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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:201 题号:10187981

A rich Nobleman once opened the theaters without charge to the people, and gave a public notice that he would generously reward any person who invented a new amusement for the occasion.

Various public performers competed for the prize. Among them came a Buffoon who was well known for his jokes. He said that he had a kind of performance which had never been brought out on any stage before. This report was quickly spread about, and the theater was crowded in every part. The Buffoon appeared alone upon the platform and the very sense of expectation caused silence. He suddenly bent his head towards his bosom and imitated the sound of a little pig so wonderfully with his voice that the audience thought he had a pig under his cloak (斗篷), and demanded that it should be taken out. When that was done and nothing was found, they cheered the actor, and gave him the loudest applause (掌声).

A Countryman in the crowd said, “He shall not beat me at that trick!” and at once announced that he would do the same thing on the next day, though in a much more natural way. On the following day, a still larger crowd gathered in the theater, but the audience came rather to make fun of the Countryman than to see his performance. Both of the performers appeared on the stage. The Buffoon performed first, and again obtained the applause and cheers of the audience. Next the Countryman started, and pretending that he hid a little pig beneath his clothes (which in truth he did, but not found by the audience) tried to take hold of and pulled his ear causing the pig to make a sound. The crowd, however, cried out that the Buffoon had given a far more exact imitation, and asked for the Countryman to be kicked out of the theater.

Finally, the Countryman produced the little pig from his cloak and showed the most positive proof of their mistake. “Look here,” he said, “this shows what kind of judges you are.”

1. Why did the rich Nobleman give a public notice?
A.To reward the person who was good at telling jokes.
B.To invite people to his theatre for free.
C.To reward any person who invented a new amusement for the occasion.
D.To find out the Buffoon and the Countryman.
2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The Countryman was well known for his jokes.
B.The Buffoon hid a little pig in his cloak when he was performing.
C.The performance the Buffoon did was shown on the stage before.
D.The crowd gathered the following day to make fun of the Countryman.
3. What does the underlined word “produced” mean?
4. When the countryman said “this shows what kind of judges you are” to the audience, he meant ________.
A.The audience clapped their hands to an imitation and disagree the real thing.
B.He was satisfied with the audience’s judgement.
C.The audience made a mistake by clapping their hands to him.
D.He thought highly of the audience and they were good judges.
5. Where is the text most probably from?
A.A guidebook.B.A storybook.
C.A movie magazine.D.A science report.


阅读理解-单选(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The emperor loves to wear beautiful new clothes. One day, two impostors (顶替者) come to the city.

The impostors say: “We can weave (编织) the most magical cloth in the world but foolish people can not see it.” The emperor wants to use the magical cloth to make new clothes, so he gives the impostor a lot of golden and silver thread.

After a few days, the emperor wants to see what the magical cloth looks like. Huh? The loom (织布机) is empty, nothing is there… “I must be a fool!” The emperor is very scared. So he deliberately praises the cloth loudly. The emperor’s ministers (大臣) go along and also pretend (假装) to see the cloth, facing the empty loom and giving a thumbs-up gesture. The impostors uses a pair of scissors to cut into the thin air and also use needles without any thread to sew. “Noble emperor, the new clothes are done.” The impostors pretend to put the new clothes on the emperor.

The emperor holds a grand parade in the city. The people all are competing to praise him. Suddenly, a child shouts: “The emperor isn’t wearing anything!” At this time, the emperor realizes that he has been tricked, and he dingily runs back to the palace...

1. What’s the meaning of “foolish” in paragraph 2?
2. Why the emperor pretend to see the cloth? Because ________
A.his eyes are bad.B.two impostors do make a magical cloth.
C.he doesn’t want to be foolish.D.other people can see the cloth.
3. What do the impostors use to make magical cloth?
A.A pair of scissors.B.Needles without any thread.
C.Both A&B.D.Nothing.
4. What can we learn from the child?
A.Don’t shout loudly.B.Don’t be shy to tell the truth.
C.Never speak to the emperor.D.Be childish.
5. What’s the best title of this passage?
A.An Honest BoyB.Two ImpostorsC.The Most Magical ClothD.The Emperor’s New Clothes
2023-02-14更新 | 76次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】What would you do if you saw litter (垃圾) on the floor of your classroom? Would you walk around it or pick it up yourself?

A long time ago, there was a king who wanted to know what his country was like. He went outside and put a large stone on the road. He then hid behind some tall trees and watched to see if anyone would move the stone out of the way. Some rich people came by, but they just walked around it.

Many people complained that the king wasn’t keeping the roads clear, but none of them tried to move the stone out of the way.

A farmer then came along with a bag of vegetables on his back. He walked up to the big stone, put down his bag and tried to push the stone out of the road. After much pushing and pulling, he finally moved it aside.

Then the farmer went back to pick up his vegetables and saw a bag lying in the road where the stone had been.

There were many gold coins in the bag and a note (纸条) from the king. He explained that the gold was for the person who moved the stone off the road.

Every difficulty we meet in life gives us a chance to improve ourselves. While the lazy complain, others are taking the time to get things done.

1. Where did the king hide after he put a large stone on the road?
A.In a corner.B.Behind some trees.C.In the house.D.In the bag.
2. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “complained”?
3. What did the farmer see when he went back to get his vegetable?
A.A stone.B.The king.C.A bag.D.A note.
4. From the text, we know that every difficulty we meet in life is ________.
A.a chanceB.a problemC.moneyD.gold
2022-11-10更新 | 73次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Joe was a boy with a special ability. He could make himself cry in less than a second. In this way, he could get almost everything he wanted.

One day, Joe met Pipo. Pipo had no family and was very poor. He was asking people for some money in the street. When people offered him some money, he would do something for them in return. Joe decided to help him make some money. He took off his hat, put it face-up on the ground and started crying sadly.

In a few minutes, Joe's hat was full of money, but when Joe gave Pipo the money, Pipo declined.

“It's much more fun making an effort to get things. Maybe I haven’t got everything I want, but I've done a lot of interesting things,” said Pipo. Joe walked away sadly. He had got everything he wanted, but he’d done nothing interesting the whole day. He hadn’t even enjoyed himself by spending almost all his time crying.

That evening, Joe wanted a piece of cake for his supper. When his mum refused, he wanted to cry. But he remembered what Pipo said. So he tried to get the cake in some other ways. To the joy and surprise of his parents, Joe spent the whole evening helping his mother with the housework. In the end, there was no cake. But that wasn’t so bad because Joe discovered it was much more fun doing all those things that evening rather than just sitting crying to get a piece of cake.

1. When Joe wanted something, he __________.
A.worked hard to get itB.got it by crying
C.asked his friends for helpD.turned to his parents for help
2. What can we know about Pipo?
A.Pipo made money by doing interesting things.B.Pipo always refused others’ help.
C.Pipo did something to pay for others' help.D.Pipo had a big family to support.
3. How did Joe’s parents feel when he didn't cry for the cake that evening?
A.Happy and surprised.B.Disappointed and angry.
C.Worried and nervous.D.Glad and excited.
4. What can we learn from the passage?
A.It's a piece of cake to do something.B.We should work hard to get something.
C.It's a good way to cry for something.D.Children should help with the housework.
2020-12-01更新 | 12次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般