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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:247 题号:10409295
Margaret Thatcher

Thatcher had a big influence on the man's world-politics (政治). She was Britain's first leading lady and served as the UK's prime minister from 1979 to 1990-the first prime minister to do so in over 160 years.

Thatcher managed to make her country stronger. She took a tough (强硬的) position against the Soviet Union (苏联) and led a war against Argentina. Although many people disliked her, she stuck to her rules and was successful in the end. Her toughness won her a name "The Iron Lady".

Lived: 1925-2013
Country: UK
Known as: Britain's first female prime minister
"If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman."

Billie Holiday

Holiday is often described as a talent. Her voice not only moved listeners, but also shook American society. During her time, American society was still segregated (种族隔离的). As an African-American, Holiday lived a difficult life. But this also brought inspiration to her singing.

Holiday worked with white bands in the 1930s, which was ground-breaking (开拓性的) at that time. She recorded a song calledStrange Fruitthat was about the great pain of African-Americans. Holiday taught Americans to question their segregated society.

Lived: 1915-1959
Country: US
Known as: world-famous jazz singer
"If I'm going to sing like someone else, then I don't need to sing at all."

Tu Youyou

Tu is a chemist who studies traditional Chinese medicine. She started to look for something that can treat malaria (疟疾) in the 1960s. At that time, almost half of the world's population was at risk of having the illness. Getting inspiration from traditional Chinese medicine, Tu found artemisinin (青蒿素) in a plant in197l that could treat malaria. In 2015, Tu received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. She is the first Chinese woman to win a Nobel Prize.

Lived: 1930-present
Country: China
Known as: Nobel Prize-winning chemist
"Every scientist dreams of doing something that can help the world."

1. For the three women, what is in common?
A.They all got their fame in the twentieth century.
B.They all have a great influence in their own fields.
C.They all tried their best to show women could do better than men.
2. What is true about Margaret Thatcher?
A.She ruled her country cruelly.
B.She believed that action speaks louder than words.
C.At the age of 66, she was still the UK's prime minister.
3. Billie Holiday ________ with her songs.
A.showed she was different from white people
B.taught Americans to ask their society for help
C.described how hard African-Americans lived at that time
4. From the passage about Tu Youyou, we can know ________.
A.it took her 44 years to find artemisinin
B.she won a Nobel Prize as soon as she found artemisinin
C.traditional Chinese medicine played a great role in finding artemisinin
5. What is the best title for the three passages together?
A.Women who make a difference
B.Women who won some great prizes
C.Women who are world-wide popular


阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】Walt Disney was born in 1901. He created the Mickey Mouse in 1927 . It made him very famous . He died in 1966, but his work and his dreams did not die. Now people all over the world enjoy his Mickey Mouse and other cartoons.
Walt Disney was a man who did not____ easily. One summer, he wanted a job in a post
office, but they told him that he was too young. He went home, drew some lines on his face. And put on his father's suit and hat. Then he went back to the same office and told them he was 18. He got the job finally.
Later in his life, Mr. Disney had a dream . He wanted to build a new kind of amusement park. It would be clean and beautiful. The children could play happily there and the adults could live in nice hotels . It would be fun for people of all ages .   It was called Disneyland. Engineers told him it was an impossible dream. His family and friends thought he was mad. But Mr. Disney did not give up his idea. In1955, Disneyland opened to the public and became the most successful amusement park in the USA. Walt Disney's dream came true.
1. When did Walt Disney creative   his Mickey Mouse ?
A.in 1927B.in 1955
C.in 1901D.in 1966
2. Walt Disney might be ____ years old when he got a job in a post office .
A.less than 18B.19C.22D.18
3. What does the words “   give up” mean in China ?
4. The first Disneyland opened to the public in ____ in 1955 .
C.JapanD.We don’t know
5. Which people can play or live in the Disneyland ?
C.StudentsD.All the above
2014-12-10更新 | 101次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)


Yu Boya was a skilled guqin player from Chu, and later he became an official in Jin.

On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Boya went to Jiangkou, Hanyang by boat on the way to Chu. After a storm, Boya saw the beautiful river and mountains. He started to play the guqin on the boat.

Suddenly, he noticed a woodcutter listening with his eyes closed. Boya was suspicious about how there was someone in the wild field who would understand music. The woodcutter replied, “Don’t be suspicious. I was blocked here by the storm. When I was about to go home, I suddenly heard a guqin sound. I was attracted (被吸引).”

Boya played another piece of music, and the woodcutter said, “At first, your guqin sound was so high and powerful, just like these high mountains; later, your guqin sound was so wide, just like waves and running water...” Boya thought he found his dream friend. He knew the woodcutter’s name was Zhong Ziqi and they talked happily. They became brothers. Then they made a date to meet here the next Mid-Autumn Festival.

The following year, Boya returned on the Mid-Autumn Festival. But he learned that Ziqi had passed away. He was very sad and played the music in front of Ziqi’s tomb. And then he broke his guqin and vowed (发誓) never to play the guqin again, because he believed no one could ever understand the meaning of his music again.

High Mountain and Flowing Water shows valuable friendship in Chinese culture. Although the piece usually performed today is not the same one that Boya played thousands of years ago, it shows the same idea.

1. What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “suspicious” in Paragraph 3?
2. What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us?
A.Boya and Ziqi became good friends.
B.Boya and Ziqi decided to meet again.
C.Boya and Ziqi wanted to live together.
D.Boya and Ziqi were both interested in music.
3. Why was Boya sad the next year?
A.Because he forgot the music.
B.Because his friend Ziqi died.
C.Because his guqin was broken.
D.Because he didn’t find Ziqi’s tomb.
2024-05-16更新 | 10次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】There can be no doubt about Sherlock Holmes or Indiana Jones. They are surely invented character. But Robin Hood: fact or fiction (虚构)? That question has many answers.

It depends on what you mean by a “real person”. If we mean, “Was there a man called Robin Hood, who did all the things we can read about?” then the answer is NO. But if we mean, “Was there a man who lived in the Middle Ages, and is remembered in the legends (传说) of Robin Hood?” then YES.

The legend of Robin Hood is a very old one, and it is certainly based on reality.

According to one story Robin was really an Anglo-Saxon nobleman (贵族), perhaps called Robin of Huntingdon, or Robin Fitzooth, and he was a rebel against England’s Norman rulers. After William conquered (征服) England in 1066, England was ruled by Norman kings and Norman barons (男爵). Most of the common Anglo-Saxon people accepted their new masters, but some didn’t. Robin was one of them. He took money from the Normans (who were rich compared to common people), and gave it to poor Anglo Saxons. That’s why he became the enemy of the Norman barons.

Other stories said that Robin lived in Yorkshire. And later stories had him living in Sherwood Forest, Nottingham. In Nottingham, Robin is now a very popular character. Visitors to the city can learn all about him at the “Legends of Robin Hood” exhibition (展览), where Robin and his experiences are brought to life.

Maybe Robin never lived at all in the past, but that would be too bad! His spirit is certainly alive today.

1. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A.Someone created a role called Sherlock Holmes in his story.
B.There was a man called Indiana Jones in people’s real life.
C.Robin Hood was the real name of a hero in the history of England.
2. What does the underlined word “rebel” mean in Paragraph 4?
3. From this passage, we can learn that Robin Hood in different stories ________.
A.is a real person who conquered England in 1066
B.is the enemy of the Anglo-Saxon poor people
C.has got different names and different birth places
4. What can we infer from the passage?
A.Many Norman barons might want to help Robin Hood.
B.At the “Legends of Robin Hood” exhibition, people can enjoy lifelike pictures of Robin Hood.
C.Fewer and fewer people are encouraged by Robin's spirit.
5. What’s the best title for this passage?
A.A Legend of Robin Hood
B.Robin Hood: Fact or Fiction?
C.The History of Robin Hood
2020-08-04更新 | 114次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般