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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:72 题号:9569083

A recent study confirms that several turtle species(海龟种类) have either greatly dropped or disappeared from various sections of the Australian Murray River. “The problem is that the long life of turtles makes people unable to sense the seriousness of the situation,” says Ricky Spencer, a co-author of the study, which was published in February in Scientific Reports. “It’s human nature that only when something is gone do we start missing it.”

Spencer and his workmates recorded the population of three once common turtle species at 52 sites along the southern areas of the river. The researchers inferred the species’ population sizes from the number of individuals they caught in a given amount of time. They found the turtles have disappeared in places where they were previously rich, and most of the individuals they managed to catch elsewhere were large—and likely old—adults. Spencer and his workmates blame the losses on continuing nest predation(捕食) by foxes, accompanied by other problems, including a worse and worse environment and serious drought(干旱) in the 2000s.

“We have known about the sudden sharp drop of the population of the turtles for tens of years, and although media have covered a lot about the ‘trouble of our rivers’, nothing has been done,” says Rick Shine from Macquarie University in Sydney. “This paper is a wake-up call that unless we begin to do something about turtle protection, we may lose an attractive part of our native creatures.”

The turtles could recover quickly if action is taken to protect nests from foxes and bring back living areas, Spencer notes. But governments tend to respond only when losses reach crisis levels, and the Murray River species currently lack the government’s protection, he says. He and his workmates have a solution, however. “Our next step is to start designing community protection efforts for common turtle species,” he explains, “so people can actually do things without having to wait for the government’s support.”

1. Why are people unaware that turtles are in a very serious situation?
A.The government hasn’t taken action.
B.They know turtles have a long life.
C.Old turtles still have a large population.
D.Media haven’t done any report about it.
2. What is the greatest challenge for turtles according to Spencer’s team?
A.Foxes catch and feed on them.B.The environment is getting worse.
C.The climate is extremely dry.D.Human beings kill them in quantity.
3. Which of the following does Rick Shine agree with?
A.Media have already done their best.B.The study gives people a warning.
C.Turtles are sure to disappear soon.D.Turtle protection is a long process.
4. What do we know from the last paragraph?
A.It’s not possible that turtles can avoid disappearing.
B.The government is taking action against the crisis.
C.Community efforts to protect turtles will start soon.
D.People have to wait for the government’s support.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Birds can fill any spring or summer day with music: All you have to do is opening your window to hear crows “caw”, killdears call “ kill-deah! kill-deah!” and chickadees sing “ chickadee-dee-dee”.

But come back an hour later, and you'll still hear them singing the same song, repeatedly (重复地). That’s because they’re hard at work. These singers are usually male (男性的), and are singing their hearts out to guard their territory (领地) and attract (吸引) a mate (配偶).

On the territorial front, the singers say, “This is my area and I’m letting everyone else, especially every other male in the area, know that this is my space.”

Other animals mark their territory by leaving their smell everywhere. Even people mark areas with fences (栅栏). But birds don’t do it that way, they will sing . And they will sing that song over and over again.

And, hey, if that song attracts a mate in the process, more power to the male. There are nearly 10, 000 species (物种)of birds in the world, and every species is different, but oftentimes the female is the one that picks the mate.

The males’ songs basically express, “Hey, females! You’re passing by, listen to me because I've got a beautiful song I’m a healthy male! You should stop by and check me out!”

While the male is singing, he can’t look for food, and his calls make him more easily found by his killers. For females,it takes a lot of energy to lay eggs and raise young, so she wants to be sure she chooses the right mate before putting all her eggs in one basket, so to speak.

During the winter, birds often sing fewer notes, or just one note, to each other. These notes are simply a way to warn the strangers of their territory.

1. What do you know about crows, killdears and chickadees?
A.They are plants.B.They are birds.
C.They are guards.D.They are killers.
2. How do birds mark their territory?
A.By building nests on trees.B.By telling others where food is.
C.By leaving their smell everywhere.D.By singing the same song repeatedly.
3. How many reasons why birds sing?
4. When do birds sing most?
A.In winter.B.In spring or winter.C.In autumn.D.In spring or summer.
2022-08-15更新 | 49次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Mammals like us nurse their young with milk. Yet some other animals, including tsetse flies and pigeons, also produce a type of milk to feed their babies. But the newly discovered nursing in Toxeus magnus (大蚁蛛)could be the closest to mammal moms'.

Researcher Zhanqi Chen, who studies spider behavior at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Menglunzhen, found that for the first week or so after her baby comes out of the egg, a spider mom will leave milk droplets around the nest for her young to drink. Then nursing turns more mammalian. The little ones press themselves against their mom's body. Researchers say a gentle finger push on the underside of her stomach will squeeze (挤出)a tiny drop of white milk out of her skin. It comes out much like water from sweat glands (汗腺) and babies drink the milk by taking it up with the tongue.

Baby spiders live on nothing else for the first 20 days of their lives, the researchers report. In the lab, mothers occasionally hunted fruit flies provided by researchers. However, they never brought any of these flies back to the nest to feed their young.

After this period, baby spiders start to feed themselves. But their moms continue nursing them for nearly three weeks more, the team found. With that combined diet, 76 percent of youngsters in lab nests lived long into adulthood. Without mom's milk, they died in about 10 days.

Toxeus magnus spiders enjoy living alone. However, in order to offer extended (延长的) care to their babies, Toxeus magnus mothers end up sharing a nest with their young for an unusually long time. According to a study, only about 120 among the nearly 48,000 known spider species are known to stand being with others for more than three weeks. And only about 30 of those live lifelong social lives. So an example of spiders sharing a nest for such a long time is "a big deal".

1. What can be learnt about Toxeus magnus?
A.Toxeus magnus moms' milk comes out from their skin's surface.
B.Newly-born Toxeus magnus babies feed on milk and fruit flies.
C.One-week-old Toxeus magnus babies press Mom to get nursed.
D.Milk is available before Toxeus magnus babies are born.
2. How long does a Toxeus magnus baby get nursed by its mom according to the text?
A.About 7 days.B.About 40 days.C.About 3 weeks.D.About 2 months.
3. What is the author's attitude to Toxeus magnus mothers?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Toxeus Magnus Moms Produce Human-like Milk
B.Toxeus Magnus Spiders Actually Belong to Mammals
C.Toxeus Magnus Moms Change Their Lifestyle for Kids
D.Toxeus Magnus Spiders Feed Their Babies More Like Mammals
2022-08-04更新 | 142次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Carola’s parotia, one of the fascinating and unique birds of paradise that live on the island of New Guinea, begins his dance. This male bird is attempting to impress a row of females watching him from a branch above.

It seems that the more extreme the male’s costume and colors, the better his chance of attracting a mate. While some birds of paradise perform alone, others, like Goldie’s birds of paradise, often perform together, creating an eye-catching performance that female birds find impossible to resist.

These brilliantly colored birds of paradise have evolved (进化) over millions of years from ancient birds whose feathers were dark and boring in comparison. It seems to be a contradiction that such extreme feathers and colors could have been favored by the process of evolution. After all, these same brightly colored feathers also make them much more noticeable to predators and slow the birds down. The forest of New Guinea is a perfect environment for birds. In fact, sexual selection has been the driving force in evolution of birds of paradise. Over millions of years, they have slowly undergone changes in their color, feathers and other talents. Characteristics that made one bird more attractive than another were passed on and enhanced over time. The usual rules of survival aren’t as important here as the rules of successful mating.

In the past, demand for the birds’ beautiful feather resulted in a huge amount of hunting. In the early 1900s, 80,000 shins a year were exported from New Guinea for European ladies’ hat. However, surprisingly few birds die for these costumes nowadays. Local people are still permitted so hunt birds of paradise for traditional uses. However, hunters usually target older male birds, leaving younger males to continue breeding (繁殖).

There are more serious threats to the birds’ welfare like illegal markets, the large-scale industrial logging, oil prospecting and mining presenting dangers to the birds’ habitats. Meanwhile, human populations continue to grow. Land is owned by different local families whose leaders disagree about which areas should be protected.

1. Which type of bird dances in a group?
A.Male Carola’s parotia.B.Female Carola’s parotia.
C.Male Goldie’s bird of paradise.D.Female Goldie’s bird of paradise.
2. The underlined word “predators” in Paragraph 3 is closest to “________” in meaning.
3. What is the key factor that contributes to the evolution of the birds of paradise?
A.Pleasant environment.B.Attack of enemies.
C.Competing for survival.D.Choosing a mate.
4. What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?
A.The birds’ habitats are threatened.
B.Older female birds are preferred by hunters.
C.Local people are forbidden to hunt the birds.
D.A demand for feather hats leads to the huge death of the birds.
2022-05-21更新 | 69次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般