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广东 九年级 一模 2017-07-20 469次 整体难度: 容易 考查范围: 词汇、语法、单词辨析、主题、语篇

一、单项选择 添加题型下试题

单项选择 | 适中(0.64)
1. Long long ago,there__________four foxes and they lived a happy life together.
单项选择 | 适中(0.65)
2. Lucy and her friend__________at the airport in half an hour.They are going to Taiwan.
A.metB.meetC.have metD.will meet
单项选择 | 适中(0.65)
3. The people in Brazil will have to get__________ready before the 2016 Brazil Olympic Games.
单项选择 | 适中(0.65)
4. The old man came into the room with a little boy__________was carrying a big bag.
单项选择 | 较易(0.85)
5. Paul’s parents were worried that he__________too much time on computer games.
单项选择 | 容易(0.94)
6. She had to stop__________her test paper because it was time to hand it in.
A.writeB.wroteC.to writeD.writing
单项选择 | 较易(0.85)
8. You __________write the poem down.Our teacher will give us a copy.
单项选择 | 较易(0.85)
9. If he __________harder, he will catch up with us soon.
A.studyB.studiesC.will studyD.studying
单项选择 | 适中(0.65)
10. During her first day in ChinA. Lily was asked__________.
A.whether she could use chopsticks
B.whether could she use chopsticks
C.if she can use chopsticks
D.if can she use chopsticks

二、完形填空 添加题型下试题

完形填空(约160词) | 适中(0.65)
Confucius was born on August 27th,551 BC in Zou, China. He was____great teacher at that time. Confucius is also____as Kong Qiu. It is generally thought that he was born into a rich family. However, some people describe him as being born into a poor family.
Confucius’ beliefs were based on the concept of self-discipline(自律). He believed____a leader need to exercise self-discipline. His teaching ideas focused on the “Six Art”. To Confucius, the main goal of____a teacher was to teach people to live with honest____his teaching he made a big difference in that society.
Confucius is famous for writing. He wrote some of the____traditional Chinese works, one of____is the Book of Odes (《诗经》). He also wrote a historical book of Lu, called the Spring and Autumn Annals (《春秋》). Confucius also____Lunyu. It was so important in Chinese culture that everyone in China knew it.
Confucius died____November 21st,479 BC in Qufu, China. Today he is____regarded as one of the greatest teachers in Chinese history.11.
A.beingB.to beC.beD.be being
A.more famousB.most famousC.famouserD.famousest
A.widelyB.wideC.widerD.more widely
完形填空(约250词) | 适中(0.65)
One day, a teacher was speaking to a group of students about how to plan their time.He gave an example that those students would never _____
He pulled out a wide jar (罐子) and put it on the table.He also took out several rocks and ____ put them into the jar one at a time.When no more rocks would be fit inside, he asked. "Is this jar full?"
Everyone in the class shouted. "Yes." The teacher replied. "Really?" He pulled out a box of small stones.He dumped(丢下) some in and ____ the jar.The stones went down into the spaces ____ the big rocks.He then asked the group once more, "Is this jar full?"
"Probably not," one of them answered."Good!" he replied.He brought out a glass of sand and dumped the sand into the jar and it went into all of the spaces ____Once more he asked the question,"Is this jar full?"
"No!" the class started.Once again he saiD. "Good!" Then he poured a cup of water in ____ the jar was full.
Then he asked. "What is the key point here?" One student put up his hand and saiD. "The key point here is that even if you are ____, you can still plan everything well if you try really hard!"
"No," the teacher replied. "that's not the point.The point is if you don't put the big rocks in ____, you'll never get them in.What are the 'big rocks' in your ____? Time with your loved ones, your education, or your dreams?
Remember to put these big rocks in first, or you'll ____ get them in at all."21.

三、阅读理解 添加题型下试题

阅读理解-单选(约200词) | 适中(0.65)
Will it matter if you don't take your breakfast? A short time ago, a test was given in the United States.People of different ages, from 12 to 83, were asked to have a test.During the test, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts, and sometimes they got no breakfast at all.Scientists wanted to see how well their bodies worked when they had eaten different kinds of breakfasts.
The results show that if a person eats a right breakfast, he or she will work better than if he or she has no breakfast.If a student has fruit, eggs, bread and milk before going to school, he will learn more quickly and listen more carefully in class.
The result is opposite to what some people think.Having no breakfast will not help you lose weight.
This is because they are so hungry at noon they eat too much for lunch.They will gain weight instead of
losing it.You will lose more weight if you reduce your other meals.
31. During the test, the people were given_____________.
A.no breakfast at all
B.different foods or sometimes none
C.very rich breakfasts
D.a little food for breakfast
32. The results show that __________________
A.breakfast has great effect on work and studies.
B.breakfast has little to do with a person's work.
C.a person will work better if he only has fruit and milk.
D.Fat people should have little for breakfast
33. According to the passage, some people think that if you don't have breakfast, you will___________.
A.be healthierB.work better
C.lose weightD.do nothing worse
34. The best title for this passage is__________.
A.How to Lose Weight
B.Breakfast Helps You Get Weight
C.Breakfast Is Good for Health
D.Don’t Have Breakfast
35. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.It is bad for your health to have no breakfast
B.Having breakfast will not make you put on weight.
C.If you don't eat much for lunch and supper, you may lose weight.
D.The more breakfast you have, the more quickly you'll learn in class.
阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 较难(0.4)

Everyone likes living in a clean and comfortable environment.If the environment is bad,it will affect(影响)our bodies,and make us not feel well.Sometimes we may be terribly ill.At mat time we don’t want to work,and we have to stay in bed and rest at home.So the environment is very important to us.

It’s germs(微生物)that makes us ill.There are germs everywhere.They are very small and you can't find them with your own eyes.but you can see them with a microscope(显微镜).They are very small and there may be hundreds of them on a very small thing,Germs can always be found in the dirty water.When we look at dirty water under the microscope.we shall see them in it.Germs can also be found in air and dust.If you cut your finger,some of the dust from the floor may go into it,and you will have much pain in it.Sometimes me germs will go into all of your body,and you will have pain everywhere.

To keep us healthy,we should try to our best to make our environment become cleaner and tidier.This needs us to act together.

36. The writer tell us that        
A.germs can’t live in the water
B.we should rest at home if the environment is bad
C.we feel well when the environment is good
D.germs like comfortable environment
37. Germs are         
A.very small things that you can't see with your eyes
B.just living in a clean and comfortable environment
C.either big or small depending on where they are
D.clean when they are found in clean water
38. Germs can be found in         
A.dirty waterB.airC.dustD.A,B and C
39. From the passage we know that       
A.Environment doesn’t affect our life
B.germs may make us ill
C.we don’t need to improve our environment
D.if the environment is better,germs will be more
阅读理解-单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65)
Happiness is for everyone. You don't need to care about those who have beautiful houses with large   gardens and swimming pools or those who have nice cars and lots of money and so on. Why? .Because   those who have big house may often feel lonely and those who have cars may want to walk on the country roads at their free time.
In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it. When you are in trouble at school, your friends will help you; when you study hard at your lessons, your parents are always taking good care of your life and your health; when you get success, your friends will say congratulations to you; when you   do something good to others, you will feel happy, too.All these are your happiness. If you notice them, you can see that happiness is always around you.
Happiness is not the same as money.It is a feeling of your heart. When you are poor, you can also say you are very happy, because you have something else that can't be bought with money. When you meet with difficulties, you can say loudly you are very happy, because you have bad luck. As the saying goes, life is like a revolving door. When it closes, it also opens. If you take every chance you get, you can be a happy and lucky person.
40. Happiness is for____________.
A.those who have large and beautiful houses
B.those who have cars
C.those who have lots of money
D.all people
41. What is the topic sentence of the last paragraph?
A.Happiness is the same as money
B.Happiness is a feeling of your heart
C.You have something else that can’t be bought with money
D.You have more chances else that can’t be bought with money
42. Which is TRUE according to the passage?
A.When you get success, your friends will be very proud of you.
B.You can get help from others when you are in trouble.
C.You can still be a happy person even if you have little money.
D.All of the above.
43. We say "Happiness is not the same as money." because____________ .
A.money always brings happiness
B.money doesn't always bring happiness
C.everything can be bought with money
D.only rich always bring happiness
44. The underlined word “revolving”(in Paragraph 3)most probably means “____________”.

四、单词拼写 添加题型下试题

单词拼写-根据句意填空 | 较易(0.85)
45. She goes to the m__________to sell vegetables early in the morning.
46. We are going to learn about trees in our lives, so let’s d__________the importance of trees in class.
47. When you ask a w____________lady for help, you want her to give you good advice.
48. After a whole day’s work, a nice hot bath can help you r____________.
49. To tell you the t____________, I know what happened on that day.

五、补全对话 添加题型下试题

补全对话-填写句子 | 较易(0.85)
50. 早上8点之前,这项工作一定要完成。
The work____________ ____________ ____________ ____________8 o’clock in the morning.
51. 他们在岛上玩的多么开心啊!
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________they had on the island!
52. 他是一个新爸爸,他不知道怎样照顾他的婴儿。
He is a new father. He doesn’t know__________ __________ __________ __________of his baby.
53. 我的表哥一回来,就会去美国度假。
My cousin will go to America for a holiday __________ __________ __________he __________ back.
54. 你准备好测试了吗?
Did you ____________ ____________ ____________the test?



试卷题型(共 17题)






题号 难度系数 详细知识点 备注
20.65will/shall do结构
70.65形容词比较级的用法  形容词比较级的修饰词四个选项
80.85can (能够,可以)  could  should  need
100.65宾语从句的语序  主过从必过
11-200.65历史人物  文学家
31-350.65健康饮食  说明文  细节理解  推理判断单选
36-390.4环境保护  记叙文  细节理解单选
40-440.65感情与情绪  议论文  细节理解  词句猜测单选
共计 平均难度:一般