into place.

1. What function does the Proboscis Monkeys’ long tail have?
A.Helping them move faster.B.Helping them move steadily.
C.Helping them find more food.D.Helping them attract the other sex.
2. Paragraph 3 mainly shows the Proboscis Monkeys are            .
A.sociable animalsB.productive animals
C.endangered animalsD.active animals
3. A two-year-old male Proboscis Monkey is likely to                .
A.stay with his motherB.live with other males
C.become head of a troopD.wander around alone
4. What would be discussed next if the passage were unfinished?
A.The lifestyle of the Proboscis Monkey.
B.The appearance of the Proboscis Monkey.
C.The preservation of the Proboscis Monkey.
D.The relationship between the Proboscis Monkey and humans.
2022-07-05更新 | 58次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Why do animals migrate or move? They do so to find a place that will offer better living conditions. Not all animals migrate, but those that migrate are attempting to help the survival of their species. There are a variety of reasons why animals leave. Some migrate to avoid weather changes. Some leave because of the food supply. Unlike humans who migrate because of relationships, job changes, or other social reasons, animals migrate to survive.

There are different types of migration, but one of the most interesting is the seasonal migration. In seasonal migrations, animals move twice a year. These movements usually occur due to changes in the seasons or in the weather. For example, some birds migrate away from colder regions to warmer weather and then come back to a place once the colder weather has passed.

How do animals know when it is time to migrate? Some animals do not leave an are until the environment changes and becomes a place that is not favorable for them to live. Other animals seem to have inborn systems that tell them when it is time to leave.

Animals that migrate use many different ways to successfully reach their destinations. Scientists believe animals’ senses play a huge role in helping them find their way. For example, salmon(三文鱼)are thought to recognize specific smells that help them. Others are thought to use even the sun, moon, and stars to help guide them on their journeys. Although the animals use different methods to migrate, one thing is the same: migration remains an important journey for the survival of many of Earth’s most amazing species.

1. What is the text mainly about?
A.Animals’ senses.B.Animals’ habitats.
C.Animals’ migration.D.Animals’ destinations.
2. Why do animals migrate according to the text?
A.To improve relationships.B.To reach their destinations.
C.To live with other species.D.To find better living conditions.
3. What can be known from the text?
A.Animals use the same method to migrate.
B.Animals may migrate for different reasons.
C.Animals are born to know where to migrate.
D.All migrating animals use the sun as a guide.
4. Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A history book.B.A travel brochure.
C.A science magazine.D.A financial newspaper.
2023-01-29更新 | 133次组卷
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