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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:115 题号:9652364

It’s a good thing that sloths (树懒) don’t have to go to school. They’d never make it on time. These sleepy tree-inhabitants sleep up to 20 hours a day! And even when they are awake, they barely move at all. In fact, they re very slow, and algae (海藻) actually grows on their fur.

Sloths live in the tropical forests of Central and South America, With their long arms and hairy fur. they look like monkeys, but they are actually related to anteaters (食蚁兽). They can be 2 to 2.5 feet long and weigh from 8 to 17 pounds, depending on species.

There are two main species of sloth, identified by whether they have two or three claws. (爪子) on their front feet. The two species are quite similar in appearance, with roundish heads, sad-looking eyes, tiny ears, and short tails. Two toed sloths are slightly bigger and tend to spend more time hanging upside down than their three toed cousins, who will often sit upright in the fork of a tree branch. Three toed sloths have facial coloring that makes them look like they’ re always smiling. They also have two extra neck vertebrae that allow them to turn their heads almost all the way around!

Some scientists think sloths developed their slow-motion lifestyle so they would be less noticeable to hunters such as hawks and cats, which rely heavily on their eyesight when hunting. The algae that grows on sloths’ fur also helps them avoid hunters by letting them mix in with green leaves. They rarely come down from the trees. About once every week, they go down to go to the bathroom, slowly moving about by digging their front claws into the dirt and dragging their bodies. If they are caught by a hunter, sloths will become aggressive, biting fiercely, striking with their claws, and screaming.

1. Who belongs to the same race as the sloth?
A.The monkey.
B.The anteater.
C.The hawk.
D.The cat.
2. Sloths are classified mainly by________.
A.their arms
B.their heads
C.their claws on their front feet
D.their fur on their bodies
3. According to the text, sloths go down from trees once every week in order to________.
A.clean their bodies.
B.hunt food
C.avoid being hunted
D.search for habitats
4. What can we learn from the text?
A.Sloths always like smiling.
B.Cats dislike hunting sloths.
C.Sloths can sleep for a long time.
D.Sloths keep clam when facing danger.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A young kangaroo is lucky to be alive today thanks to a pair of New South Wales teenagers.

Nick Heath and Jack Donnelly, both 19, were riding their motorbikes in the bush outside Sydney on Sunday when they came across a kangaroo stuck in the mud.

The boys saw the head of the animal sticking out of the mud at Agnes Banks near the Nepean River in southwest Sydney. The animal was clearly in pain but the boys couldn’t reach it, so they raced home to get some rope. When they returned, Mr. Donnelly tied the rope around his waist and walked into the thick mud to get hold of the kangaroo while his friend then pulled them about 30 meters to safety.

Appearing on Today this morning, the young men retold their experience to save the animal.

“The kanguarwo’s life was important to us sowe pulled out all the stops to rescue it,” Mr. Heath said. “We lake pride in what we did. If we see something like that again, we’ll do it all over again,” Mr Heath added.

The animal, while not in great health after being save, was handed to wildlife rescue organization WIRES. It’s believed that the kangaroo was likely searching for water in the dry conditions when it got stuck in the mud.

As for the heroes of the story, they re glad to have been in the right place at the right time to help the animal—and don’t mind the attention it’s brought.

“Yeah we liked it, something different,” Mr. Donnelly told news.com.au.

1. What did the teenagers do on seeing the kangaroo?
A.They walked into the mud to save it.
B.They rode in the bush to look for help.
C.They went back home for some rope.
D.They tried to keep its head out of the mud.
2. What did Mr. Heath mean by saying the underlined words in Paragraph 5?
A.They stopped to think before acting.
B.They tried their best to save the animal.
C.They walked out of the mud without difficulty.
D.They were not sure if they should save the animal.
3. What do we know about the kangaroo?
A.It’s in good care.
B.It’s still in great danger.
C.It nearly died from thirst.
D.It ran too fast to notice the mud.
4. How did the teenagers feel after rescuing the kangaroo?
A.They were delighted and proud.
B.They were worn-out but excited.
C.They were worried about the kangaroo.
D.They were uncomfortable with the attention.
2020-03-19更新 | 31次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (AP) - An Arizona aquarium (水族馆) is joyfully celebrating the successful hatching of three endangered African penguin chicks, emphasizing the tiny additions are genetically valuable as zoos and aquariums worldwide work to ensure the species’ survival through breeding (培育) programs and conservation efforts.

The announcement was made by officials at OdySea Aquarium on Friday, accompanied by a delightful video showcasing the cute birds. Hatched a few weeks ago, the chicks will remain behind the scenes with their parents until they’re ready for a public appearance.

African penguins have faced a significant population decline over the decades, earning them endangered status from the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Jessica Peranteau, director of animal training and education at the aquarium, expressed that any successful hatching is a cause for celebration. “As the population of the African penguin continues to rapidly decline-down 23% in the past two years alone-OdySea Aquarium remains committed to the survival of the species in partnership with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums,” stated Peranteau. The breeding program established by the association aims to build up a genetic pool for the species.

Officials say two of the three new chicks in Scottsdale were born to parents Mojo and Lemieux-a power couple of sorts that was selected for pairing as part of the breeding program. The third chick was born to first-time parents Bubbles and Weasley. Aquarium workers will regularly conduct “chick checks,” brief exams to monitor their growth and development and ensure they are hitting all necessary milestones.

The three chicks have yet to be named, and their sex has not yet been determined. For now they’re known by their numbers,42,43 and 44. In all, OdySea Aquarium now houses 40 African penguins and has recorded 13 successful hatchings. The aquarium bills itself as the largest in the Southwest.

1. Why is the hatching of African penguin chicks a cause for celebration?
A.To hold significant genetic value.B.To promote tourism in Scottsdale.
C.To meet the demands of the public.D.To boost the population of sea animals.
2. What is the goal of the breeding program in the text?
A.Establishing a gene bank for the species.B.Conducting research on penguin behavior.
C.Improving new aquarium facilities.D.Promoting African penguin tourism.
3. What information is provided about the three penguin chicks?
A.They share the same parents.B.Their gender remains unidentified.
C.They are hit regularly with stones.D.Their growth is not closely monitored.
4. What is the text?
A.Technology Review.B.Entertainment Feature.
C.Species Protection Report.D.Zoological Exhibition Notice.
2024-03-04更新 | 113次组卷
阅读理解-六选四(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Crayfish (龙虾) appear anxious after moulting (换壳)

When a crayfish moults, it becomes temporarily weak.     1     “They worry, they have a fright state that makes them avoid potentially dangerous areas. It’s kind of like anxiety,” says Pascal Fossat at the University of Bordeaux in France.

Fossat and his colleagues collected crayfish near Bordeaux and stored them in individual tanks that were similar to their natural habitat. When the crayfish began to moult, the researchers placed them in an area that had two dark sections and two lit sections, and recorded their behaviour.

Over the following two days, the crayfish showed a strong preference for hiding in the dark regions.     2     For comparison, when the crayfish weren’t moulting, they typically spent about 30 percent of their time in the light. “They’re very weak when they remove the old exoskeleton (壳), and the new one is totally soft until they eat the old one to get back the minerals that make the new exoskeleton stronger,” says Fossat.

The team also took crayfish that weren’t moulting and injected them with an ecdysteroid — a class of hormone that controls moulting. They found that the crayfish exhibited the same aiixiety-like behaviour.

To explore whether it was possible to change this behaviour, Fossat and his colleagues took the animals they had treated with the ecdysteroid and injected them with anti-anxiety drugs developed for use in humans.     3     “They didn’t have the fright from before,” says Fossat.

Fossat suspects crayfish may be capable of other emotions — although it is a difficult subject to investigate because crayfish are biologically so different from humans.

Robert Elwood at Queen’s University Belfast in the UK says he animals may be acting on basic physiological mechanisms that humans have interpreted as feelings. But he says that new research is helping us understand the range of emotions invertebrates (无脊椎动物) may experience.

“We’ve spent a lot of time worried about animal welfare, asking whether they are in stress or pain,” he says. “    4    

A.The crayfish returned to spending about one-third of their time in the light.
B.It is surprising that anti-anxiety drugs designed for human use also work on invertebrates.
C.If they did encounter the lit sections, they moved back into the dark in 80 percent of cases.
D.Now there is evidence that this leads to behaviour that resembles anxiety.
E.They last shared a common ancestor with us hundreds of millions of years ago.
F.Now we’re beginning to turn that over and ask if we can say when an animal is happy or cheerful.
2022-12-17更新 | 187次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般