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山东 九年级 二模 2020-12-07 118次 整体难度: 适中 考查范围: 语用、主题、语篇、短语辨析、语法、单词辨析

一、听力匹配 添加题型下试题

听力匹配 | 适中(0.65)
1. ___________
2. ___________
3. ___________
4. ___________
5. ___________
2020-10-17更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年山东省枣庄市中考二模英语试题(含听力)

二、听力判断 添加题型下试题

听力判断-听句子或对话判断 | 适中(0.65)

6. Bob's junior high school life is boring.
7. When Bob was in Grade 7, he made few friends.
8. Bob had some problems with speaking in Grade 7.
9. Now, Bob's English level has been improved.
10. Bob will join the table tennis team this September.
2020-10-17更新 | 57次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年山东省枣庄市中考二模英语试题(含听力)

三、听力匹配 添加题型下试题

听力匹配 | 适中(0.65)
11. 第三节 你会听到五个人谈论关于未来的话题。从A到E的列表中,为每个说话者选择表达每个人观点的字母。每个字母只用一遍。请在答题卡相应的的横线上写上每一个字母。
_______. Speaker 1
_______. Speaker 2
_______. Speaker 3
_______. Speaker 4
_______. Speaker 5
A. There will be more robots in the future.
B. People won't use money. Everything will be free.
C. There will be more pollution.
D. People may live on a space station.
E. The students will study on the Internet.

2020-10-17更新 | 57次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年山东省枣庄市中考二模英语试题(含听力)

四、完形填空 添加题型下试题

完形填空(约250词) | 适中(0.65)

Two girls living next door to each other have two different life stories. Chi Zhen, an 18-year-old preparatory(预科的)student in Seville, Spain, used his________to tell the story of the two lives. From the photos, we could learn that they had inspired many people to________that the future is in their own hands.

He took a series of photos of his friends Veronica and Anna Maria. They live completely different lifestyles and are getting opposite results.

In the photos, Anna Maria, a Spanish girl, can be seen________ a TV play. "She spends most of her time on the sofa." says Chi. Anna Maria________goes out because she thinks she's not attractive and doesn't know what to say in social situations. She blames her fate(命运). "I'm not as________as Veronica," she often says.

But Veronica, the "lucky" girl next door, has________herself four foreign languages and traveled to many places. She goes to the library regularly. She takes part in any conversation and becomes the center of attention because of her________knowledge and experiences. Looking at Veronica, it's________that she's taking control of her fate. In order to communicate with Chi Zhen better, she's studying Chinese. "Although I learned about so many different ideas and attitudes, I still need some time to get used to them," she says.

The influence of the photos has gone________beyond what Chi Zhen expected. One of the users commented on his photos on renren.com, saying: "A wall separates two worlds, and the life we have________what we do. I'd work harder rather than complain about my fate later."

A.comes fromB.takes upC.depends onD.waits for
2020-10-17更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年山东省枣庄市中考二模英语试题(含听力)

五、阅读理解 添加题型下试题

阅读理解-单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65)

In 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the moon. The space suit Armstrong wore has become a symbol of courage and human achievement. In 1971, the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum(NASM), in Washington, D,C. got Armstrong's suit. It stood on display(展览)for visitors to admire, until there were changes in the suit's appearance. "Over time, the suit started to show signs of deterioration," Lisa Young said. Young is an objects conservator(文物修复员)at NASM.

"It's difficult to conserve plastics," Young says. They degrade(降解)over time. The material can break into tiny pieces. NASM, looking for ways to preserve (维护)the suit, removed(拿走)it from display in 2006.

What causes plastic to degrade? "Many things," Odile Madden says. Madden is a scientist in California. She explains that sunlight, water, humidity(湿度), and dust can cause plastics to degrade.

Yet history can still be saved. Scientists have found that storing(储存)plastics in cooler temperatures, with lower humidity levels, can slow degradation. Young says Armstrong's suit is in storage at a temperature of 63ºF and a lower humidity of 30%.

Plastic degradation affects art, too. Artist Claes Oldenburg created False Food Selection in 1966. It consists of plastic food displayed in a wooden box. The plastic food used to look real. Now, some of it has flattened(变平)and yellowed. Georgina Rayner is a conservation scientist at Harvard Art Museums, in Cambridge. She says the artwork's wooden box produces an acidic(酸的)gas that eats away at the plastic. This speeds up the degradation process. "Plastics are a part of our history," she says. "It's important to preserve them so that people in the future can understand the journey we've taken."

22. Neil Armstrong's space suit        .
A.is in storage at a higher humidityB.is considered as a symbol of plastic art
C.was protected at Harvard Art MuseumsD.was removed from display in 2006
23. The word "deterioration" in Paragraph 1 probably means "            ".
A.becoming worseB.losing attention
C.getting strongerD.being valuable
24. What can we infer(推断)from the passage?
A.Plastic artworks help future generations learn more about history.
B.We can do nothing to prevent plastic objects from breaking down.
C.The acidic gas is necessary in the preservation of plastic objects.
D.People are advised to use fewer plastic objects in their daily life.
2020-10-17更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年山东省枣庄市中考二模英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65)

Parents, teachers, and others who deal closely with teenagers know how difficult the adolescent(青少年的)years can be. This was thought to be due to the "foolishness of youth".

Now, scientists study the physical development of the brain in more details than ever before. Their discoveries have led a new theory of why teens act this way.

Recently, scientists have discovered that though our brains are almost at their full size by the age of six, they are not fully developed. Only during adolescence do our brains truly "grow up". During this time, they go through great changes, like a computer system being upgraded(升级). This "upgrade" was once thought to be finished by age 12. Now scientists have found that our brains continue to change until age 25. Such changes make us better at balancing(平衡)impulses(冲动)with following rules. But a still-developing brain doesn't do this well. The result, scientists believe, is the unpredictable behavior(不可预测的行为)seen in teenagers.

The studies show that teens are more likely to take risks. Luckily, the news isn't all bad. As brain scientist B. J. Casey points out, the teen brain inspires such behavior in order to help teens prepare for adult life.

One way the brain does this is by changing the way teens measure risk and reward(回报). Researchers have found that when teens think about rewards, their brains create pleasure. Researchers believe this makes the rewards seem more important than the risks, and makes teens feel the excitement of new experience.

Research has also found that it makes social connection seem especially rewarding. Teens have a strong need to meet new people, because a teen brain can change to deal with new situations. So it connects social rewards with more pleasure. In this way, the brain encourages teens to have a wide circle of friends, which is believed to make them more successful in life.

Unluckily, this need for greater rewards can sometimes lead teens to make bad decisions. However, it also means that teens are more likely, and less afraid, to try new things or to be independent. And the impulses of the teen brain are what help teens leave their parents' care and live their own life successfully.

25. According to Paragraph 2, what have the scientists discovered now?
A.A changing brain helps follow the rules.
B.Our brains finish upgrading by age of twelve.
C.Our brains are fully developed by the age of six.
D.A developing brain can cause unpredictable behaviors.
26. The writer probably agrees that        .
A.teenagers should learn from their bad decisions
B.many teenagers are able to change their behaviors
C.the way the teen brain works makes them less afraid
D.the impulses of a teenage brain should be controlled
27. What can we learn from the passage?
A.The teen brain makes risks less exciting.
B.The impulse of teen brain can benefit(有益于)teenagers.
C.Teenagers with more friends are more successful.
D.Teenagers make wrong decisions because of their brain.
2020-10-17更新 | 54次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年山东省枣庄市中考二模英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-判断(约240词) | 较易(0.85)

Carrots are grown on farms and in small family gardens all over the world. They are easy to plant and easy to harvest(收获). They have a good taste.

Carrots should be grown in sandy soil that does not hold water for a long time. The earth also should not be too hard. To prepare your carrot garden, dig up the earth and turn it over.

Weather, soil, condition and time affect the taste of carrots. Warm days and cool nights are the best time to grow great delicious carrots.

The best way to decide if a carrot is ready to be harvested is by its color. Usually, the brighter the color is, the better the taste is.

Most people do not know that carrots can be grown during the winter months. If the winter is not cold enough to freeze the ground, you can grow and harvest carrots the same way as you do during the summer months.

Carrots are prepared and eaten in many different ways. They are cut into thin pieces and cooked with other vegetables or meat. They are also washed and eaten just as they come out of the ground.

28. Carrots are easy to plant but hard to harvest.
29. Carrots should be grown in a field without water for a long time.
30. The best way to decide if a carrot is ready to be harvested is by its size.
31. Everyone knows that carrots can be grown during the winter months.
2020-10-17更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年山东省枣庄市中考二模英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-七选五(约170词) | 适中(0.65)
七选五 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入各小题横线上的最佳选项。

In Thailand, people do not eat with chopsticks like in China, Japan, and Korea. They use spoons and forks.     32     Most food is already cut. If you need to cut things, use the side of your spoon first and then use your fork.     33     If you are right-handed, keep the spoon in your right hand and the fork in your left hand.

    34     The rice is not on the same plate with other food. It is not necessary to finish all your rice or all your food. It is good to leave a little on your plate. If you eat up anything, it means you want more.

    35     The host will ask you twice or three times if you want more food. It is the same with whatever you are drinking. During the meal, never empty your cup or glass. When it is less than half full, your host or neighbor will fill it again.     36     Always refill(再加满) your neighbor’s glass. This means that you must keep an eye on your neighbor’s glass all through the meal.

A.They never use knives.
B.Never fill your own glass.
C.People always offer you more food.
D.Remember to fill your bowl in time.
E.People often eat from the same bowl.
F.The spoon is more important than the fork.
G.People usually have rice in a different bowl.

六、听力填空 添加题型下试题

听力填空-听录音补全句子 | 较难(0.4)

Always do your homework before you     37    . Don't wait until very late in everything, or your work will seem much     38     than it really is.

You should be able to work at least     39     at a time without stopping.

If you put off doing your homework, you will have it on your mind, and you will not     40     your free time so much.

Do your homework at     41     every evening.

2020-10-17更新 | 76次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年山东省枣庄市中考二模英语试题(含听力)
共计 平均难度:一般