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广东 九年级 阶段练习 2023-06-28 51次 整体难度: 适中 考查范围: 主题、语篇

一、完形填空 添加题型下试题

完形填空(约190词) | 适中(0.65)

Delivery hero

Chinese delivery driver, Gao Zhixiao, was featured on the cover of Time magazine in March because of his remarkable sense of responsibility. Alongside five others, he was picked by the magazine as one of the heroes when the novel coronavirus ________.

Ever since the outbreak of COVID-19, many ________ shut down or switched to takeout-only services. Millions of people stayed home to ________ getting infected. “People choose to order food online ________ buy fruit and vegetables to cook at home,” Gao told Time. As a result, delivery orders ________, placing a huge burden (负担) on delivery couriers (快递员).

Born into a ________ family in the Ningxia Autonomous Region (自治区), Gao started to make a living in Beijing at age 16. After the novel coronavirus broke out, Gao thought about stopping working, but then picked up orders because he thought customers might be ________.

Due to the danger of person-to-person transmission (传染), Gao must take a regular health test and ________ 20 minutes disinfecting (消毒) his motorcycle and clothes each morning to prevent viruses from spreading during his route around Beijing. ________ delivering goods, Gao once warm-heartedly cooked for an elderly customer who was living alone at her home.

Ordinary people like Gao who have ________ the biggest contributions in the fight against COVID-19 deserve the praise.

A.outbreakB.broke outC.broke intoD.ended up
A.in needB.at homeC.in dangerD.in calm

二、阅读理解 添加题型下试题

阅读理解-单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65)
文章大意:本文是一个谈话节目的发言稿,节目中David Smith就青少年们关于网络上交友遇到的问题提出相应的建议。
Host: Boys and girls, welcome to Teen Talk. Do you often make friends on the Internet? Do you have difficulties when you are chatting with your net friends? What problems make you puzzled(困惑的)? Today, David Smith is here. He will give us some advice.



Peter: If my net friends want to know my phone number, what should I do? David: You’d better not tell strangers your phone number. Knowing your phone number, they might know where you live, and they can call you or your parents often. Sometimes it will bring you much trouble.
John: Sometimes, I meet some adults. I have nothing to chat with them. What should I do?David: If you don’t like talking with them, skip it. And look for some information you like. But sometimes, adults may give you some useful advice.
George: If they want to visit my home or invite me to their homes, what should I do? David: If you want to see them, make sure that at least one of your parents can go to meet them, too. Inviting them to your house is good, or let a parent take you over to their houses. Be sure you have a parent along with you.
Victor: Then, what else should we pay attention to? David: If someone asks you not to tell your parents about him/her, you must tell your parents at once. If they don’t tell you much about themselves, maybe they’re not the ones they say they are.
Host: It’s time to end the program. Thank you.
David: Boys and girls, if you are often online, be careful. Don’t let strangers know you very easily.
11. This passage is a _______.
A.talk showB.piece of newsC.speechD.class
12. What’s the problem with the kids?
A.They don’t know how to talk with David Smith.
B.They don’t know what to do on the Internet.
C.They don’t know how to look for information on the Internet.
D.They don’t know what to do when their net friends ask them to do something.
13. The underlined words “skip it” mean “_______” in Chinese according to the passage.
14. If your net friends want to invite you to their homes, according to David’s advice, _______.
A.you should be friendly to them
B.you could meet them alone
C.make sure a parent is along with you when you meet them
D.make sure a friend is along with you when you meet them
15. What’s David’s opinion?
A.Don’t tell much about yourself to strangers on the Internet.
B.Don’t make friends on the Internet.
C.Don’t chat with adults too much online.
D.You should believe in what your net friends say.
2023-06-18更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省深圳市承翰学校2022-2023学年九年级上学期第一次学科素养形成英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65)

How would you feel if someone decided to take away your park? Well that’s what’s happening in my community. There’s a park that some people want to turn into a golf course. Let me tell you why I think it’s a bad idea.

First, a park is meant to be for the whole community. Not everyone likes golf, so not everyone will get to use the park. This isn’t fair. A community park should have open spaces for everyone to use.

Second, to make way for the golf course, lots of playground equipment will have to be moved or knocked down, which is a waste of time and money. It’s also a waste of perfectly good equipment. The swings, for example, will probably end up as litter.

Third, what about giving young people something to do? Not all kids are crazy about golf. At the moment, the park has a skating place and a playground. These attract lots of kids from the community. It you turn the park into a golf course, these kids won’t have anywhere to go and they won’t have anything to do. This means that they will stay at home and turn on a video game rather than get some exercise. It also means that they might be out on the street causing trouble. Wouldn’t it be better to give them something to do at the park?

Finally, golf is expensive. Building a golf course and maintaining it cost a lot of money. Who is going to pay to maintain the golf course? What about those people who can’t afford to join a golf course? That means the golf course will only be available to people with lots of money.

Turning our park into a golf course is a bad idea. I suggest we have a community meeting before plans go any further.

16. Some people want to change the park into ___________.
A.a golf clubB.a golf course
C.a parking placeD.a skating place
17. According to Paragraph 4, having nowhere to go will make some children___________.
A.go to get some exerciseB.fall in love with golf
C.play videos games at homeD.go to the street and make friends
18. What can we know from this passage?
A.Plenty of playground equipment will be broken down.
B.It will cost a lot of money if people want to build and maintain a golf course.
C.Turning the park into a golf course will make kids get some exercise instead of playing video games.
D.Old people in the community might be out on the street causing trouble if a park is tuned into a golf course.
19. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage? (P=Paragraph)
20. What is the writer’s purpose in writing this passage?
A.To help carry out further plans.B.To make the park more beautiful.
C.To encourage children to go skating.D.To stop the golf course from being built.
阅读理解-单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65)

On Sept. 8, 2020, President Xi Jinping presents medals to the recipient(接受者)of the Medal of the Republic(共和国勋章)Zhong Nanshan, and recipients of the national honorary(荣誉的)title “the People’s Hero,” Zhang Boli, Zhang Dingyu and Chen Wei, at a meeting commending(表彰)role models in the country’s fight against the COVID-19 epidemic(流行病)at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

Zhong Nanshan is one of them. He led his team to Wuhan to fight against the illness. He made the important decision to cut off Wuhan from other cities to stop the virus. Thanks to him, the disease is under control day by day.

“Wearing this uniform, I should do everything for the country,” said Chen Wei, a key figure behind the vaccine(疫苗). She made great achievements in COVID-19 related basic research and development of vaccine and protective medicine.

Zhang Dingyu, head of Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital, learned that his wife was infected(感染)with COVID-19, but he still fought in the front line of the epidemic for more than 30 days. And he led the medical team to treat thousands of patients.

Although people have different positions, industries, abilities and levels, they can create great achievements in common positions. That’s because they have heroic(英雄的)dreams and do heroic deeds. Everyone admires a hero. The heroic Chinese people will surely create newer and greater Chinese miracles(奇迹).

21. Who has been given the “the Medal of the Republic” by President Xi?
A.Zhang Boli.B.Zhong Nanshan.C.Zhang Dingyu.D.Chen Wei.
22. Which of the following is TRUE about Zhang Dingyu?
A.His son was infected with COVID-19.
B.He fought in the front line of the epidemic for over 300 days.
C.His medical team saved thousands of patients.
D.This year, he is eighty-four years old
23. According to the passage, the recipients are honored because they are all _________.
A.role models in the country’s fight against the COVID-19 epidemic
B.making great achievements in science
C.key figures behind the vaccine
D.developing vaccine and protective medicine in 2020
24. According to the passage, what mainly makes common people create great achievements?
A.High positions.B.Good abilities and high levels.
C.Great feelings.D.Heroic dreams and heroic deeds.
25. What is the best title of the passage?
A.China’s Great AchievementsB.Development of Vaccine
C.The Heroic Dreams of PeopleD.Give the Epidemic Heroes Thumb(大拇指)up
阅读理解-六选五(约100词) | 适中(0.65)

Every year April 22nd is Earth Day.     26     One of the key points of Earth Day is climate change. How can climate change be bad for us?

The increase in disease

Climate change makes the world get hotter and brings more rain. It means more mosquitoes(蚊子).     27    

Wild animals losing their homes

    28     That is not only a cause of climate change, but also a cause of epidemics(流行病). In Africa, for example, people cut down many trees.     29     So they have to live in places that are closer to humans. But bats carry many viruses(病毒), like Ebola.

Other problems

    30     People may have no food to eat because of the dry weather.

A.Lots of bats are losing their homes.
B.This will increase(增加)the spread of diseases(疾病的传播).
C.We need to do something for it.
D.Climate(气候)change also means more bad weather.
E.People are cutting down many trees around the world.
F.It’s a day that makes people think of protecting our Earth.
阅读理解-匹配(约330词) | 适中(0.65)
A. Snapseed is the photoshop for your phone. It has almost all of the basic editing functions. If you want to edit only a part of a picture. Snapseed is there for you!
B. Cookpad is the world’s largest homemade recipe-sharing app. If there is a recipe you like, but have trouble making it, you can connect with the person who posted the recipe.
C. Duolinggo can help you remember new words and grammar in creative ways. It offers 30 languages, including English, French and German.
D. Forest is designed to make people understand there’s more to life than phones. You plant a seed in the app. The longer you stay away from the phone, the more it grows. It becomes a tree from a seed and then a forest at last. This will encourage you to stay away from your phone.
E. Headspace teaches you to face some of the toughest problems in your daily life. It has courses on how to deal with troubling feelings like anger and fear.
F. Gentle Wakeup can help you wake up well. The app wakes with lights rather than sound. Start getting awake by light and you will never want to wake up by sounds again.
31. Peter: I know it’s no good playing with the mobile phone all day, but I just can’t help it. I think I am addicted to it. What can I do?
32. Lucy: When I look at the beautiful photos posted on Wechat by my friend, I always wonder how they can do that. I really want to look young and fit like them.
33. Sara: It’s not difficult for me to wake up, but I do hate the sound of the alarm clock. It makes quite nervous.
34. Jim: With so much homework to finish and tests to prepare, I get angry easily. What’s to be done?
35. Sam: I’ve always wanted to learn another foreign language, yet my English is not good enough. I don’t want to go through that again.
2023-06-18更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省深圳市承翰学校2022-2023学年九年级上学期第一次学科素养形成英语试题

三、短文填空 添加题型下试题

短文填空-综合填空(约170词) | 适中(0.65)

How much do you know about Antarctica(南极洲)? Antarctica is the coldest, windiest     36     emptiest place in the world. There is little rain all year round and it is one of the world’s     37     (dry) places. It is also home to penguins and     38     (difference) sea life along its coast. Cold weather over millions of years has made it very icy. In some places, the ice is about 1.9km thick.

Humans     39     (explore) Antarctica for many years. It is said that the first man to reach Antarctica was John Davis,     40     US seal hunter. After that, thousands of tourists visit the coast of Antarctica during the summer     41     is from November to February. They get there     42     (see) penguins, seals, whales and icy view.

Do you know who lives and works in Antarctica? They are     43     (most) scientists and their assistants. The Polar Programmes in the US support the study of Antarctica. It sends more than 100 scientists to Antarctica each year. In Antarctica, some scientists study the     44     (move) of glaciers(冰川) and the activity of volcanoes(火山). Other scientists study animals,     45     whales, seals, birds and fish.

四、书面表达 添加题型下试题

书面表达-材料作文 | 较难(0.4)

46. 随着2021年东京残奥会的到来,一位运动员登上热搜,越来越广为人知。他就是被中国田径运动员的领军人物苏炳添称为自己心目中的“苏神”的残疾人运动人——苏桦伟。跑步对于普通人来说是再简单不过的事情,但对于他来说,需要克服先天障碍,其中付出的努力与艰辛不言而喻。请你根据以下提示,写一篇介绍苏桦伟的文章,并说说你的感想。






As the 2021 Tokyo Paralympic Games approached, a disabled athlete hit the hot topic on social media, whose story has been known to more people recently. That is Su Huawei.




试卷题型(共 8题)





细目表分析 导出

题号 难度系数 详细知识点 备注
1-100.65其他著名人物  新型冠状病毒  外卖/订餐
11-150.65青少年问题  应用文  意见/建议  信息安全单选
16-200.65社区  议论文  意见/建议单选
21-250.65医护人员  记叙文  国家勋章和国家荣誉称号单选
26-300.65科普知识  环境污染六选五
31-350.65其他语篇  意见/建议匹配
36-450.65自然景观  科普知识综合填空
共计 平均难度:一般