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题型:任务型阅读-阅读表达 难度:0.65 引用次数:731 题号:10728846

Jiaozi, also known as Chinese dumplings, is a must-have during holidays in Northern China. It dates back to ancient times.

Jiaozi is one of the most important foods in Chinese New Year. Since jiaozi is in the shape of ancient Chinese gold or silver ingots(银锭), it symbolizes wealth(象征着财富). Traditionally, the members of a family get together to make dumplings on New Year's Eve. They may hide a coin in one of the dumplings. The person who finds the coin will be likely to have good luck. As the Spring Festival marks the start of a new year, people choose to eat jiaozi in the hope of having a good future in the coming new year.

Based on your taste, you can make different kinds of Chinese dumplings using different fillings. There is no set rule as to what makes dumpling fillings. They can be anything from vegetables, meat or seafood. Whatever the fillings are, the wrapping(包)skill needs to be exquisite(精美的) to make jiaozi good-looking.

As China is a country with a vast territory(幅员辽阔), there are differences in different areas in ways of making jiaozi or even serving it. For example, dumpling wrappers are made with a rolling stick in Beijing and Hebei province, while in some parts of Inner Mongolia, wrappers are hand-pressed.

1. When did Chinese people probably begin to have jiaozi?
2. What does jiaozi symbolize?
3. Why do people choose to eat jiaozi on New Year's Eve?
4. Do people need to follow set rules to make dumpling fillings?
5. How are dumpling wrappers made in some parts of Inner Mongolia?
【知识点】 中华文化 说明文


任务型阅读-多任务混合(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The Dragon Boat Festival is the day to remember a Chinese national hero, Qu Yuan, who threw himself into the river and died over 2,000 years ago. Old story has said that people, in order to save Qu Yuan, beat drums to drive fish away, and threw zongzi into river to keep the fish from eating his body.

For thousands of years, people have spent the festival by eating zongzi and holding dragon boat races, especially in the southern provinces where there are many rivers and lakes.

The dragon boat races show that many people want to save Qu’s body. Those races are the most exciting part of the festival, with very large crowds of people watching them. The special boats, more than 10 meters long, have colorful “dragon” heads and tails, and each boat carries a team of 20 or 22 players. Every year dragon boat races take place in southeast Asian countries and some western countries, including America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

1. p_____ a person who plays in a game
2. c_____ having bright colors or a lot of different colors
Those races are the most exciting part of the festival.
Those races are   3 ________       4_________ than the other parts of the festival.
3. _____
4. _____
5. Are there 20 or 22 players in the dragon boat races?
6. How did Qu Yuan die?
7. What do people eat on the Dragon Boat Festival?
2021-11-22更新 | 48次组卷
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】When you think of Beijing, the beautiful green waters and hills of Beihai Park and the grand and beautiful Forbidden City will come to your mind.

In recent years, groups of modern buildings and specially designed plazas have appeared on Beijing’s streets. Standing in the street, you can feel how Beijing has changed. But foreigners still like to go to the hutongs.

The word hutong comes from the Mongolian language. Hutongs come to Beijing more than 700 years ago. As time passed, the hutongs have remained, and have become an important part of the essence of Beijing.

Many foreigners, when they come to Beijing from their far countries, will go directly to visit the hutongs after setting down. They sit in the courtyards, chatting with the native Beijingers about neighbors and their life. It seems that through their chatting, they can find the true meaning of Chinese family life.

Waving good-bye, they have to leave the hutongs, and say goodbye to the families with whom they have chatted happily. But they don’t feel like leaving. The hutongs have brought great enjoyment to them.

Although every country has it own special cultural background, economic situation and level and feelings are similar. The hutong is a cultural symbol of this city. And the families of the hutongs are also unforgettable.

1. What do we often think of when we talk about Beijing?
2. Where do the foreigners still like to go although Beijing has changed a lot?
3. What do we know from the third paragraph ?
4. 将文中划线部分译成汉语
5. The best title for the passage can be_______.
A.How the word hutong comes from
B.Every country has it own special cultural background
C.The foreigners like to go to hutongs directly
D.Hutong and family
2013-01-23更新 | 717次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

Mermaid (美人鱼) shows are becoming more and more popular in our country these days. But have you ever heard about “male mermaids”? Zhao Xin from Taiyuan, Shanxi Province is one of the few male mermaid performers (表演者).

Zhao became a mermaid performer in the summer of 2017 when he saw an ad looking for mermaid performers for a newly opened aquarium (水族馆). Zhao was a good swimmer and he decided to have a try. However, being a mermaid performer was not easy. He needed to learn to swim in a mermaid dress. So he started watching videos of mermaid shows on the Internet.

After months of hard training (训练), Zhao could give a good show by himself. But some parents pointed out that watching Zhao’s shows was bad for their kids, because “men shouldn’t wear dresses” In the next few years, Zhao trained even harder and mixed his mermaid shows with Shanxi culture, including Shanxi wine culture, waist drums and lion dances. Hard work pays off. Now Zhao is head of a male mermaid team and he has won lots of mermaid competitions these years.

The good news is that male mermaids like Zhao are changing people’s minds. After a show by Zhao’s team in Shanghai in May of the classic story of Shan Hai Jing, one of the audience (观众) members said, “Male mermaids are more powerful. I think this kind of show is important for children to watch.”

1. Where is Zhao Xin from?
2. When did Zhao become a male mermaid performer?
3. What did he wear when he gave mermaid shows?
4. Did all like his show?
5. What did Zhao Xin add to his mermaid shows?
昨日更新 | 4次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般